soohyuk & ahn jaehyo


pair house

who's that boy

that's looking

back at me

i don't know you

Ahn Jaehyo 1 year ago
@Soohyuk Jaehyo smiled and nodded. "Please do. It sounds very nice. And having company is better than eating alone." He laughed softly along with the other and smiled more. He hummed and nodded at the others' suggestion. "Yes, let's clean up and we can do that. It sounds nice and cuddling while getting to know each other sounds great. Cuddles are always good." He smiled and laughed a little before starting to clean up.
Soohyuk 1 year ago
@Ahn Jaehyo Soohyuk hums and blinks. "oh really? then i should bring you to eat... i'll always go and eat alone or i make my manager let me drive" he nods and chuckles at the sight of the faint blush but didnt say anything. "hmmmmm yeah i should.. shall we clean up and maybe.. just cuddle in bed.. ask each other questions to get to know each other more?" he suggested
Ahn Jaehyo 1 year ago
@Soohyuk Jaehyo hummed softly and nodded in understanding. "I see. I'll need to remember that. Often my manager picked the places to eat so I've never really managed to experience places like that." He laughed softly and smiled. "Yes, you can help yourself to the cuddles all you like. I'll look forward to all the cuddles." He blushed faintly and smiled back at the other seeing the grin. He pouted a little and nodded. "You should sleep early if you need to. It's important to be well-rested for work." He thought and nodded. "Unfortunately, I have work too, so I'll be a little busy." He pouted more as he spoke.
Soohyuk 1 year ago
@Ahn Jaehyo Soohyuk nods in agreement. "and sometimes the most suspicious place sells the best food~ or those that do not have alot of reviews or like only the elderly eats there... you know its good food" he chuckles softly. "ahhh glad to hear that... then i shall... help myself to the cuddles" the older male grin widely and chuckles. "well... i do have work again tomorrow... i might sleep early" he sighs softly with a small pout. "do.. you have plans tomorrow?" he tilts his head.
Ahn Jaehyo 1 year ago
@Soohyuk Jaehyo looked back at the other and smiled more. "I would like that, it sounds nice and fun too." He laughed a little. "I see. It does make sense. Not every place will be overhyped. You just have to look for the good ones hidden along them. It will be nice to explore them and see what good ones we can find." He laughed more and nodded. "It seems so. It's catching up so quickly." He shook his head and smiled. "I don't mind that. I'm a cuddler, I really enjoy cuddles so it's not a problem." He looked back at the other again, smiling and hoping that he was reassuring the other that it was okay.
Soohyuk 1 year ago
@Ahn Jaehyo Soohyuk looks at the male, typing down the things. "we can go cafe hopping if you want to.... hmmm sometimes~ sometimes its overhyped but there are a few really really good ones" he nods. "ah yes those three okay... got it" he nods more, typing them down before looking up at the male and laughs. "old age catchimg up on us huh" he laughs and jokes playfully. "and.... i hope you dont mind ya know... cuddling in bed.. if you are not comfy i can hug the bolster" the model looks at jaehyo, waiting for his response. He doesnt want to make the younger feel uncomfortable in any way.
Ahn Jaehyo 1 year ago
@Soohyuk Jaehyo smiled more at the other. "That's good to hear. I'm glad." He laughed softly watching as the other rubbed his tummy. He nodded at the other. "I know what you mean. I haven't gone cafe hopping as such but it's nice to visit different ones. Oh, that's interesting. Are they usually as good as the recommender makes out?" He smiled. "I know hiking, arcade and paintball sound like a lot of fun." He smiled more and nodded. "That sounds good to me, I'd really like it if we could go hiking together. I wouldn't say no to night drives to the beach either, it sounds really nice." He laughed along with the other. "You're not old. Although I have lots of notes saved in my phone of things I know I would forget otherwise."
Soohyuk 1 year ago
@Ahn Jaehyo Soohyuk looks at the male and nods," hmmm yeap way better" he said, rubbing his tummy happily. "well in fact.. i do love eating~ ya know like all those cafe hopping and stuff.. and also going around to places that people recommend" he nods. "play... like you know hiking, or arcade or like paintball" he said. "oh? then we can go hiking? hmmmm maybe night drives to the beach? oh dear i better type these in my phone before i forget... age really is catching up" he laughs, eyes turning to little crescents.
Ahn Jaehyo 1 year ago
@Soohyuk Jaehyo smiled seeing how quickly the other finished the sandwich. "Better now?" He took a drink of his own drink, forgetting he had it, humming softly at the taste of it. He nodded at the other and smiled again. "Yes, tomorrow then." He laughed softly. "You like eating then? Play what? Or just play in general?" He hummed again, thinking about it. I don't think I'm that adventurous but I'm pretty willing to try new things. I like going to cafes, taking walks in the park, more boring things like that. I enjoy being out in nature and taking photos."
Soohyuk 1 year ago
@Ahn Jaehyo Soohyuk finisjhed the sandwich quick since he was hungry, now taking the tissue to wipe his mouth then drinking the srink thay they gave, some orange juice that tasted more like syrup. "ah.... then its tomorroe then" he nods. "well.... im more of an adventurous type of guy... or like cafe hopping to eat... or like going to cool places to play" he nods. "how bout you?" the older male asked.
