ᴄʟᴜʙ ♡

jung yunho 5 years ago
@jamie no... i was just asked to come here by a friend of mine. so i did
probably should have learned to stop being so soft by now but... here we are
/gestures with my hands to us both in the current situation, giving you a small smile before i shrug my shoulders softly, my smile suggesting i'm not that bummed about the outcome either
not being strangers definitely does help a lot, huh?
/nods to you after another moment before i lean back a little, resting both of my hands around my glass whilst you seemingly try not to push too much on this
its alright, jamie. its just me
/murmurs in the hopes of making you feel a little more relaxed, taking one more sip of my drink before i scrunch up my nose in that funny little way of mine
the same... just working working working
nothing that's ever that thrilling with me, hmm?
/snorts at myself before i gesture to you, resting my arms folded over the table whilst i look at you, giving you my whole attention
and you?
what have you been up to?
jamie 5 years ago
@jung yunho *smiling, now my intense awkwardness and nervousness lower down to be unnoticable as your own body language comfort me when you turn toface me, my own body doig the same to face you, lips pressing together at how obviously embarrassed you look, cursing my colleagues mentally yet again hating that they put you, well both you and me in such situation*
Oh... you didnt know? I thought I was the only one tricked into this-- *chuckles faintly and ducks my head down slightly to rub my nape, a tiny deep part of me kind of disappointed that you didn't know its me, the idea of someone willing to meet up if its me kind of boosting my self esteem*
*my focus disturbed by your waving, glancing at the waitress and smile politely as I order me something light too as im unsure I'd want to get drunk on you. I turn to you and shake my head vigorously, my hand reaching forward to pat but i stop midway and withdraw it as I didnt know where to place it with teh distance between us making your knee nearest and reachable point and I dont wnat to invade your privacy or be mistook to flirt already*
No no no! Its okay, really! Its not in our hands.
And in all honesty Im glad its you and not some stranger because that would have been worse for me.
But they did us good with this uhh... "date" because we never caught up after that photoshoot. *finds difficulty to put our situation into a word not wanting to make you uncomfortable or pressured with "date" before I smile softly and nods firmly, attention drawn to the waitress who brought my drink before I turn to you to add*
So how have you been, Sunbae?
jung yunho 5 years ago
@jamie /having been asked by a friend to stay behind for some drinks after a schedule i promise to do so on the condition i get an hour to go home and fresh up first
/with his agreement, i get to do just that but end up wondering why he wants me to stay, only to find out when i make myself to the club he's insisted i meet him at
/realising its a date set up i want to argue with him that i'm not in the mood and haven't been for the past decade but he insists on leaving before i can even get a word in
/sighing i scoot into the little booth, ordering something light as i wait for whoever is supposed to be turning up, propping my chin in my palm after i glance at my watch and wonder how long i can stay before leaving is acceptable
/when i hear a voice call out a hello i lift my head from my palm, tired eyes lighting up just a little when i see a familiar voice, only to feel embarrassment at that familiarity a moment later
/turning my body towards your own as you join me at the booth i duck my head briefly in hello, giving you another small smile as i do so
it has been a while... i didn't think i was meeting you tonight
i didn't think i was meeting anyone tonight actually but then i'm guessing you were tricked into this as well
/gives you a sheepish little smile before i wave over a waitress, signalling one down so you can order for yourself as well but not before i apologise
i'm sorry... i swear i didn't know what was going on
jamie 5 years ago
@jung yunho *finishing a photoshoot of lip modeling, I sighed as i wasnt really in mood to be out and about with my colleagues, wanting nothing but to be lazy in my place till i fall asleep. But being playfully threatened and the fact I declined many of their offers before make me accept this offer this time. Maybe their extra persistence and nagging did it for me, saying its a must gathering. And here I was by the door of a private booth in some club I never been to before, wiping my lips with my thumb just to make sure no more lipstick in remaining before I take a breath knowing how social and extrovert I must be right now. I open the door with a small welcoming gentle smile and go in, expecting a big gathering only for my smile to fade a bit and turn into surprised one but the smile remain, a bit awkward, as I didnt want to seem rude when my eyes fell on one figure in the booth only, my phone vibrating in my hand and I peek at it from distance seeing a "have fun ;)" message from my colleague group. Realizing what this is, I both want to punch them in the face yet highly anxious of the "date". So this is why they were nagging more than any other time...*
Hello- *unsurely, I smile wider and make my way to the connected couch forming a U shape around the table there, slipping between the table and the couch to sit by your side but still leaving a space*
Yunho sunbae, been awhile. *being the famous Idol you are and that we had worked together before, I surely remember you, my smile now be more genuine and warm*
park chanyeol ʰᶦᵃᵗᵘˢ 5 years ago
@wong yukhei Chugs down a bottle of it
wong yukhei 5 years ago
@park chanyeol drenches u with the vodka then hands u a slice of lime
For you buddy
park chanyeol ʰᶦᵃᵗᵘˢ 5 years ago
@wong yukhei Gimme some of it
wong yukhei 5 years ago
dabs in here with a bottle of vodka
park chanyeol ʰᶦᵃᵗᵘˢ 5 years ago
Plops in here/
bae suzy 5 years ago
kim yongsun 5 years ago
@manoban lalisa You should give a try and you might love it, lisa
/grins widely and shakes my head
He must be soooo cute when being jealous
/sips on my drink more and looks at you
Oh really? Ahhhh I'm not really know the kind of drinks but maybe you can try their Bloody Mary
park shinhye ʰᶦᵃᵗᵘˢ 5 years ago
Thank you for the compliment..
park shinhye ʰᶦᵃᵗᵘˢ 5 years ago
/nods while laughing/
I definitely do feel old. I am 30 now. So i guess thats a given.
park shinhye ʰᶦᵃᵗᵘˢ 5 years ago
/covers her face with her hands/
That was a long time ago.. you must have been a kid back then..
/chuckles and removes her hand to look at you/
park shinhye ʰᶦᵃᵗᵘˢ 5 years ago
/chuckles at your words/
Possibly.. i cant shake off that feelings..
/takes another swig/
You have a really good voice and i admire you for coming this far at your age.
park shinhye ʰᶦᵃᵗᵘˢ 5 years ago
True.. /smiles at you/
/lets out another chuckle/
I cant help but feel like a mother when i see cute people..
Anyway.. so how was your day so far?
park shinhye ʰᶦᵃᵗᵘˢ 5 years ago
/smiles at you/
Glad you could join..
The craziness was getting to my head../chuckles before taking a swig from her bottle/
park shinhye ʰᶦᵃᵗᵘˢ 5 years ago
/enters the club and heads straight towards the bar orderong a bottle of beer/
manoban lalisa ʰᶦᵃᵗᵘˢ 5 years ago
@kim yongsun / laughs along with you, shake my head at your jokes
Aiya, you are such a big tease, unnie.
I dont know if i want to see jinnie being all jealous or not. Part of me wanted to see how he looks like when he did but part of me dont want that?
/sips the rest of my drink , my brows furrow as an innate response to that before i put down the empty glass on the counter
This is actually very delicious! Time to try something else hmm what should i get next? Suggest something to me, unnie
kim yongsun 5 years ago
@manoban lalisa Hit them with your ddu du ddu du!!!
/laughs softly and grins widely
Well I love to make him jealous actually~ he is so cute when he is sulking and keep saying that he is a jealous man
manoban lalisa ʰᶦᵃᵗᵘˢ 5 years ago
[post deleted by owner]

