❖camp office

camp office.
camp office.
welcome to the camp office come her if you need anything. make sure not to get into too much trouble or you'll besent here.
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(ca) lee mijoo 8 years ago
@(cc) min yoongi Mijoo just zipped shut while the older keep on talking to no one in particular. She knew exactly about how real friendship starts. Well, at first she doesnt even know she'll end up befriend a bunch of rebel boys who spent more time in underground, rapping, dancing, painting innocent walls with stuffs and others. And she never she'll join them. But eventually she just did, because it comes naturally along with the strong bond of friendship, she guess.. as she heard the questions, Mijoo sent a blank look to the counselor. "You don't even tell me anything, ahjusshi. How do you expect me to know?" she replied, cocking an eyebrow.
(cc) min yoongi 8 years ago
@(ca) lee mijoo As he thought, this girl won't be easy to make friends. The first time he saw her, he knows this girl is not that friendly, not that she is being arrogant, but he could see she don't really knows how to fit in. She's not the type that would act cute or being giddy, or even make gossip as her hobby like other girls do. She is...just being herself, that's why it's hard for people to approach her maybe. Maybe they're scared of her, or even jealous, he don't know. But one thing he knows, is that this girl is being real, not faking anything,and he respects her for that. "it's okay, you will have one soon enough. you don't have to rush in creating a friendship you know, they will naturally come to you" he said, nodding his head. "and did you know where are we going? or what events we're trying to prepare?"
(ca) lee mijoo 8 years ago
@(cc) min yoongi Mijoo nodded softly, taking note in her mind that this guy beside her could laugh too as her ears caught another question from him. "I did talk with some of the campers. Well, not to that extent of 'friends' yet, i guess?" she answered, more like a question to herself as she shrugged. She was used being friends with the boys back in the underground that being around girls make her feels like... awkward. maybe? So she rather be by herself than stuck into that long-time, creepy quietness and labeled as annoying by the others.
(cc) min yoongi 8 years ago
@(ca) lee mijoo 'Am I hearing right? Did she just...laughs?' he thought, decides to take a glance of her through the corner of his eyes and yup, she did laughs. First she would go all sulking, and then now she is laughing? A small smile appear on his lip when everything she did just surprised him. He wonders what she'll do next. "You're not the only one girl. When I was your age, I prefer to listen to my boring history lecture than my mom's nagging, trust me" he said and chuckles softly, which he didn't notice. But that doesn't mean he hates his mom, he loves her and always will, even if he gets old and her mom still nags at him, and he bets this girl is feeling the same too. "2 days. Hmm, so you're still new. Did you try and make friends then?"
(ca) lee mijoo 8 years ago
@(cc) min yoongi "And what? Have the head of the camp calling my mom, saying i do nothing here. And i'll just get back with her night-long nagging." she chuckled. To be honest, she wasn't mad at him or anything. She also never care about the job but if the fact that she took part in something at the camp would make her mother happy, then she'll do everything it takes- even it means sacrificing her sleep time. Hearing the next question, Mijoo know what the older want with her. He wanna start a conversation. It's not like she doesn't notice how he keep on acting odd, all awkward in the silence just now. Used with being a pretend-friendly girl, she just replied him. "About 2 days.. i guess."
(cc) min yoongi 8 years ago
@(ca) lee mijoo While she take a glance at him, he did the same before turning his head, focusing his gaze at the road and continue driving. "but you don't seems like you're willing to do this. You know you can just say no if you don't want to." He actually don't mind doing all this thing alone, but a person to help him is not a bad idea either. it's just that he didn't expect that the person who would help him would have this kind of personality. not that he hates it, it's just that with her having this personality, is just adding to the list he needs to handle for today with full of patience. "how long have you been here anyway?"
