[x] UPDATE 5 ::
rated room has been made public once again. Please make sure to review over the new updated rules. Many of the rules are the same and some have been added onto.
[x] UPDATE 2 ::
Another update for you all.
Now, i've made a rated chat for you all who cannot keep it PG in the lounge, i've noticed we have at least one underage role-player within the rp and there's been too much ual talk in the main chat. I've made the rated chat so you can can be there with that kinda talk. I do not condone ualizing minors or having ual talk around minors regardless of their faceclaim's age. I have also taken away the [M] on the lounge so please keep it PG in there. Cursing it fine, i don't mind that. I just want everyone to be aware of those around them so we don't make anyone uncomfortable since i strive to make this place a safe place for those who join us.
[x] UPDATE 1 ::
First update is a basic one for you guys.
I changed the requirements for a 4th chara. Instead of 750 points on your first 3 charas, i've made it 350. I'm sure that's reasonable enough to manage.