♦ cinema

come watch a movie in town!
(s) yoon jeonghan 8 years ago
@(cc) min yoongi *snickers when you scream, putting a smug face on
that's what you get~
it's not my fault you're being loud.
*flinches when you bite my hand, dropping the food i had in it
so protective over your food.
y'know, i'm the one who bought it in the first place-
(cc) min yoongi 8 years ago
@(s) yoon jeonghan ah- *rubs my head before giving you not-so death glare* stop doing that jeonghan. you gonna leave marks on my precious head *touch my face softly*
nooooooo *screams unintentionally and regret it quickly when the person beside me giving me a look like he's throwing a dagger at me*
sorry~ *whisper softly to that person while giving him an apologetic smile and turns my head to you* see what you did!
*bite your hand so that you release my baby popcorn*
(s) yoon jeonghan 8 years ago
@(cc) min yoongi *whispers to you, wary of other moviegoers
shush, it's not supposed to be scary.
*smacks your head lightly
really? don't be so rude-
this movie's great.
*takes a handful of popcorn
i'll take this back if you sleep e u e
(cc) min yoongi 8 years ago
@(s) yoon jeonghan *saw you glancing at me and smirks slightly* even if you heard, i'm still gonna take the candy
*laughs along with you but stop and clears my throat as i don't want to make it obvious to you that the movie is quite interesting*
*rolls my eyes playfully when you didn't give up and continue watching the movie*
What's with the ghost, it's not scary. I bet the ghost in conjuring is scarier
*gives you back a smug look and take a sip of my drink before i yawns*
Wake me up when the funny part appear again *leans back more comfortably on the chair and place my head on your shoulder as i try to sleep*
(s) yoon jeonghan 8 years ago
@(cc) min yoongi i heard that-
*i say offhandedly, glancing at you
*turns my attention back to the movie, laughing a bit at the funny scenes
well, to each their own-
still think ghostbusters is better
*maintains a smug look as i munch on another piece of candy
(cc) min yoongi 8 years ago
@(s) yoon jeonghan What, it's normal to take care of yourself okay-
*saw you eating another candy, rolls my eyes playfully* i'm so gonna hide the candy once the movie ends *mumbling softly to myself*
*munch more popcorns before i whisper to you, my eyes not leaving the screen*
Nu-uh, i doubt that. Conjuring is always number one to me. But...we'll see about that once the movie ends
*shrugs slightly and continue munching my popcorns*
(s) yoon jeonghan 8 years ago
@(cc) min yoongi i never knew you were so meticulous-
*snickers, popping another piece of candy into my mouth
always caring about your hands and teeth e u e;;
*falls back into my seat, finding a position i'm comfortable with
you're gonna love this movie-
it's probably tons better than the conjuring
(cc) min yoongi 8 years ago
@(s) yoon jeonghan Wha- but i asked for your wish first smack-er! *squint my eyes as i look at you*
Excuse me, nobody talk like that about my hands. My hands are flawless than yours okay *flips hair, put hand cream* eue
Yeah, it will. One day. If you keeps on eating that all day *points at your candy*
*surprised when then cinema turns dark, decided to seat properly and enjoy the show while munching my popcorns*
(s) yoon jeonghan 8 years ago
@(cc) min yoongi there's nothing to admit e u e;;
and i'll tell you my wish if you tell me yours first
*sticks my tongue, rubbing my forehead
whatever, my hands are prettier anyways
*grins cheerfully
and my teeth are pretty too. there's no way it'll get rotten-
i take care of them
(cc) min yoongi 8 years ago
@(s) yoon jeonghan Oh please, i know you love me teasing you. Just admit it already *tilt my head up proudly*
*shakes your hand and chuckles* i wonder what's your wish. Not telling me?
*gasp and quickly blow on my hands* stop smacking my pretty hands, smack-er *flick your forehead instead*
*eat another piece of popcorn as i continue talking* stop eating candy already jeonghan. Trust me, ROTTEN TEETH IS UGLY eue
(s) yoon jeonghan 8 years ago
@(cc) min yoongi i'd rather you not tease me- just joking e u e
*shakes your hand, grinning a bit
it's a deal!
