
A lake close to the river and the forest.
A popular place for swimming.

Kim Sheon [A] 3 years ago
@Fukutomi Tsuki "Well yes, or some people shouldn't .. yeah lets stick with that instead hm?" She laughed before standing in a superhero pose. "Guadian of the night, owl sheon, heh well you know being a vampire doesn't seem that bad." She listened to the other , humming softly. "Hm if you are that suspicious upon them I would do the same, get rid of them until you find one you can trust. No matter how long it takes comfort and trust is most important." She pursed herself and pondered. "Yeah I wanted to see if someone else remember something different , i remember the ringing and feel like I was being burnt but apart from that I remember nothing. Well yes, wait not like I am glad she isn't around to tell anyone and hurt others, but she was my only friend around here so it feels like somethings missing ."
Fukutomi Tsuki [A] 3 years ago
@Kim Sheon Tsuki nodded at the other girls words, shaking her head slightly. “Some people just shouldn’t be parents, right?” she more mused out loud than asked directly. “A guardian of the night? You’re sweet.” she chuckled. “You should be careful though, next thing you know you’ll be craving blood and avoiding garlic like it’s the plague.” she half grinned as she spoke. Then she listened more and shook her head. “These ones aren’t helpful, I want to get rid of them. Some of them are really off and I don’t like them.” she sighed and shook her head again. “That night? I don’t remember much of it… there was a scream and the ringing and that was it.” she lied, before listening to her more. “You’re glad she isn’t telling anyone anything but you feel bad because she’s gone?” she questioned, trying to rationalise things in her mind.
Kim Sheon [A] 3 years ago
@Fukutomi Tsuki "Eh its fine, I am making by worry not , but I thought I would let you know more about me incase you see me around , at least you know." She smiled at the shoulder squeeze, very much appreciated of it. "Well it switched, yeah you got it but honestly it worked out well, I am one for enjoying the night more, its cool and peaceful and quiet , but seeing things at night is helpful too, I mean if you get lost I be happy to guide you to places , a guardian of the night." She laughed softly before giving a surprised look. "Sometimes therapists are not helpful, I mean they mean well but at the same time its like nope, not helping .. hallcinations though, can be helpful upon you know, that night , anything?" She looked over to you in silence before looking up to the sky. "Hey thats true, well if you do start making music count me in as your number one fan. No she didn't I just wanted to break away from her friendship which was both good and bad, I saw things I shouldn't have but that night I broke off our friendship for my sanity , she was going to tell the person the next day but poof she disappeared, and now my emotions are whacked." She gently pat the others back , mainly in response and to feel for any change in the others emotions or body language.
Fukutomi Tsuki [A] 3 years ago
@Kim Sheon She wasn’t entirely certain what to say or what to do to help the other girl, opting to stay quiet and squeeze the girls shoulder gently. “I’m sorry…” she mumbled gently, shaking her head and listening more. “So it’s like your vision has switched days and nights. You see clearly at night instead.” she nodded as she spoke. “I know it must not being able to see during the day, but the night… that’s impressive…” she hummed. “I’m just hallucinating, I keep seeing people but nobody else can see it. My therapist says that it’s a trauma response and she’s helping me to try and process everything. I think she’s making it worse though…” she sighed and shook her head before chuckling at the other girls words. “Art is too hard to make a career from. But music, I can at least work at a radio station or a production company.” she smiled slightly before hearing the next words to come, a frown spreading across her face as she listened. “Why would she threaten you? She had no reason to.”
