points & titles

respect those above you, or be at your commander's will in regards to probation
[ + this is not my exact interpretation of the irl military ranks, this is the rps specific list of ranks that i made up. do not mistake that. ]


points army navy airforce
0 - 99 private private airman
100 - 199 corporal corporal corporal
200 - 399 lieutenant lieutenant lieutenant
400 - 599 captain captain captain
600-699 major major major
700 - 799 sergeant petty officer sergeant
800 - 999 colonel captain colonel
1000 - 1499 major general rear admiral major general
1500 - 2999 lieutenant general vice admiral lieutenant general
3000 - 9999 general admiral  general
10000 + sergeant major master chief petty officer chief master general


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Jarzus 8 years ago
This looks so badass!
KillerWhale 8 years ago
Gimmie a moment to think.
hibernate 8 years ago
Ugly whale scream
amadeus 8 years ago
I usually rp my muses for these things in tech-based positions. Things like intelligence but also hacking and such. Would the ISA work for that? XD
lulubutt 8 years ago
Gotta drop my fav and upvote
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