(ca) lee mijoo 8 years ago
@(cc) min yoongi 'Why dont you tell me that, Mr. Councelor?' Mijoo would like to answer like that and her rebel soul is screaming inside to do it. But no matter how much she hates guys, she still hang out with them. So it would be the same, no matter how rude she is.. She wont be rude(r) than she already are. That's what her mother told her when she sent her here. She huffed rather so lightly, just letting out the frustration of being forced here and the music coming from the radio which she hate.
"I dont know. Maybe because I'm the only one with free time?" She shrugs, taking a glance to the older before shift her gaze in front.
(cc) min yoongi 8 years ago
@(ca) lee mijoo The silence kills him. He's not the noisy type, unless he's with someone he is close with, but he will always have a chat when he is with someone. it's because he hates the word 'awkward'. Being awkward makes him unable to express himself well. So, using his point finger, he turns on the player, and when his favorite idol Michael Jackson song is playing, he starts to bounce his head slightly, tapping his fingers with the rhythm on the steering wheel. "why did they choose you?" he start, once his car stop when the traffic light turns red, resting his head on the car seat.
(ca) lee mijoo 8 years ago
@(cc) min yoongi Mijoo buckle up and lean comfortably in the seat. Automatically dart her gaze outside, she ignores the councelor existence the same way he did to her. Well, she dont even know what she have to do today, but she know its gonna be a hectic day for her. And also a boring working day. Along the drive, she enjoy the silence between them while watching the nature sight from the window.Living here might be fun, but not when you'll be staying with strangers all along. Just like.... now.
(cc) min yoongi 8 years ago
@(ca) lee mijoo he was about to close the door when she close it first, which surprised him a little and makes him chuckles in disbelief. "yup, it's gonna be a looog day" he spoke to himself, walking to the other side of the car and get inside the driver seat. "seatbelt please" he told the girl without looking at her while putting his own seatbelt and adjusting the car's side mirror. Without wasting time, he drives to the first destination, the beach. There's so many place that he needs to stop by today, which makes him let out a sigh when he thinks about it again.
(ca) lee mijoo 8 years ago
@(cc) min yoongi Mijoo rolled her eyes and huffed in frustration, ignoring the older's words completely as if it was just a thin air that she suppose to in and let out the next second. Following him from behind, she lifted her eyebrows and look at the councelor weirdly as he open the door for her. She's not a handicap and she still have both of her hands to open the door by herself. Chuckling a little in disbelief, she shook her head and get into the car, closing the door on her own.
(cc) min yoongi 8 years ago
@(ca) lee mijoo He doesn't believe this, why did he have to work with someone that he won't be compatible with, among all the campers, why she? "Hmm, respect much" he said, with his not-so-surprised look. He takes another step closer to the girl, hovering over her and show her his infamous smirk. "Don't worry, we want the same thing right now, to end things fast. So let's get going now shall we? My time is too precious to be wasted." Taking a last glance at her face, he walks away from her and towards his car that he bought last week after he obtained his license. He never met this kind of girl before, the way she act, the way she talks, very different from other girls. It's.....interesting? He himself don't know if that's the right term to describe her. Keeping his father's advice to be a gentleman towards every woman, he opens the passenger seat for her without thinking twice, although he don't feel like doing it after the way she acts towards him. "Get on"
(ca) lee mijoo 8 years ago
@(cc) min yoongi Mijoo open her eyes lazily, her palm supporting her head as she blew a raspberry and stand up, watching the older guy taking steps closer toward her. "Yeah, seems like you're the counselor I had to work with right? And I'm just sleepy so let's just finish this quickly would you...sir?" she flashed her bored look, not even knowing the guy's name and furthermore she wasn't in any mood to pretend friendly like she used to, at the moment.
