main campus
to provide a flexible space with wide ranges of resources to support learning and teaching within the school. made accessible to all; whether it's hard cover or via internet ebook, it is there for all to use and borrow. but always return!
the library; where most students reside on their free time or when they're cramming in last minute studies or homework. books adorned the old shelves, ranging from the latest edition to the oldest edition. the atmosphere, for the most part, is quiet, enough to lull someone to sleep. watch out; there's a napper or two laying down between aisles or in the comfort of the couches. if you're lucky, cute book dates are viable.
the muskiness from the books remain strong and uphold its antiqueness. textbooks, nonfiction, fiction, picture books, anything really. it's all here for your benefits. please follow the order the books are in and always put it back in the right spot.
usually there's a librarian or two lurking around and always available to help.