❅ Hot tub

hot tub!
come here and get warm!
slash splash fall in love~


Please use 'christmas' room more for spam remember this is a themed room for roleplaying


who is most


nobody else

but my man

San 1 year ago
@Jungkook (my head tilts at the remark, suspicious eyes narrowing as i suppress a grin)
the one you decide to kiss would be lucky. i know there are plenty of fish in the sea, but how many could bring you a nice drink and appreciate the beauty you behold as genuinely as i do?
(breaks out into a soft chuckle as i ascend the steps again, pausing at your eye-level, and for a brief second i can’t help but catch my gaze on your pouting lips. i clear my throat in realization and carefully set the two glasses at the edge of the tub before climbing back in, skin prickled with goosebumps from the cold)
who would joke about hot tub and champagne? certainly not me. would you like to do the honors of popping it open or should i?
(waves the bottle in front of you)
San 1 year ago
@Jungkook you are magnetic. what other reason could there possibly be for me to gravitate towards you the second you’re in the room? i can’t think of any.
(taps at my chin, feigning contemplation before in my cheeks and making fishy lips at you. it doesn’t take long for me to lose my composure though, and i sputter laughter, lifting my head from your shoulder)
hate to break it to you, but i must either be a fish or you’re just /that/ attractive.
(a smile plays on my lips, orbs flickering over each of your features, and i lean in to press a quick kiss against your cheek before hoisting myself up jumping out from the side of the tub while speaking)
god, it’s cold as — but i’m just saying... it might seem like nothing but pretty words, but i’ve only spoken the truth. i’m happy to get such a reaction out of you though. it’s cute.
(laughs softly under my breath as i quickly pick a bottle of champagne from the ice bucket and sweep the handle of two wine glasses)
San 1 year ago
@Jungkook oh, no doubt about it. you’ll steal all my fishy friends away and i won’t even complain because you’re just that magnetic.
(chuckles, gaze lifting from the overlook to your delicate features. the playfulness in your words urges a small smile to curl at the corners of my lips and it only grows when you bestow a kiss onto my head)
well... in the /highly/ unlikely case that you skipped out on the wetsuit with intentions of showing off, i will say that it’s working. unnecessary— but very effective. tell me, have you, by any chance, looked into a mirror? i’m not sure what your beliefs are, but mine tell me that god is biased.
(wrinkles my nose and gently bites the fingerheart you make)
you just say the word and i’ll fight anyone or anything
San 1 year ago
@Jungkook the fishies love me. we’re actually on a first name basis now. jealous?
(wiggles my brows, holding in laughter as i scoot myself to the side to make room for you. a loud, dramatic gasp sounds as i place a hand over my mouth)
no wetsuit and you’re taking it off? indecent of you, jeon. tsk.
(gives a playful nudge once you’ve settled beside me and leans my cheek against your shoulder, bringing my arms around your waist)
get here safe and sound? or am i getting into a bare knuckle fist fight with an automobile today?
San 1 year ago
@Jungkook (startled by the splash, my head whips around, ready to attack, only to bump noses with you. you were far closer than i imagined and the proximity causes a buffer in my brain, so i only narrow my eyes in response, the tips of my ears growing red)
why you little...
(grips into the collar of your shirt and peppers your face in loud, wet kisses)
mwah mwah mwah— get in here, fool
San 1 year ago
@Jungkook (the text makes me snort and i carefully place my phone onto the wooden floor before slipping off my shirt and kicking my shoes off to make my way up the few steps. the initial contact against the water burns, but it’s comforting. the air is crisp up here and i slowly lower myself into the bubbling tub, coming to a full seat as i let out a sigh)
where, oh, where could jeon jungkook be?
San 1 year ago
@Jungkook (upon arrival, you’re nowhere to be seen so i set my backpack off to the side and send a quick text, reading: ‘jeon, i’m here and snorkeling. if you don’t hurry, you’ll miss all the fishies.’)
Heechul 1 year ago
perhaps this will be the place that no one would come in
/he muttered to himself as he went into the hot tub with his clothes still on. soft sighs left his lips but that wasn't just from the water surrounded him, but for other reason as well./
having feeling back isn't so great.


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density 2 days ago
kwak jiseok, please!
roguekuromi 4 days ago
lee minho please?
UndeadVampire 1 week ago
Do people still rp here? :3 cause I would love to join
hadawei 3 weeks ago
can i have jaemin of nct?
charliebrown 1 month ago
oh to come back as jungwoo is real but.... work is killing me alive... i felt like i have aged 100 times
bvbbles 1 month ago
Hi there, I'd like to make sure.
Is Lee Dongwook still acceptable?
asepsis 1 month ago
can i reserve ok taecyeon?
ysage 1 month ago
can you a+r son youngjae (eric) pls? thx
[comment deleted by owner]
campfire 1 month ago
Hi. Is Chanyeol available?
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