@sanha /dies and comes back. srry i didn't reply the same night i actually got off immediately.. but thxxx i did study well~ -or at least i think so..- <33
yeahh um.. officially off for the night, have to study for tomorrow -should of done that hours ago.. muahhaha- but yeah~ til tomorrow night fellows... hah
word. I miss the times where you'd spend hours clicking on the post button and it'll spit like 30 000 pts. i got up to 100 000k till jason wiped it off
i'm sorry for making you wait so long for moonbin
but he will be taking his leave since i will be deactivating this account
i can't keep up with the few characters i have, or rpr in general, these days
so i decided it's best i leave for now
i am sorry once again, but thank you for everything
i hope we can cross paths again in the future