➢Malus Positions

- Lust Royal Family (Accepting)

the lust royal family, runs all the brothels and ion rings in Malus. Their workers are willing, and not slaves. But often they taken orphaned children and raise them into the lifestyle. They're free and otherwise would have died on the street.

           avaliable; king, queen, prince(s), princess(s) (see wishlist)
                             servants, companions, slaves, workers within the 'palace', half-prince/princess(s)
                             es owned be the family, their trainers/brothel mannagers (often reffered to as daddies)

- Wrath Royal Family (Accepting)

the wrath royal family is a hard bunch, specialising in torture, weapons and assasination. they usually higher a few, one of trusted people to do some of their dirty work, but other wise the princes/princesses often carry out the deeds themselves.

           avaliable; king, queen, prince(s), princess(s), half-prince/princess(s)
                             servants, companions, slaves, workers within the 'palace'
                             assasins, torturist, weapons expert, weapons designer, weapons smuggler,


- Greed Royal Family (Accepting)

The greed family as expected are a nasty selfish bunch, the specilalise in luxury items such as; cars, fine soaps, jewellery etc.
One of their children also is the host and organiser of the street races that the more forutnate members of Malus attend.

           avaliable; king, queen, prince(s), princess(s)
                             servants, companions, slaves, workers within the 'palace'
                             mechanics (fixing century old abandoned cars), jewllry makers, soap + perfume makers, etc.


- Envy Royal Family (Accepting)

The Envy family have close ties to the greed fmaily, whilst they specialise in drugs they also do all the smuggling around and into both the Threcian Guards and Albus.

           avaliable; king, queen, prince x 2, princess x 1 (See Wishlist for details)
                             servants, companions, slaves, workers within the 'palace'
                             drug makers, dealers, smugglers


- Gluttony Royal Family (Accepting)

A surprisingly nice bunch, theses lot special in nice foods, sweets and pasteries and ofte nsupply meals to the other royal or high up Malus families.

           avaliable; king, queen, prince(s), princess(s), half-prince/princess(s)
                             servants, companions, slaves, workers within the 'palace'
                             cooks, cleaners, delivery boys/girls


- Sloth Royal Family (Accepting)

Those born of the Sloth royals, specialise in the training, capture and sale of slaves. Please note, most of these slaves aren't for ual purposes.

           avaliable; king, queen, prince(s), princess(s), half-prince/princess(s)
                             servants, companions, slaves, workers within the 'palace'
                             slaves, slave trainers + guards, recruiters/kidnappers


- Pride Royal Family (Accepting)

And finally the pride family, who specilaises in gambling, and runs most of the pubs around the place in a conjoined business with Lust and Envy.

           avaliable; king, queen, prince(s), princess(s), half-prince/princess(s)
                             servants, companions, slaves, workers within the 'palace'
                             bar tenders, waitresses, casino rigger/attendants


- Workers (Accepting)

Thos who are capable and of age are made to work in the factories of sector 2, they are worked ridiculously hard and paid meager amounts. These jobs are mainly heavy lifting and what not and mostly go to men and a few desperate women. They're usually paid two serum sticks and two ration tokens per day.

           avaliable; serum workers, other factory workers,


- Other (Accepting)

Tell me what you'd like to be.

           avaliable; depends on your imagination. shop owners, real estate agents, tattoo artists etc.

[post deleted by owner]


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bluelights 8 years ago
Koichi finally left. . . . /cries
bluelights 9 years ago
I love my character. . . But this place is so dead o.o
Svt-bap 9 years ago
Woozi has to leave sorry ;;
teratophobia 9 years ago
Eric had to leave. T^T Sorry.
TheZombie 9 years ago
This seems all interesting and stuff, but I'm struggling to see a way for Albus and Malus people to meet up/communicate. Also, I might be an idiot, but in the rules you state that there's an ongoing plot in this rp, but I fail to find said plot. Do I have to read the fic to catch up? Because I currently really don't have the time to do so...
Maybe you could clear the plot up for me and explain if there could be a way to communicate between Malus and Albus?
Nam_Woohyun 9 years ago
Nam woohyun please!
teratophobia 9 years ago
OTL I don't know who I should be. ;;
Wonho (Monsta X), Eric (Shinhwa) or Haebyeol (Ulzzang)?
jiwonsbae 9 years ago
is this just a 3rd pov rp
puddin 9 years ago
Can there be two characters ? I want to be a female and male
PeekAtChu [A] 9 years ago
And pfft. You already know who I'm going to be, bby. I'll apply soon, I still need to wake up.
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