When you're bored there's always a game for you to play..
The question is do want to be Naughty or Nice?
Inoccnt version
Rules: You roll the dice the number you roll decides what action you must do.
1)Kiss on the cheek to a admin<3
2) Pocky Game- Each person bites onto each end of a peporo stick and both eat till you meet in the middle.
3)Slap on the to the player that rolled before you
4)Do ageyo
5)You're safe move on to the next person
6)Play the card game-Pass a paper to the people you are playing with, with your mouth.
Naughty Version
Rules: You will roll twice for this game. The first roll will be the action and the second roll will be for how long you must do the action or how many.
1)Give your partner a hickey on the body part of their choice
neck/stomach/thigh/collarbone(How many for second roll)
2)Put on a y outfit of you're partners choice. You must adress your partner as the higher athourity. (ex: Maid will say Master, Student will say Teacher/professor and so on...)
3)Do what ever your partner ask for(/wiggles eyebrows/)
4)Tell one of your naughty fantasy (for this you do not roll a second time)
5)Give your partner a lap dance
6)You are safe roll again
How long/How many:
1) 2 minutes / 4
2) 20 seconds / 1
3)Rest of the game / 5
4) Untill your next turn / 3
5)As long as your partner wants / 6
6) 5 minutes / 2
Truth or Dare:
1) Truth 2)Dare 3)Truth
4)Dare 5)Truth 6)Dare