
come for a swim. maybe skinny dip?
lifeguards: Yoon jeonghan, kang younghyun
(ca) choi junhong [h] [A] 8 years ago
@(ca) im nayeon /stops flailing around and begins to expertly tread water as I stare on to the floating object thrown near me; snorts at your clever recovery of not needing to jump in, but nevertheless has a few more tricks up my sleeve; though for now I fall back and float on top of the now calmer water.
I don't know what you're talking about. It's not my fault their shampoo somehow got mixed in with slightly watered down bleach. But I must say their hair looked great afterwards. /snickers quietly to myself as the memory passes through my mind.
(ca) im nayeon [sh] [A] 8 years ago
@(ca) choi junhong /waits for your presences while looking closely at the water until someone sprouted out of the water, places her hands on her head, shaking it; watches you thrash around the water and decides to throw a life preserver instead
/aims for your figure and perfectly watches the life preserver land near you, enough for you to catch it
So Junhong, it's been a while right. Payback for last year's summer prank you pulled in the orchid cabin. Luckily, I was smart on checking the shampoo unless some girls.
/holds onto the edge of the wooden planks and waits for you to answer her
(ca) choi junhong [h] [A] 8 years ago
@(ca) im nayeon /is completely unaware of the presence behind me, but in the next moment I suddenly find myself uncontrollably falling forward; I raise my arms reflexively, preparing myself for the impact as my clothed body makes contact with the cold water; my cheeks puff out with the little air I was able to attain before sinking, but I look up through the water and make out figure just waiting over the edge of where I was previously seated, probably watching for my reaction, however an idea is quick to form in my head.
/I kick my feet up to reach the surface, though upon my head breaking through the water, I begin to flail my arms and hastily kick around my feet, panting and screaming for air.
help! help! /the only words I'm able to make out before descending back into the lake.
(ca) im nayeon [sh] [A] 8 years ago
@(ca) choi junhong /walks out of her cabin toward the lake since she finished packing, squints and sees your back turned the water, smiles when approaching the end of the dock, creeps up close you and then pushes you toward the water, smiles afterwards when you land the water and kneels down, holding onto the edge of the dock, wondering your reaction would be
Hello, fellow veteran.
(ca) choi junhong [h] [A] 8 years ago
/sits at the end of the dock, my legs dangling over the edge as my toes barely skim the surface of the still water; my eyes stare into the somewhat clear lake, not looking to nor searching for anything in particular, but rather lost in my own thought as a neutral expression decorates my features.
(cd) lee hyori [A] 8 years ago
*sets up a life guarding area, places life jackets for those who can't swim*


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Aquaman 8 years ago
sangbi and minhyuk left, sorry ;;
justgotSwagged 8 years ago
Jiyong left.
Just personal reasons.
23fe4f75c068b1047813 8 years ago
irene left, thanks
c17e4f494944068f226f 8 years ago
jungkook left
thank you
-waddles 8 years ago
Hoseok taking his leave, it was fun while it lasted o/
yoonshook 8 years ago
Heyy- sorry but mijoo is leaving~ thanks for having meeee
wannawink 8 years ago
Hello, Ten has left! Thank you for everything :)
OptimusPrime 8 years ago
Jay is out. Thanks for having me though!
DamnDaehyun 8 years ago
Minhee left thanks
8fe588a385bb1c13e01b 8 years ago
jaebum left, thanks for having me
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