sabrina zada 4 minutes ago Reply
Highlight death reel:
Dying cause someone mistook you for a shark
Getting far in the game only to off yourself
Eating scorpions because you thought they were a delicacy (?)
Collateral damage in explosion
Falling out of a tree and onto someone and killing you both
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— read the rules before reserving/applying, only accepting accounts that are 6 months and older
— make sure to favourite, upvotes are welcomed
— comment full name and group after checking masterlist
— read the rules before reserving/applying, only accepting accounts that are 6 months and older
— make sure to favourite, upvotes are welcomed
— comment full name and group after checking masterlist
— read the rules before reserving/applying, only accepting accounts that are 6 months and older
A wise man once said " boredom drives an individual to do some crazy things ", yes, hello, I am That wise man and would kindly like to reserve Charlie Puth, thank you. I've already unprivated my acc in advance! xx