(cc) min yoongi 8 years ago
@(ca) lee mijoo "Someone to help me? What do you mean-" Yoongi is confused when he got a call from someone who works in the office saying he will be having an assistant to help him prepare for the upcoming event. He never thought that he will be working with someone, since he's been told that he's the only event counselor when he arrived here, so all the way he thought he is going to work alone. "Okay fine. I'll be there soon. So where is this kid?" He asked through the phone while walking towards the camp office, but stop in his track when he saw a girl sitting on a chair outside the office. While listening to the person on the phone giving order, he could see from afar that this girl is not happy with the task given for her, which make him chuckles softly knowing that working with this girl is not going to be an easy job. "U-um, nothing. I'll give you a call once everything is done. Thank you. Bye." Once he's done with the call, with his hand in his pockets, he approach the girl and stand in front of her. "So you're the girl that suppose to help me huh? What's with the face anyway?" he asked, trying to make things less awkward between them.
(ca) lee mijoo 8 years ago
@(cc) min yoongi Mijoo walked out from the office with a sour look on her face, huffing as she flopped onto one of the chair outside. She thought going to this so-called camp could get her do whatever she want, especially one thing that she's been looking forward to - sleeping. But instead, she was ordered to do this, that and whatever it is, duh! It was just a few days since she was 'admitted' here by her mother and she already start hating this place. "Help setting up event? Am I a wedding planner or what?" she rolled her eyes and groans, leaning back against the chair rather harshly. One thing that could hardly change with this girl is her temper. And being sleepy wasn't help calming her down either. Mijoo wasn't even realized the existence of someone just a few steps away from her as she was busy rambling to herself about the task she had to do.
(cc) min yoongi 8 years ago
@(cd) lee hyori *sighs in relief, my lips start to form a big smile when you like my idea*
well, the sooner the better Director. i bet the campers are starting to get bored, and i guess this event could lit them up *nods a few times*
*rubbing my chin while i listen to you, thinking about your idea as well* the weekend is good since more campers are around during that time.
and about the sand castle contest and fire at night, it is brilliant! we could ask the campers to vote about what movie they want to watch and as for the food, the chefs can start buying the ingredients. let's just go with the chef's menu for that day
*take out a small notebook with a pen that i always bring with me and write down more details for this event*
(cd) lee hyori [A] 8 years ago
@(cc) min yoongi *sits back in my chair as I look at you, listening to you speak, my hand slowly starting to move on the paper as you talk*
You know that sounds like an amazing idea.
*smiles and nods my head excitedly*
Why don't we set it up soon? We could do it over the weekend? You know it'd be fun to have a sand castle building contest? And then we can build a fire at night and oh, we could have a movie night!
*writes down more on the paper with a big smile on my face*
(cc) min yoongi 8 years ago
@(cd) lee hyori *walk in the office as i look around, saw you sitting on the desk and decided to just stand there*
well, i've talked about it with junhong before and i was thinking why don't we do an event where everyone could meet up and know each other better. because i notice that there are many new peeps around lately
and it seems like the lifeguards here didn't have any work yet. so how about a barbecue at the beach, where people can chit chat and swim around? i'm sure the lifeguard could keep an eye out.
*look at you and lift an eyebrow* what do you think Director? *bite my lower lips, worried with your respond since i'm still new about it*
(cd) lee hyori [A] 8 years ago
@(cc) min yoongi So Yoongi,
*smiles as we arrive at the office, sitting down at a desk*
What are the ideas you have? I'd love to hear them.
*takes out a piece of paper and a pen*


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Aquaman 8 years ago
sangbi and minhyuk left, sorry ;;
justgotSwagged 8 years ago
Jiyong left.
Just personal reasons.
23fe4f75c068b1047813 8 years ago
irene left, thanks
c17e4f494944068f226f 8 years ago
jungkook left
thank you
-waddles 8 years ago
Hoseok taking his leave, it was fun while it lasted o/
yoonshook 8 years ago
Heyy- sorry but mijoo is leaving~ thanks for having meeee
wannawink 8 years ago
Hello, Ten has left! Thank you for everything :)
OptimusPrime 8 years ago
Jay is out. Thanks for having me though!
DamnDaehyun 8 years ago
Minhee left thanks
8fe588a385bb1c13e01b 8 years ago
jaebum left, thanks for having me
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