New Inmates...

Awa Igurasha, the most talented Deadman in all of the Wonderland, strut down the hall as if she weren't a prisoner, rather an important personel. Her black cloak, decorated with the design of birds in flight, varying in shades of grey, including white and silver, blew out behind her. Similar was her crop top, decorated with a single silver bird that flew over her right , feathers appearing to shed from its wings and pool at the bottom of the shirt, not a long fall considering how short the shirt was. A smile was spread wide across her face, her silver eyes bright, lustrous even in the dim hall. The only sound in the hallway was the echo of Awa's heavy black combats boots bouncing off the walls, and the buzz of the lights overhead, flickering dimly. Destination set in her mind, she wasn't one to be late, but something had held her up.

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