
lake lost.
lake lost.
come have fun in the sun and swim
lifeguards: jung hoseok, jeon hyosung
(ca) lee mijoo 8 years ago
@(cc) min yoongi Mijoo felt a hand grips on hers as she was pulled away from the branches that almost smack her face on the ground. She was startled, to be honest. It wasn't because of the fact that she almost tripped. It's because of the shout. She averts her gaze on her hand and toward the guy who's currently holding it, keeping shut tightly while listening to the guy's rambles. As the three-word question popped out, she blinked, wondering why the guy suddenly look kind of concern about her when she don't even scratch a bit. "Yeah, i guess..?" she replied, kinda questioning her own answer. "Well i'm used with bruising and cuts, so.. no worry, sir." she chuckles awkwardly, removing her hand from his hold.
(cc) min yoongi 8 years ago
@(ca) lee mijoo "Hmm, not so crowded. Just nice to have an event here." he nods, talking to himself as he look around the place. When he was young, he used to go to the beach with his friends. He's not one of those top students in school, so skipping class is not a surprise for someone like him, and the beach is where he will go to meet the others. The feelings when he gets to swim freely and put every problems that he needs to face in life behind for that moment, letting his mind empty and just enjoy the swim and the scenery of the beach, it's indescribable and he loves it. That's why until now, swimming has always been his favorite things to do when he's bored. A smile form on his lips slowly as the memories appear in his mind one by one. "this angle is good, so more pictures here, and- hey watch out!" his voice slightly louder as he quickly held the girl's arm when he saw her almost tripping. A soft sighs escape his lip and he pulls the girl away from the branch and next to him. "I know you're excited being here, but please be careful. I don't wanna have anybody gets hurt right now, not when I have other things to deal with." He averts his gaze at her leg and down her feet to check if she's injured before his gaze lands on her face, his worried face is showing slightly, yet he didn't notice that. "Are you okay?"
(ca) lee mijoo 8 years ago
@(cc) min yoongi Mijoo look up from the camera and nodded with what the older just said- grinning unconsciously as the word beach does light up some spark in her head. If her job today would be taking pictures, that's such an easy things to do since she loves taking pictures of her school's event back then- well before she enlisted as one of the school's rebel of course. She follows the counselor steps closely, not really paying attention with the path as she was busy checking out the photos in the camera, almost tripping by a branch nearby.
(cc) min yoongi 8 years ago
@(ca) lee mijoo He was about to instruct her, when he saw her start taking some pictures on her own. "Well, at least she knows how to do her job." he speak softly to himself, leaning his side on the car, hands in his jean's pockets. And there she goes, smiling again, he thought. And he needs to be honest that, her smile is better than her sulking face. When the wind blows her hair, he couldn't help but stare at her for a moment. So she could also be pretty sometimes, he thought, slowly a soft smile forming on his lips when she fits in the picture with the background just making it more beautiful. If only the camera is with him-.....Noticing what he just did, he widen his eyes in surprised, quickly look at the other side before shaking his head and laughs in disbelief. "Snap out of it Yoongi" he told himself, running his fingers through his hair and clears his throat as he start to walk, hoping he could gain his usual self back. "Let's get closer to the beach. We need more pictures."
(ca) lee mijoo 8 years ago
@(cc) min yoongi (Tmw i dont get a notif about this?!!! OuO luckily I checked. TT and no, i dont mind at all~ its fineee)

Mijoo smiles as the older keep on babbling about her and other stuff as she took the camera in her hold, hanging it around her neck and get out from the car just to meet the awe-struck scenery. Her mind take controls of her body as she unconsciously snap the picture of the beach, too fascinated that she forget to ask the older's permissions. A smile crept onto her lips once again as she check the photo she just captured just now. The breeze blew her hair softly, along with the wave's sound which make everything so calm. Mijoo felt as if she rather lives here all along her life other than going back to the camp or even her own house.
(cc) min yoongi 8 years ago
@(ca) lee mijoo "Hmm, cocky much" he reply, lifting the corner of his lips into a smirk before a soft sighs leaving his lips, knowing that this attitude of her will come by eventually. "Do you always act like this?" he asked, lifting an eyebrow as he look at her but just shakes his head with a little smile when he decides to ignore her answer since it's got nothing to do with him anyway. "Whatever", and with that, he focus at his car so that he can park the car nicely. Once he's done with the parking, he turn off the engine and folds his arm, looking at her, his body turn and face her slightly "Firstly, i'm not that old for you to call me ahjussi. And secondly, since you're helping me, you're going to do it my way". Without letting the girl any space to answer him, he place a camera and a notebook to jot things down, on her lap. "so let's go, we're here" he said, giving her a last smile that is almost similar to a smirk before getting out of his car and meet with a beautiful scenery of the beach.