Kim Sheon [A] 3 years ago
@Fukutomi Tsuki She sighed before nodding at the other. “Yeah well , I don’t know how the ringing affected you but , I know for a fact that having $20k in the bank to help with schooling only for $35k to be taken out and that your parents considered you a freak after it. Honestly I am only here because this is the furthest school away from home , my parents would rather dump me at some school where I can stay instead of coming home” She tried to continued but the thought of it just made her angry. “So I’m screwed really, I was bright kid really , but now it’s affected my ability to read , I can only see the first letter , sometimes the first two letters of a line and the rest is either hazy or looks like someone’s liquid papered the rest of words out BUT on another sense , I might be sensitive to light but how you can see clearly in the day, I can see clearly like that at night , even if things are black and white and grey. I took them off because if I’m in a place shrouded by trees or something which cover up majority of the sky, it’s the only way to tell if it’s day or night, by the sensitivity, but it doesn’t seem to have affected you, unless I am wrong ?” She folded her arms , she was right about trying to fit everything in , which made Sheon shake her head. “Lucky , gym class is a failure , I get my exercise at night though, but I feel you these days everything is coming left right and centre and trying to run away to have your own time it’s hard , and distractions it’s too easy to fall for. Oh you like music and art? I can see it combined into one, maybe you could be an artist , I will , somehow be your very first customer or fan.” Sheon laughed a little , nibbling her lower lip. “Romie is nice .. at first , let’s say I saw her true side , which brought me to the lake and throwing rocks , ah the texture of meat I do not mind eating it but out of them all I can’t stand touching beef either.” She emitted a small sigh. “A big way in the sense of not getting heart broken, I did like someone who, moved away since the incident , and she threatened me with a whole , I will tell them you like them if you don’t tell someone what you saw , so I never did and I forgot what it was now.”
[post deleted by owner]
Fukutomi Tsuki [A] 3 years ago
@Kim Sheon Tsuki noticed the other girl take her glasses off and briefly she looked at her, watching her put the glasses back on. “That’s only started since… the ringing, right?” she questioned, referring to the girls sensitivity to light. “I don’t mind any subjects in school. Gym class looks hard but I don’t have to do it, doctors gave me a note so I can just use the library. The hard part is… I guess fitting everything into a schedule and meeting expectations. And avoiding distractions.” she chuckled slightly at the thought. “Music and art are the easiest though. It helps that they’re interesting.” At the change topic to Romie’s usual behavior towards people, Tsuki furrowed her brow. “She was nice to most people, wasn’t she? And yeah she liked the spices and herbs, just she wanted beef or pork or chicken. The texture of them is too… yeah I can’t touch them.” she sighed before feeling Sheon lean closer. “A big way? What happened?” Tsuki asked, gently placing a hand on the girls shoulder.
Kim Sheon [A] 3 years ago
@Fukutomi Tsuki She nodded as she finally understood before folding her arms , leaning back again, taking off her glasses to look around before quickly putting them back on again. “Ok eyes no like brightness but , say if you me science is easy despite the mathematical side of it ? But I’m curious what is easy to you?” She listened to the other , somewhat being surprised. “Well that’s good , so I am kind of glad she was nice to some people.” She plastered on a small smile before throwing another rock into the lake in a skipping stone motion. She couldn’t help but laugh , because now she is talking about the same girl, “now you are talking , but that does sound really good , tsh honestly she doesn’t know what’s good for her , fair play though.” She sighed and remembered the rare good times that had happened before somewhat leaning into you. “I might not miss her as much as others , but honestly though when I was stuck she helped in a big way.”
Fukutomi Tsuki [A] 3 years ago
@Kim Sheon “Easy is anything that makes things take less time and energy. Don’t wasted your energy on people who won’t give it back to you.” she sighed as she spoke, leaning back to lie on the ground. “I-“ Tsuki tried to find another way to protest but couldn’t, instead shaking her head. “What, she was nice to me… She helped me with a few things…” she mumbled, shrugging as she remember the amount of times that Romie had helped her blocked out any noise when she was in the middle of a panic attack. She was glad that the topic changed to food. “Mmmm miso salmon, rice, sweet potato, miso soup… things like that? I don’t really cook meat though and she used to get pissed off because of that…” she sighed and shook her head.
