◦ shipping room

legit ship

yibo x key ( most legit ship ever, don't stop the love ).

legit ship and crack ship means

Legit ships means soemone else ship you with that certain person while crack ship is the thing that you've suggested by yourself.

crack ship

person x person = ship name

person x person = ship name

person x person = ship name

more ship!



wang yibo [A] 9 years ago
okay, go on and start the shipping war.


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berry_booty 9 years ago
Soojung left ;;
acuteassmess 9 years ago
Sowries, Jia left ;;
ghibli 9 years ago
sehun left, sorry.
sebongies 9 years ago
irene left.
MorphinePrincessSei 9 years ago
Luhan left
aobaseragaki 9 years ago
Kyungsoo left
voidargs 9 years ago
seunghyub left
marcellasne 9 years ago
taeyeon left, sorry and thanks for having me
good luck with the rp!
avocado 9 years ago
halla left
spacedaddy 9 years ago
seulgi left
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