♦ strip mall

strip mall.
strip mall.
come here and shop! 
(cc) seo inguk 8 years ago
@(s) lee sunmi Seo Inguk let out an exasperated breath of relief, exhaustion. He had just had the longest day at work, being a counselor at the camp was a job that Inguk enjoyed, but nonetheless, it came with it's cons. The 24-year-old male stuffed his hands into the pockets of his jacket as he made his way over to one of his favorite spots, ever since coming hear to the camp. Sure, there were plenty of other places that served the same dishes, but Inguk found this place special; home-y and authentic. After being seated at a table, upon entering, Inguk didn't even have to look at the menu, he already knew what he wanted, a nice, hot bowl of chicken porridge. Of course with the hot weather, people would think he was crazy, but porridge was what Inguk always ate when he missed home or when he needed something to help him de-stress. Eating porridge always brought him back home, his fond childhood memories making the dining all the more enjoyable.

Letting no time go to waste, he pushed the black rubber button on the side of the linoleum table to call the waitress whom stood just a few feet away from him. As his gaze fell upon the gorgeous female, Inguk felt a tug of rememberance. It was as if he had seen her somewhere before..the n, it all came back to him. A warm smile upturned his tired, serious expression as he stood up from his chair. "Sunmi-ya!" He practically shouted in greeting; surprised, yet happy to see one of his childhood friends once again.
(s) lee sunmi 8 years ago
@(cit) seo inguk Sunmi was starting her day somewhat late. It was the afternoon when her shift began at her family's restaurant. She placed the apron around her waist and looked outside from the kitchen to see if any orders needed to be delivered or if anyone was needing of her help. She was bored to say the least, it had only begun but sometimes days were late and even if no one was really coming in or needing assistance, her parents never let her leave or take a break until the assigned one. They wanted to make sure her co-workers didn't feel cheated with her being their daughter. She crossed her arms and hummed quietly while looking around seeing someone somewhat familiar. She wasn't too sure on why he seemed that way, but she knew he had to have been from around her or just someone who comes often. The customers here were pretty loyal.
(cd) lee hyori [A] 8 years ago
@(s) jeon hyosung Well we could assign groups.'im sure everyone will behave.
*smiles and nods my head excitedly*
Oh me too.
*approaches the front desk and begins to talk to the woman*
(s) jeon hyosung 8 years ago
@(cd) lee hyori maybe if all of us go.
but if it's only a few of us, they'd probably try to sneak off.
purses my lips in thought before looking around and grinning.
yeah, i have a feeling today will be super relaxing.
(cd) lee hyori [A] 8 years ago
@(s) jeon hyosung You think so? I'm sure with all of us adults they'd be well behaved.
*nods my head and follows you in*
Oh wow, it's so nice.
*looks around with a smile on my face*
(s) jeon hyosung 8 years ago
@(cd) lee hyori it would be nice.
but a really rowdy field trip. i think they would go crazy.
chuckles and leads you inside.
(cd) lee hyori [A] 8 years ago
@(s) jeon hyosung Yea no one would see them haha
*chuckles and shrugs*
It's fine.
You know it'd be nice to take the kids here one day for like a day to shop.
*nods my head as we turn a corner*
(s) jeon hyosung 8 years ago
@(cd) lee hyori coffee sounds delightful.
mm, that's true. but what about our toenails? if we wear shoes, they won't get messed up as easily...
although no one but us can really see them.
laughs softly and shrugs as we enter the spa.
(cd) lee hyori [A] 8 years ago
@(s) jeon hyosung Maybe after we can get coffee?
*smiles and nods my head*
I'd say we could get our nails done but they get messed up so quickly being at the camp.
(s) jeon hyosung 8 years ago
@(ca) kim saeron goodness, you sure have a lot of energy.
laughs softly, walking after you.
dont get lost, okay? i'll get in trouble if i lose you.
purses my lips in a pout before grinning when i find you right in front of stacks of plushies.
(ca) kim saeron [h] [A] 8 years ago
@(s) jeon hyosung n ods my head. i understand, eonnie, only one pengu
g ladly follows your lead, my eyes already sparkling from all the toys we pass by upon entering.
woah..... oh! over there!
r eleases your arm and goes sprinting down to where i seem some stuffed animals.
(s) jeon hyosung 8 years ago
@(ca) kim saeron only one though.
unnie cant afford a whole store of pengus.
laughs as i walk beside you, pulling you into the toy store.
(ca) kim saeron [h] [A] 8 years ago
@(s) jeon hyosung j umps up and down excitedly, still having an arm around yours.
pengu! pengu!
[post deleted by owner]
(s) jeon hyosung 8 years ago
@(ca) kim saeron leads you into the mall, grinning sheepishly.
time for youe pengu plushie-
(s) jeon hyosung 8 years ago
@(cd) lee hyori pfft, well I guess we can learn something new everyday.
winks cheekily, smiling as i nod.
looks like the right place!
continues to walk, following the directions from the map.
(cc) kwon jiyong 8 years ago
@(s) kwon boa -looks at you and chuckles lightly then nods- do you want me to be honest with you? -smirks back and continue to what I'm going to say- well, I'm here not because I needed this job. I'm here because I want to help those children who used to be like me when I was a rebellious one. I don't wanna tell the details though but maybe it's enough reason. -shrugs my shoulders and looks at you with a smile plastered on my face- that's actually a good thing. I'd rather have people like me than cursing me behind my back. And yes, we are friends. We've already know both our name I guess that is a good start as being friends with right? -nodding back as I meet your gaze then looks at the place you are pointing- well, shall we go there then? -puts my hand inside my pocket and walks ahead of you as I suddenly get excited because of pizza-
