Game Rules & FAQ.
Game Rules
1 // A Game will only last for a week max. Whatever happens will end by the end of the week and a room with the results and over-view of the game will be posted.
2 // Those selected (always at random) have no choice but to participate and keep up with the game. It's possible to end up in a game after just coming out of one.
3 // Sometimes the game with have different themes. It is not your job to figure out the theme. Your job will be explained at that time the game is released.
4 // People will die. YOU will die at somepoint. If you die during a game, then you lose. Last person standing wins the game.
5 // Not only are you the ruler of the court and kingdom of Belleguarde but you are also the head mistress of the 'princess project (NOT ACCEPTING ATM)
6 // You're characters personal information may have an effect on the game and how it's played. The more developed your character is, the more fun you will have.
7 // There is absolutely ZERO contact to anyone outside while you're in the game. You're phones don't reach any signal and there is no wifi.
8 // You may not discuss what's happening in the game until the game is OVER and the Over-view room has been posted.
9 // People bidding may only bid once on who they believe will win. Of course, you're bidding points.
10 // All contact with the game keeper will be through PMs or it will be ignored. Of course this is only during games. The game keeper is not part of the game and never makes an appearence. You don't know his face.
11 // Game rules are subject to change depending on the theme and conditions of each game. All attending players will be notfied of the new rules.
Notes and FAQ
How many people are in a Game?: Six (6) people will be a part of one game just to make it easy on the die and Admin.
What happens if you die?: It depends on the game. Some people may cause an entire game to end with jus their death because of the theme. Otherwise, you just lose.
What happens if we don't finish a game within a week?: The game goes into default and still posts the over-view. The remaining players may be deemed winners depending on the Game's theme, and sometimes everyone may be killed off because of the theme. Either way, you'll find out what happens when the over-view is posted.
What do we do if we aren't apart of the Game?: I don't care what you do. That may change once I figure out what to do but honestly, it's probably best that you just decide yourself. Of course it'll still be au and you'll be living a normal city or country life. NO powers or hybrids or anything like that or it'll complicate the Game since your life outside effects your life inside the Game.
How much are we allowed to bid?: You may not exceed the total of points you have left. Whoever wins the pot, gets the points.
What happens if no one wins the bidding?: All points placed will be returned.