this is the game of ultimate backstabbing where you get to be (almost) as selfish as you want to! your one and only goal is to kill others with your statements that apply to them, but doesn't apply to you. once the host made the order of players, everyone in order will give out a statement:
"Lose a life if ___" the blank can be replaced with something that applies to you, but doesn't apply to others. remember to keep this mostly ic! also, until the last 5 people you are required to save at least one person other than yourself!
exmaple statements: lose a life if your dp is black and white. // lose a life if you're a soloist. // lose a life if you don't have a status.
main host: irene.
hosts: if you want to host, you have to ask an admin and getting permission before doing so!
rounds: until only one person is standing.