(s) kwon boa 8 years ago
@(cc) kwon jiyong /chuckles lightly and rolls her eyes in an exaggerated manner before bantering/ you're really too much, jiyong - your wallet will be empty if you take your colleagues out to lunch! but i think... i think a lot of the staff are going to like you, or consider you a close friend. you've got me to call a friend at the very least. /sincerely mentions, her gaze drifting to him; it lingers a minute before she looks around with the suggestion and nods/ yes! pizza sounds like a perfect plan - i think that /points in the direction of the pizzeria/ is the place the campers have been raving about lately; i heard it was good, so let's check it out!
(cd) lee hyori [A] 8 years ago
@(s) jeon hyosung You know I've lived in this town for the past three years and I've barely went to the mall. If always just go into the city if I wanted to shop.
*chuckles a bit as we look at the map, spotting a spa and pointing to it*
Oh here.
Let's go.
(s) jeon hyosung 8 years ago
@(cd) lee hyori walks beside you, pulling you gently into the strip mall.
i think the massage place should be around here....
peeks at the map.
(s) jeon hyosung 8 years ago
@(cn) lee sangbi Hyosung was running, her hair whipping in the wind and her clothes slightly rumpled. Her taxi had dropped her off at the wrong strip mall, and she didn't bring enough money to pay double the fare. She had really been looking forward to today, even going as far as to wear a cute skirt with a matching v neck. She was positive that some campers also caught her struggling with her makeup in the bathroom for a good half hour. Pulling out her phone, she quickly messaged "That Cute Nurse ♡" to notify her of her situation.
Hyosung panted softly, finally reaching the place where she had planned to meet Sangbi, attempting to smooth out her hair and clothes before the latter saw her.
"Sangbi!" she called out, finding the other girl sitting at a table alone. She hurriedly walked over to meet her, a slight pout on her pink lips.
"I'm so sorry for being a few minutes late. I had such a difficult time finding the place..." Hyosung rambled on, her cheeks flushed and her heart beating wildly from her running and also the cute girl sitting in front of her.
(s) lee sangbi 8 years ago
@(s) jeon hyosung Sitting alone at a table for two, Sangbi sipped on a chilled green tea from a straw. She was seated along the outskirts of the mall, the bustling of cars and traveling feet brushing past her in a jiffy. It was an atmosphere she missed since applying for that summer job that left her next to nothing, woodsy and bug infested- but civilization was gentle, and cared for her in a way that nature couldn't. Currently, Sangbi's eyes were fixated on her phone. Despite the fact that the summer job was in a setting she never thought of partaking in, the people there were kind, some even as petrified as she and they got along well. The phone's screen flashed out her texting app, and the header read "Hyo ♡." With rushed taps she sent the following.
: hey girl, i'm here, just outside of the cafe!
: it shouldn't be too hard to find me...
: just don't be late!
Sangbi glanced across the table to the untouched cup of tea that matched her own. Luckily for the umbrella that shielded the table, the cup remained icy. "Don't worry, she'll come for you soon," she chirped, reaching to pat it with the utmost caring grin.
(cc) kwon jiyong 8 years ago
@(s) kim minseok - my brows back at you as we walk side by side, smiles as i look at you- really? Wow that seems really a hopeful thing for you.. not that i'm not hopeful.. err.. -sigh heavily then chuckles- never mind what I said. Ahh.. -listens to you and chuckles- it's a lunch treat because.. hmmm.. -thinks of something appropriate to say- it's a treat from a workmate.. because since i'm new in the work.. i guess it's a good start to build myself with friendship with the staffs.. yes.. that's it -nodding then looks at you- you may expect this but i really love pizza. Is that okay with you for lunch?
(s) kwon boa 8 years ago
@(cc) kwon jiyong /while walking her hands slip into her front pockets of her jeans, and she shrugs before smiling sheepishly/ I wish I knew, but today just feels.... good. I woke up and just felt like it was going to be a special day. A good day. /slowly nods, liking the assessment more and more before she remarks smartly/ A man can do whatever he likes, but that doesn't mean you treat me to lunch out of the blue - maybe on my birthday, but thats a way's away. /takes in the busy sights and pleasant smells of the strip mall as the pace picks up/ Wow, seems like today's going to be busy... did you have a preference for lunch? I'm hungry for anything.


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Aquaman 8 years ago
sangbi and minhyuk left, sorry ;;
justgotSwagged 8 years ago
Jiyong left.
Just personal reasons.
23fe4f75c068b1047813 8 years ago
irene left, thanks
c17e4f494944068f226f 8 years ago
jungkook left
thank you
-waddles 8 years ago
Hoseok taking his leave, it was fun while it lasted o/
yoonshook 8 years ago
Heyy- sorry but mijoo is leaving~ thanks for having meeee
wannawink 8 years ago
Hello, Ten has left! Thank you for everything :)
OptimusPrime 8 years ago
Jay is out. Thanks for having me though!
DamnDaehyun 8 years ago
Minhee left thanks
8fe588a385bb1c13e01b 8 years ago
jaebum left, thanks for having me
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