Ahn Jaehyo 1 year ago
@Soohyuk Jaehyo laughed softly. "Sounds like fun. Notbsure if itbwill be so much exploring my youth back or experiencing having a proper youth." He smiled and nodded. "You're welcome." He thought about his schedules and nodded at the other. "I'm free tomorrow as well. Got a little bit of free time for now." He smiled and nodded again. "We should. What kind of things do you like to do?"
Soohyuk 1 year ago
@Ahn Jaehyo Soohyuk nods in agreement. "well i guess i can bring you to explore your youth back" the older male nods and looking at the sandwich. "thank you then~" he continues to eat it and hums softly. "maybe.... erm im free tomorrow.. how bout you?" he asked with a tilt of his head. "well i guess hmmmmmm we should start our first date as a pair too?" he asked, rubbing his chin.
Ahn Jaehyo 1 year ago
@Soohyuk Jaehyo nods in agreement. "Right? It was so horrible, I never want to have to do another shoot that requires me to starve and dehydrate myself. The photos looked good but I don't think it's worth all the suffering and being ill afterwards." He nodded again. "That's true. It doesn't matter if we don't have abs or anything, winter clothing hides all that and no one minds it." He laughed a nodded. "I've never been. I focused on my work so much, especially when starting, that I didn't do a lot of things. Sounds good, something I should experience at least once before I'm too old for it." He smiled and shook his head. "I'm fine, you should eat more if you're still hungry. I think we might have to go shopping anyway, not sure that there is much here to make anything with." He smiled at the other.
Soohyuk 1 year ago
@Ahn Jaehyo Soohyuk shudders,"that.... dehydrating is the worst feeling ever... i will always get sick after dehydrating" he shakes his head. "yes... dont have to worry about not having abs or hiding marks... oh what you never?? mannnnnn i need to take you out on one for experience! ya know we both arent getting any younger" he said, blinking as the younger model gave him half of the sandwich. "ah thanks... but are you not hungry? i culd make something small in the kitchen.... if the fridge has food stocked up that is" he rubs his chin. "if not.... we could go gorcey shopping tomorrow?" he asked with a tilt of his head.
Ahn Jaehyo 1 year ago
@Soohyuk Jaehyo smiled more. "It would be nice. I haven't actually worked with someone I know before." He nodded in agreement. "Definitely not fun. Neither is dehydrating yourself to look the best you can." He almost pouted and frowned thinking about the times he's had to do both and then spent a few days recovering from it afterwards. He laughed along with the other. "The benefits of winter. Warm and comfortable clothing that can hide anything." He laughed more and blushed a little at the other's words. "I'll have to take your word on that one. I've never been to one. Yeah. Probably best to make the most of things while you can. Don't want to regret it when your older. Do everything you want to when you can." He laughed softly and broke off half of his sandwich and handed it to the other. "Here. You can have this." He smiled and continued eating his half of it.
Soohyuk 1 year ago
@Ahn Jaehyo Soohyuk nods,"i guess it would be fun. and yeah... abs and all look good but starving aint funny" he shudders at the memory, remembering how long and hard the journey is to get to this type od body he is having, rather than the scrawny like body he first started off with. "ah yes... winter is my favourite cuz all the thick padding will hide things" he laughs. "hide all sorts of things too" he wriggles his brows playfully, then taking a bite of his sandwich. "clubbing is fun.... i would say... my night life is quite wild... i guess i should make full use of this energy before i get older and can no longer keep up" he shakes his head, soon finishing his sandwich. "urgh.... im still hungry" he grunts, chugging down a bottle of water.
Ahn Jaehyo 1 year ago
@Soohyuk Jaehyo smiled and nodded. "Maybe, it would be really nice to work with you and I hope that one day we will get the opportunity to do so." He laughed softly and nodded in agreement. "It's always a tough time, I don't look forward to it. I mean the photos are really good but it's a lot of suffering for them. We should make the most of being able to eat more while we can before that season starts." He keeps taking smaller bites and looks at the other. "You like to go clubbing? Mhm, it seems like most things seem to make us gain weight, especially when you have to watch your weight."
Soohyuk 1 year ago
@Ahn Jaehyo Soohyuk nods in agreement and relates so much to what the older male said. "well maybe one day we can get to work together" he nods, taking another big bite of his sandwich. "well i ate lunch but you know i get hungry quite easily... and summer is here which meant dieting for swimwear bods... its gonna be a tough season" he grunts out after chewing his food, then goes back for another big bite. "also meant i cant go to clubs to drink that often... since alcohol make me gain weight" he grunts more.
Ahn Jaehyo 1 year ago
@Soohyuk Jaehyo laughed more as the other joked with him. "Right? I'm sure my make-up artist has nagged me more than my parents ever did. Between them and my manager, it's like having a second set of parents." He smiled softly and shook his head. "I'm sure you're more than average, there is a reason that you are popular for casting. I think everyone still has a lot of things to learn, even the more experienced ones." He took another bite of his bread and laughed softly. "Been a while since you were able to eat? The joys of the profession, not having many chances to eat while working and a restricted diet a lot too."