(since we don't have a beach, let's pretend the lake as one T-T *is requesting for a beach* is it fine with you?)
(s) jeon hyosung 8 years ago
@(cit) park sandara stoooop.
and what creature?
i think your pants just fell down.
laughs softy, tossing you the clothes and sticking my tongue out at you.
sure it would be.
(cit) park sandara 8 years ago
@(s) jeon hyosung *cackles and countinues to play with your cheeks for my own amusement*
Yeah well- that isn't my fault
I blame the creature that wanted to touch me
Please- my mouth would be the best thing you ever experienced
(s) jeon hyosung 8 years ago
@(cit) park sandara groans softly when you slap my , pouting as it jiggles slightly from impact.
i know it was!
but it was fun, until you almost drowneddddd.
at least i didn't have to perform mouth to mouth-
(cit) park sandara 8 years ago
@(s) jeon hyosung Because I'm blaming all this on you
*follows behind you, slapping your 'cute bubble '*
Yes, yes it is cold. But this was your idea young lady so bleh
(s) jeon hyosung 8 years ago
@(cit) park sandara why kick my cute bubble ?
pouts and walks out of the water, running to grab some clothes for you.
i'm so cold thoughhhh,
(cit) park sandara 8 years ago
@(s) jeon hyosung *gives a glare, if looks could kill you'd be slaughtered*
Yeah I would like to borrow some
And then I'm going to kick your
(s) jeon hyosung 8 years ago
@(cit) park sandara laughs softly at your running.
you know, i have some extra clothes over at the lifeguard post...
did you want to borrow some?
(cit) park sandara 8 years ago
@(s) jeon hyosung *stops hearing your words and looks down, my eyes going wide*
*screetches and starts to run*
(s) jeon hyosung 8 years ago
@(cit) park sandara you scared me!
pouts slightly, following behind you and noticing something stuck to your leg.
dara, um.
i think your pants fell off-
(cit) park sandara 8 years ago
@(s) jeon hyosung Oh my god
*says once we're back in the shallow end and have stopped moving*
That was scary... okay I have had enough swimming for today
I'm out, nope
I'm not swimming ever again.
*begins to march my way out of the water*
(s) jeon hyosung 8 years ago
@(cit) park sandara dara, are you okay?!
sees you panic in the middle of the lake, immediately diving into the water and swimming towards you when i hear your scream.
hurries my pace, reaching you and grabbing onto your arm, not taking the chance of something actually grabbing onto your leg and hurriedly pulls you into more shallow water,
my adrenaline helping us swim along
(cit) park sandara 8 years ago
@(s) jeon hyosung Good. They deserve it
*tries to relax my muscles, trying to think of anything else besides drowning*
*instead of diving under first, I simply start to kick my legs and then tries to paddle*
*doesn't stop paddling and countinues to go farther out in the lake unbeknownst to me since I'm too busy not trying to drown*
*finally begins to get tired after like three minutes and turns to see you, though there's quite some distance between us*
*abruptly stops my cheering , a high pitched scream rings throughout the camp when I feel something touch my leg*
(s) jeon hyosung 8 years ago
@(cit) park sandara they do.
they get banned from swimming.
laughs softly, releasing you from my grip.
good luck!
(cit) park sandara 8 years ago
@(s) jeon hyosung Well that's growdy and rude. Do they get punished?
*nods my head, wiping my face with my hand*
Yeah that's a little hard but I'll try
You can let go now, love
(s) jeon hyosung 8 years ago
@(cit) park sandara some people do it! and then they shove their tongue down your throat-
whines softly, holding you afloat.
well, just don't think about thre possibility of drowning.
just... enjoy the water? relax your muscles too.
(cit) park sandara 8 years ago
@(s) jeon hyosung What fool would purposely drown for mouth to mouth cpr???
*takes the time to slick my hair back out of my face and let's out a huff in frustration*
How does one relax while swimming ??
(s) jeon hyosung 8 years ago
please don't purposely drown for that reason-
laughs softly and swims over to you, holding you close to me.
okay, i think i know what your problem is.
you're too tense when you swim.
you have to relax!
(cit) park sandara 8 years ago
@(s) jeon hyosung You gonna give me mouth to mouth if I drown
*wiggles eyebrows playfully before clasping my hands together*
Okay! I'll just ya know... try to swim
*takes a deep breath, diving under and coming back up, kicking my legs and trying to use my arms to help me but only looks like a flopping fish*
(s) jeon hyosung 8 years ago
@(cit) park sandara oopsie.
laughs softly, rolling my eyes.
i was silly. well then. maybe you should try swimming, and then i can give some tips.
or save you-
(cit) park sandara 8 years ago
@(s) jeon hyosung oh my god-
Hyosung, I'm not three.
I mean I get the basics being able to kick my feet and float-
It's just the actual swimming part that I at
(s) jeon hyosung 8 years ago
@(cit) park sandara that'sounds a start!
I used to not be able to hold my breath at all.
laughs softly, unwrapping you from around me and making you hold my hands.
kick your feet, hmm
(cit) park sandara 8 years ago
@(s) jeon hyosung Because... I can
*pokes your pout, finding your cuteness endearing*
I can- for approximately 6 seconds
(s) jeon hyosung 8 years ago
@(cit) park sandara why are you going to bite me?
pouts slightly, still hugging you close.
can you hold your breath under water?
(cit) park sandara 8 years ago
@(s) jeon hyosung I will bite you
I guess I'll have to learn at some point
Teach me your ways master


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Aquaman 8 years ago
sangbi and minhyuk left, sorry ;;
justgotSwagged 8 years ago
Jiyong left.
Just personal reasons.
23fe4f75c068b1047813 8 years ago
irene left, thanks
c17e4f494944068f226f 8 years ago
jungkook left
thank you
-waddles 8 years ago
Hoseok taking his leave, it was fun while it lasted o/
yoonshook 8 years ago
Heyy- sorry but mijoo is leaving~ thanks for having meeee
wannawink 8 years ago
Hello, Ten has left! Thank you for everything :)
OptimusPrime 8 years ago
Jay is out. Thanks for having me though!
DamnDaehyun 8 years ago
Minhee left thanks
8fe588a385bb1c13e01b 8 years ago
jaebum left, thanks for having me
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