Tea Party

"Why is a raven like a writing desk? The higher the fewer, of course! Have another cup of tea!"

or so Mad Hatter said. Come, come, join the Hatter's tea party!


Knave of Hearts 9 years ago
@Mad Hatter As soon as he heard the question escape his lips, the knave thought to himself. Telling the truth could make the hatter rather upset, but if he lied, would the hatter be able to figure it out? 'Lying may end up having later effects' He thought to himself, finding his decision to be more difficult than he thought originally. "I...may have stolen it from someone, a pretty easy job if I may say so. If they wanted them more, they should have sent more guards after me." He shrugged as he mentioned the last bit of info. His eyes widened as he realized what he just let escape from his lips. "I mean, so--" He thought about what to say quickly, "I stole them from the Queen, they smelled pretty good, but I thought it'd be better for you- since you like pastries a lot more than I do." He said, giving up on telling a white lie even. It seemed that even he was terrible at lying. His hands started to shake and he laughed to himself. "I guess we'll have to talk about this later. See you then." and with that, his hair began changing into a light blonde. The man looked around, seeing the hatter in front of him, with an upset look on his face. "What did he do now?" He asked, assuming the worst.
Mad Hatter 9 years ago
@Knave of Hearts "That's right." he replied, grinning while pointing at the Knave and then sipping from his teacup. "But if someone important were to declare the penny the prettiest, well everyone else would have to agree wouldn't they? Even if it was the ugliest of pennies." Nodding his head, he set the cup back into its saucer before abruptly standing up. Walking around the edge of the table, he smiled and picked up a different teapot, searching for a cup among them. "Well, as you can see, the Hare is doing fine." At the mention of his name, the hair turned to look at the Knave and cackled again, waving extremely fast before ducking under the table again. The Hatter continued to walk, a small 'a-ha!' coming from his lips when he found the teacup he was looking for. "And the Mouse is off doing who knows what. Very secretive she is." he said, in an all-knowing voice, stopping right next to the other. "I hope you like sugar." He meant to set the cup down gently, but ended up slamming it to the table, breaking the saucer but leaving the teacup itself unharmed. "Woops." Laughing, he poured the teapot, the very last drops filling the cup perfectly before he threw it over his shoulder. "Now, where did you get those?" the Hatter asked, eyes watching the tray of tarts as he walked back around the other side of the table, stopping by the Hare who was sitting only a couple feet from the Knave.
Knave of Hearts 9 years ago
@Mad Hatter "Well I guess it really depends on the person then? Whoever has the penny I believe." He said, thinking about it himself. Out of the few times he met the hatter, not even one ceased to make him not curious or thinking. He was a man of many traits, one of them being a lunatic, but a very peculiar one indeed. One thing that always made him wonder, was how the Hatter was always able to have so much money, considering his well furnished house and lovely garden, along with all the food and tea he had for just a few people. Knave sat down, taking a seat on the opposite side of the man. "So, how are you, the hare, and that mouse of yours doing? Oh and have you met that Alice girl yet? Rather strange seeing a female around here." He chuckled, thinking about their odd meeting.
Mad Hatter 9 years ago
@Knave of Hearts "Haha." he giggled, snorting once before throwing his half empty teacup across the table. The Hare had to duck in order to avoid it, but even so he was laughing as well, cackling loudly as he popped back up from under the table. Ignoring the sound of a smashing teacup, the Hatter picked up another one and poured a healthy serving of tea. He didn't notice the cup overflowing when a newcomer walked up to the table, tea spilling over the edges of the saucer before he tilted the pot back up. "Who's to say if the penny is pretty or not though?" he asked, amusement and laughter lacing the edge of his voice. Tilting his head, he picked up the all too full tea cup, gesturing towards the other before spilling half of it onto the table so it wasn't so heavy in his hand. "The more the merrier!"
Knave of Hearts 9 years ago
It had been a few hours since the Knave had taken the Queen's precious tarts, but somehow they had the effect to still be fresh after all these hours. He held the small silver tray of tarts in his hand, walking over the long table, enough sweets and whatnot to feed a whole army. The man placed the tray to the right of the hatter. "A friend of mine made them, I'm not a fan of them though, so maybe you'd like to pay a pretty penny for them?" He asked, his eyebrows moving upward as he waited for an answer. "Oh, and mind if I join in on this tea party? I'd like to have some nice tea before my dull self comes back."


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Ami_cchi 9 years ago
Alice is leaving
Incessant-Murmurs 9 years ago
Applied as the knave of hearts
under-co 9 years ago
Applied as the mad hatter! ^^
Ami_cchi 9 years ago
Applied as Alice
Incessant-Murmurs 9 years ago
Is there a face-claim as well?
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