Kim Sheon [A] 3 years ago
@Fukutomi Tsuki She did have a point, but what was easy to Sheon anymore ,she did not know , just making a small exhale at her words. "Thats true but , I don't what easy is." She couldn't help but laugh only to softly hum. "Thats true they should, but if it makes it easier for them to find stuff then , well..." she make a face of worry and pursed her lips for a moment. "Of course you didn't then who is the one who was constantly staring at her?" She frowned a little in curiousity and now uncertainty upon it, making soft laughter at the others words. "Wait really, hm maybe she was not as seemed, but if she constantly came over then you must of been a good cook." She playfully and gently nudged the other before folding her arms. "So what is your favourite thing to cook?"
Fukutomi Tsuki [A] 3 years ago
@Kim Sheon Tsuki frowned and shook her head. “You shouldn’t make things harder for yourself. It’s bad for you.” she chewed the inside of her cheek as she spoke, exhaling slowly. “They should clean up. They know I don’t like it but they still leave it everywhere.” she shook her head again at the thought. “Staring? I didn’t stare at her!” she quickly protested, tensing up and holding her breath as she did so before shaking her head and exhaling again. “On the weekends she used to come over a lot. I think it was because I knew how to cook.”
Kim Sheon [A] 3 years ago
@Fukutomi Tsuki "Thanks for thinking so, yeah true, but honestly I am used to making things harder for myself , if things become too easy it makes me feel.. hmm whats the word...l" she waved her hand around , trying to remember, only to shrug. "Oh I see, well they should tidy up their work, but I won't say how to run someone else's life." She noticed the tone in the others voice change before puffing out my cheeks. "Hey hey it's ok, I recognise your voice, that is all, you are Tsuki, one year older than I am, I used to sit with Romie and sometimes I noticed you staring, I cannot blame you though, she was an attractive girl."
Fukutomi Tsuki [A] 3 years ago
@Kim Sheon Tsuki hummed softly at the girls words. “You’re sweet, but if you help everyone then everyone is on a level playing field and that makes it harder for you in the future.” Tsuki mused out loud before shaking her head. “It’s all my parents stuff. They leave it everywhere and I’m not supposed to touch it because then it messes up their work.” She furrowed her brow at the girls next words. “Somewhat? What do you know?”
Kim Sheon [A] 3 years ago
@Fukutomi Tsuki Gently rubbed the others back , smiling softly. "Good and you are welcome , you know , I try to help out everyone." She was right though, Sheon also wishes she could stay in the dorms, especially on the weekends but no, due to the rules she finds herself sleeping on a rock by the lake, but she wouldn't dare mention it to anyone. "Thats true, I wish we could also, but messy as in untidy? I mean if you need help to clean up... unfortunately that is true, but snapping at someone that you have not yet met , it is another story, so luckily I know , somewhat, of who you are." Chuckles a little before,lying back on the ground.
Fukutomi Tsuki [A] 3 years ago
@Kim Sheon “I’ll remember that…” Tsuki nodded in response, thinking about whether she would need help and whether it would be worth asking the other girl. “I… Thank you…” Tsuki couldn’t help but grin, hugging her legs and turning her head to watch the other girl. “I mean… my house is a mess. I wish we could stay in the dorms more.” she exhaled after she spoke. “There’s no need to apologise, there’s nothing wrong with snapping sometimes. Sometimes it’s needed…”
Kim Sheon [A] 3 years ago
@Fukutomi Tsuki "Oh well thats understandable , but really if you do need help, feel free to ask." She smiled before humming a little . " I do actually , you do have nice music taste." She listened in closely , wriggling my toes in the water. "Oh? Well I am glad you got along well truely, as for me though , loneliness, so it cannot be helped for me to be curious no? But maybe I should come find you one night and slip you presents or so. I mean if you are lonely come seek me out , I do not mind company, as long as I am not stressing out or filled up with thoughts, sometimes I do get snappy, which I am sorry about.."
Fukutomi Tsuki [A] 3 years ago
@Kim Sheon Tsuki shook her head. “No, I can do it, I just need to get it done early. I can’t leave it until later because then I panic and I don’t like panicking.” As Sheon mentioned hearing her Tsuki couldn’t help but grin slightly. “Really? You like it?” she chuckled slightly before the next question came and she went quiet. “It’s nice… I went like… 8 years? Yeah 8 years only seeing them at Christmas and Easter. The neighbours were more like parents than they were, so it’s nice to have them at least one weekend out of every month. I’m glad they managed to get their jobs back though.”