Soohyuk 1 year ago
@Ahn Jaehyo Soohyuk looks at the male and chuckles, glad someone understands his situation. "yeah... especially when the continue to nag throughout the session... sometimes it feels like my make up artist is my second mom or something" he jokes. "ah.... nahhhh i think im just average you know... i still have so much things to learn" the younger model nods, waiting for jaehyo to choose the bread first then he took the other one, unwrapping it and taking a big bite. "hmmmm finally food" he grunts out, only then realising how hungry he had been.
Ahn Jaehyo 1 year ago
@Soohyuk Jaehyo laughed softly at the story from the other. "That sounds like something I would have done too, if not falling out of the bed. Make-up artists sure can nag a lot about things like that. I've had some nag a lot at me at times for things, not all that nice when it happens."
Jaehyo looked up from his phone, putting it away when he heard the other coming back into the room. He nodded at the question. "Yes, I am a model too. It was something I thought about and wanted to do since I was young. Oh, you must be pretty good then if people keep casting you." Follows the other and sits down at the table as well. "Both sound nice, thank you." He takes a little bit of one of the bread and takes a bite. "It's nice."
Soohyuk 1 year ago
@Ahn Jaehyo Soohyuk blinks at the look od surprise given by the other male. "eh??? oh true that... there was once i was so tired i bumped my head and my make up artist keep nagging me cuz there was a bruise" he chuckles.
Hebheard the other's words and he just decided to take a quick shower first and so he did, then coming out all nice and refreshed. "back to oue conversation.... you are a model too? and yeah i got casted to a drama and now more people are casting me" he nods, sittinf at the dinning table. "well erms.... i got cold cut trio and teriyaki chicken.... you can take your pick" he nods.
Ahn Jaehyo 1 year ago
@Soohyuk Jaehyo looked at the other in surprise. "Really? That small? That doesn't sound like fun if you're tired. I'm glad we got this one where neither of us will have to worry about climbing a ladder. Still, it was very nice of you, so thank you again." He smiled at the other and nodded. "Yes, you should be comfortable." Jaehyo smiled at the other more. "It's nice to meet someone else in the same profession. An actor too? Wow, you must be pretty busy most of the time." He nodded and went to sort through his own luggage while the other took a shower, getting things ready for taking one later. He moved over to sit on the sofa and checked his phone while he waited, humming softly and taking note of any future schedules that he had been notified about.
Soohyuk 1 year ago
@Ahn Jaehyo Soohyuk hums and nods. "i guess the smallest i've been in is like.... the bed is on a makeshift platform upstairs and we have to climb up on a ladder... and like sometimes when im too sleepy i will hit my head. and no worries though.... it wont be nice to show up late and empty handed so yeap" he nods, pushing his luggage to what it seems to be the bedroom. "oh? then i shall shower first then" Soohyuk nods and blinms at the question before nodding. "yeap im a model... and well i guess a part time actor?" he said, opening his luggage to take his pajamas and boxers and towel and make up remover. "i'll be right back yeah" he said, quickly getting to the bathroom to remove the makeup and gel from his hair.
Ahn Jaehyo 1 year ago
@Soohyuk Jaehyo followed the other inside and over to the table and looked at the food as the other placed it down before looking back at him and nodding. "That's true, there are some pretty small houses here, I've not personally been in any very small ones but I've heard about them. I'm fine with the food too, thank you for bringing some with you. It's very kind of you." He looked at the other more. "Are you sure? I don't mind waiting for you to be done first. A photoshoot? Are you a model then?" He smiled and shook his head. "I didn't wait that long, I only got here myself a short time ago so no worries about that. It's really fine, you can't help it if your work took longer. Please don't worry about it." He smiled more at the other, showing him that he really didn't mind the short wait for him to arrive.
Soohyuk 1 year ago
@Ahn Jaehyo Soohyuk entered the house with two subway bread and drinks in one hand and his luggage in another. He looks at his pair that is in the room, blinks when he bowed and he quickly bows back. "oh hello" his voice deep as he took off his shoes and enter the house. "ah yes im Soohyuk.. nice to meet you Jaehyo" the model smiles before looking around. "it sure is cozy... i have been to smaller houses so this is a nice change" he assures the male, then placing the food on the table. "oh.... i've got some food for us.. subway.. i hope you are okay with it? i got the safest choice and safest vege choice yeah" he said, pointing to the food. "you can help yourself! while i shower... i just ended a photoshot so feeling kinda icky" he said, removing his coat. "ah... did you wait for long though? im so sorry i guess i should have sent you a text or something" soohyuk looks apologetically at the male
Ahn Jaehyo 1 year ago
@Soohyuk (Please don't worry about it, it's fine~)