*leans away as you try to snatch the candy
hold on a minute- keep your hands away
this is my candy okay e u e
*smacks your hand
go eat your popcorn
(cc) min yoongi 8 years ago
@(s) yoon jeonghan *saw your not-so-annoyed face and laughs softly, shaking my head*
Come on, i'm just joking jeonghan. It's better for me being like this than being serious freak all day, dont you think? *grins slightly*
Uuu are we making a bet right now? Because i'm totally up for it *smirks slightly before i holds out my hand for a shake* deal then?
*follows you and sit beside you, turn my head to the right as i watch you eats another candy*
You gonna have rotten teeth if you eat that much you know. Give it to me already. *try to snatch the rest of the candy from you*
(s) yoon jeonghan 8 years ago
@(cc) min yoongi *huffs, crossing my arms to act annoyed
you really like teasing me, huh? e u e
alright, whoever jumps the most will have to listen to the winner for a day.
how does that sound?
*sits down in the seat you pointed at, eating another piece of candy
(cc) min yoongi 8 years ago
@(s) yoon jeonghan well, that makes me special then. nobody but me..i like how that sounds *nods a few times and shrugs*
*laughs when you scoffs, lift an eyebrow as i look at you* are you sure? because i'm offering you my blanket right now
but if you say so, then it's okay. we'll see who's screams will be the loudest in the cinema then *teasing you and laughs*
let's go. it's starting soon *walk inside the cinema with you and when we're inside, i points our seats at you*
(s) yoon jeonghan 8 years ago
@(cc) min yoongi *hums in response, opening my box of candy
i've never met anyone that found pleasure in being startled
*laughs softly
altho i should hit you for that last comment-
*scoffs playfully
i won't be a scaredy cat- just you wait
i'll tough it out the entire movie!
(cc) min yoongi 8 years ago
@(s) yoon jeonghan candy? sureee why not. deal then! *eats another piece of popcorn and nods*
thanks again jeonghan *smile as i take the drink from you and take a sip*
yup, horror movies my fav. *nods quickly and grins*
that's the fun you know. getting startle, your hair at the back of your neck stands..all of that just heaven! *killed for being so weird* eue
it's okay. the next time we're going to watch conjuring, remind me to bring you a blanket. in case you wanna hide your face from being all scared *laughs*
(s) yoon jeonghan 8 years ago
@(cc) min yoongi *smiles cheerfully
i'll pay for the tickets next time, you pay for my candy c:
*orders two drinks, taking a sip of mine as i hand yours to you
but you like horror movies? e u e;;
i'm more of a comedy/action person-
horror movies startle me easily o n o
(cc) min yoongi 8 years ago
@(s) yoon jeonghan *smile softly before i take out the tickets and swing it left to right, showing it to you*
it's okay, i've bought ghosbusters already. how bout you treat me for conjuring next time? *lift an eyebrow* eueb
*gladly accept the bucket from you as i took a piece of it into my mouth* mm-mmm. loving it! thanks jeonghan *grins*
and sure, i don't wanna get choke in the middle of the showtime *laughs softly*
(s) yoon jeonghan 8 years ago
@(cc) min yoongi did you want to watch the conjuring?
we could've watched that- although i get scared easily...
*purses my lips as i go to the cashier, paying for a large bucket of popcorn and a box of candy
i'm not much of a popcorn fan, so you can have most of it-
*hands you the bucket
did you want a drink as well?


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Aquaman 8 years ago
sangbi and minhyuk left, sorry ;;
justgotSwagged 8 years ago
Jiyong left.
Just personal reasons.
23fe4f75c068b1047813 8 years ago
irene left, thanks
c17e4f494944068f226f 8 years ago
jungkook left
thank you
-waddles 8 years ago
Hoseok taking his leave, it was fun while it lasted o/
yoonshook 8 years ago
Heyy- sorry but mijoo is leaving~ thanks for having meeee
wannawink 8 years ago
Hello, Ten has left! Thank you for everything :)
OptimusPrime 8 years ago
Jay is out. Thanks for having me though!
DamnDaehyun 8 years ago
Minhee left thanks
8fe588a385bb1c13e01b 8 years ago
jaebum left, thanks for having me
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