Kim Sheon [A] 3 years ago
@Fukutomi Tsuki "3am to do science? Do... do you um, do you need help, science is my forte but I do bad at everything else." She folded her arms in curiousity, smiling while listening to the other in curiousity. "Wait you work in radio, but that explains why you sound familiar , you play some good music you know , but understandable." She sighed again then wriggled her nose, only imagining what the others life was like. "Parents? Whats it like , to be not lonely?" She looked over at the other once again in curiousity but for the longing feeling of it also.
Fukutomi Tsuki [A] 3 years ago
@Kim Sheon Tsuki hummed in response to the girls words before nodding and sighing. “School is hard… I was up until 3am yesterday trying to do the homework for science.” she exhaled loudly, shaking her head. “It’s not too far from the Radio Station, and I start work in a few hours and had nowhere to go. My parents are working again.” she shrugged as she spoke. She’d never really wanted to go home when her parents were away, and it had got worse since Romie disappeared.
Kim Sheon [A] 3 years ago
@Fukutomi Tsuki "Just everything thats been going on, mainly stressing for school and well you know who." She shook her head before feeling the head tap, humming happily before chuckling. "Off is one thing to say it for sure but , I thought I was alone, what brings you here?" She felt the others back , noting that she was sitting down and somewhat leaning forward. "Here." She offered the girl a rock, by merely just patting next to her until she felt the others hand.
Fukutomi Tsuki [A] 3 years ago
@Kim Sheon At the sound of the girl snapping, Tsuki couldn’t help but jump slightly, startled slightly by the suddenness of it. Then as the girl spoke again, she let out a breath she didn’t know she’d been holding. “Something happened? Like something happened around you, or in here?” she asked, moving closer and gently tapping the girls head. “Things have been off lately, haven’t they?” she hummed slightly as she spoke, drawing her knees up to her chest and poking the toes of her shoes as she stared intently at them.
Kim Sheon [A] 3 years ago
@Fukutomi Tsuki Sheon had become startled on hearing anothers voice, somewhat feeling down as it wasn't Romies but also in relief , turning her head to the others location. "Angry more like it!" She snapped before taking a breath and shook her head. "Ok sorry , I did not mean to snap , I just got used to snapping but nothing really, something happened so I just came to chill out." She chuckled before patting the spot next to her. "Feel free to come and join me, I honestly swear I do not bite."
Fukutomi Tsuki [A] 3 years ago
@Kim Sheon Tsuki had been taking a walk around the forest before somehow ending up at the lake, in time to hear Sheon’s words. For a few moments she stayed still, staying further back as she watched the other girl moving to sit down. She waited a few further moments, unsure of what to do, before inhaling and taking a few steps forwards, sitting next to the other girl.
“Sad? Or angry?” she asked, not quite able to discern how the girl was feeling. “What’s wrong?” she continued, trying to start some sort of conversation.
Kim Sheon [A] 3 years ago
@Fukutomi Tsuki She had left Romie on bad terms , that she could not careless if she was found, however the loneliness had filled her up too much that she sighed and left everything, to go to the last location she had seen her. Sheon was still a shy , tender, gentle, kind person but these days she was filled with anger that she ended up heading towards the lake and started throwing stones, occassionally pushing up her sunglasses. "God damn this, god damn that but god damn you Romie!" She threw the biggest rock she could feel before sighing, sitting down near where the water began and carefully placed her feet into the water, sighing softly.


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preciosa 3 years ago
man,,,,I have been eyeing this for a day or two now I'm very tempted *^*
geunyeo 3 years ago
could I have Jessica Alexander please?
and I was wondering what the reqs are for a second, I already have a bit of an idea for someone lol
lyndsi 3 years ago
Interesting idea I'll let you know if someone pops in my head.
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