squints at this tbh
[post deleted by owner]
manoban lalisa ʰᶦᵃᵗᵘˢ 5 years ago
manoban lalisa ʰᶦᵃᵗᵘˢ 5 years ago
@kim yongsun i should take care of you, unnie. dont worry
if any men trying to hit us, i will hit them real hard with my with broom.
/wink at you in playful way, rest my chin on my palm, still small smile adorn my lips
thats mean he really love you, unnie. man are cute when they are jealous arent they?
kim yongsun 5 years ago
@manoban lalisa /laughs as look at you while sips on my drink
Wow wow wow~ well that's true~
I can imagine my man being all jealous
Even with his own members
/laughs while shaking my head
manoban lalisa ʰᶦᵃᵗᵘˢ 5 years ago
@kim yongsun /chuckles softly at your retort as i lightly bump my glass against yours
to the gorgeous us! ♡
/shout over the loud music before i sips on the sweet drink, humming at the rather refreshing sweet taste against my pallet before i take another sips of my own drink
mhm you be y with me only unnie. i dont want us to attract any attention from any men cause we might get our whips by our namja later.
kim yongsun 5 years ago
@manoban lalisa /flashes a small smile and nods
Yeah! We need to waste our time tonight!
We can be y as much as we can tonight
/winks and laughs
No no no, toast to gorgeous us ♡
manoban lalisa ʰᶦᵃᵗᵘˢ 5 years ago
@kim yongsun /my eyes flutter close at the gentle pats making me let out a heavy sighs
mhm maybe i need that break. my head is literally a mess tonight.
sounds like a plan to me! lets get waste tonight?
/flash you a grins only to leans back when the bartender put down our drink in front of us, picking up my own glass and raise it up for a toast
to sad us?
kim yongsun 5 years ago
@manoban lalisa /looks at you and pats you softly as i see the sad smile from you
I know that feeling, dear and yeah we just need more time for ourselves
No need to cry for that and let's enjoy the time, okay?
Let's dance later!
manoban lalisa ʰᶦᵃᵗᵘˢ 5 years ago
@kim yongsun /rest my cheek against my palm as i focus on you, literally ignoring the looks that men throw at you and me; trying to smile but the smile obviously didnt reach my eyes as it usually did
i just a bit sad? i wont say the reason why but i'm just sad.
i want to cry but no tears coming out so i think why not having some drink. good thing i catch you here, unnie.


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acuteassmess 5 years ago
Sorry but meng jia left
difficultcheese 5 years ago
dropped momo
wassowasso 5 years ago
dropping junho and jiwon for now as my muse is low
keeping jongdae for now
difficultcheese 5 years ago
dropped hyosung
kodachrome 5 years ago
dropped shuhua, thanks!
63f993a785eceaf70f09 5 years ago
Dipped mina but sakura will stay. Thanks!
tendojigoku 5 years ago
jseph left
thanks for the time
b0ad3563df184600b451 5 years ago
jennie's bounced.
thank you so much for having me
& for the great memories!
Midorin 5 years ago
Imchang is dipping. thank you for the memories!
ELFminnie 5 years ago
Sorry Jamie has to go
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