Jaehyo felt himself relaxing as he sat and read his book, his worries and the nervousness he felt quietened down. He got lost in his book and the world it contained. He was so lost that he jumped a little when hearing a knock at the door. All his worries and the nervousness came rushing back at the realisation that it was most likely that his new pair had arrived. This being made even more likely by the deep voice reverberating through the house.
Standing up, he placed a bookmark in his book before placing it away and headed towards the door, taking a deep breath before he reached it. He smiled and bowed politely at the tall and handsome man standing there. "Hello. Its Soohyuk right? I'm Jaehyo. It's nice to meet you." He stepped back making sure his pair could get inside with his luggage. "The place is kind of small but kind of cosy and comfortable too. At least to me." He rambled a little bit with the nerves.
Soohyuk 1 year ago
@Ahn Jaehyo () sflr ;;

Soohyuk was at work when he received the message of his pairing in the programme. He only saw it as he ended work at night and he quickly told his manager to drive rhem home and to fetch some food for 2, hopefully as a make up apology for his pair for being late. He showered and packed his bag as his manager helped him get the food. The model went downstairs to meet his manager and off they went to his new pair house. Soohyuk was slightly worried about his pair as he is still feeling a little heartbrokened from his previous relationship, but still decides to go for it with an open mind, to make friends maybe.

Soon he reached the location, with his luggage in a hand and food in tbe other, he head towards the door and knocks on the door before entering. By the looks of it his pair had came. "hello?" his deep voice reverbated around the house as he closed the door, looking around for his pair.
Ahn Jaehyo 2 years ago
@Soohyuk Jaehyo sighed softly and patted his face with a towel as he took a break from his work. He checked his phone, remembering that he heard a notification on it earlier but didn't have the time to check then. He scanned the message and nodded to himself as he read the pairing notification he received.
After he finished his work a little while afterwards, he stopped by his room at the mansion to get his luggage and then headed to the pair house to meet his new pair. He stopped outside for a few minutes, recognising the house as the same one he was in before. He stepped inside and looked around at the familiar interior. He placed his luggage in the corner and checked the house to see if his pair had arrived yet. Seeing the house was empty he pulled a book from his luggage and sat down on the sofa and waited for his pair to arrive.


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direraven 3 days ago
Hi again
may i request Han Seungwoo?
chanseowoon 1 week ago
May I request ACE's Kang Yuchan please?
direraven 1 week ago
may I request
Choi Beomgyu as a second please?
chanyeolieo 2 weeks ago
May I request Lee Heeseung please?
direraven 2 weeks ago
may i request Yoon Jeonghan please?
strwbrrymlk 1 month ago
can i request for enhypen's sunoo?
sugaisbias 1 month ago
Can I request Jeong Yunho ateez please?
Kokoafish 1 month ago
Can I request for soloist Wonho please?
yourangel11 1 month ago
Can I request for actor jung jaewon please?
Tatertot 2 months ago
Can I reserve Felix from stray kids please
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