❥lisa x doyoung

get to know each other in the 3 days you have together. have fun!
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Lisa x doyoung
✿ m. lalisa 2 years ago
Awe ):
✿ m. lalisa 2 years ago
@✿ k. dongyoung Looking forward to be embarrassing myself? Baby, I do that on the daily pls sjsks

but i guess we’ll tell embarrassing stories uwu
you tell me one embarrassing thing abt you or that has happened to you and I’ll tell you one of mines, cause i have m a n y
✿ k. dongyoung 2 years ago
@✿ m. lalisa [ W ] i really do like talking to you. you're a great listener and you're always bringing something to the table when you respond back to me, so it's very easy to get caught up in my words and shared thoughts with you. you make me feel all giddy too.

it's so weird hearing you say all this because i feel like i'm open enough to where i'm easy to figure out, but everyone keeps telling me that i surprise them, so maybe i'll have to reexamine that feeling. i hope that after a month of getting to know each other, i'm still able to surprise you like i do. and i hope that after a month of getting to know each other, you and i will know enough about each other to where we even know the embarrassing things about each other. i have yet to see that side of you too, so i'm looking forward to it.
✿ m. lalisa 2 years ago
@✿ k. dongyoung () shsksla well thats a relief ssheeesshhh

don’t apologize for talking pls. I love when you talk so much because it lets me know you like talking to me just as much. i love it when you talk.

you’re not boring, I like that you’re not always so open and a little reserved. It’s kind of mysterious in a way that I can’t always read you. It leaves me wanting more and you always surprise me. Always. Cause just when I think I have you figured out, I don’t really. I just like you. Because I really could go on and on and on. Just know, I don’t think I could ever find you to be boring.
✿ k. dongyoung 2 years ago
@✿ m. lalisa [ W ] [ ] i was just about to confirm with you about script or para so ty ty. might take a break from paras and try script but idk yet. in the event that i do, would it be okay if we start from doie just being at her place. and also DON'T WORRY ABOUT THAT! not overwhelmed and honestly, i was worried i was overwhelming YOU DSNKANFG. goof to know that i'm not though.

here i am thinking i'll be the problem, lol. i hear sometimes i'm boring and that i'm too distant and stuff. i think we compliment each other in the sense that i'm more on the quiet, somewhat passive, and patient side and you're the opposite. it's comforting to be around someone like that because i never feel like i have to really carry a conversation or worry about what's going on in one either. things flow naturally because we're kinda different but in a way that blends well. i don't see you as overbearing or anything, and if anything you're like... just right. not clingy from what i know, not possessive either, secure in yourself and in our relationship, you like and trust me, you feel comfortable around me and vice versa, you're really charming and challenging even... i don't wanna go off on an even longer tangent, but you're perfect to me too. also, you're incredibly funny. never gonna stop saying that when i get the chance, LOL.

sorry i talk so much though, btw. you make it easy to speak my mind.
✿ m. lalisa 2 years ago
@✿ k. dongyoung () para is fine but if you want something short or like nothing too long the script is completely fine
✿ m. lalisa 2 years ago
@✿ k. dongyoung () yes walls is perfect ahskso i feel bad lowkey bcs I’m literally talking to you everywhere, dont wanna overwhelm you lmaoo

honestly, I feel like I’d be the problem more often than not. I’m hot headed and greedy, impatient. I can be a lot. sometimes too much. i feel like i can be overbearing. You’re just… really perfect. I’m not even joking, you have great communication skills, no commitment issues, you know what you want, great sense of humor, you think I’m funny-

I have yet to find one flaw
✿ k. dongyoung 2 years ago
@✿ m. lalisa [ W ] i remember you mentioning that before, the being disrespected thing. it totally makes sense too because i feel like those are just things you don't do to someone in general yes, but especially not to someone you love. you have to have a certain level of trust in a relationship and i don't know... i feel like once i feel like i can't trust someone, it's hard for me to change that mindset. very much a forgive but not forget kind of person, and i'll admit, sometimes i do hold a little grudge about certain things.

i'm not saying i want us to ever fight, but if we ever do, i think we'll be able to talk through our fights. i just want to reiterate that you can always talk to me about anything on your mind. even if it makes me upset or uncomfortable, i'd rather that happen than you not say anything to me at all because that'll always make it worse.

what are some things you think we'll have to work on though if we were in a relationship, since we're talking about it? do you think we'll have any serious issues to work through so far? i'm just asking in case there is something i need to be aware of that you're not okay with.

[ ] ok so i forgot to ask this because i was having laptop troubles and my original message got deleted but are you okay with doing walls? do you wanna do script or para if yes?
✿ m. lalisa 2 years ago
@✿ k. dongyoung sshhh you don’t have to, just bring the whole store okno. I’m craving sweets tbh and im not just talking abt your lips :shy fingers: can you get those those cute strawberry sandwiches that was talked abt the other day?

no, no, I understand completely bb. There’s time where I’m reserved too an it also gets to the point I don’t wanna socialize at all. I don’t mind being in the same room , but also doing our own thing. I’ll respect your need to keep some things closed off , you’ll open up whenever you’re ready bb. yeah stems for your bossiness, that’s what I heard- jkjk.

My biggest boundary is feeling disrespected, not that you ever would on purpose. I don’t take kindly to it at all and I will become the biggest . And by disrespect, i mean don’t accuse me of things (talk to me) , don’t go through my stuff without my permission (ask), don’t lie to me or be little me. My pet peeves are getting me excited about something and then randomly flaking, close mindedness, those not willing to grow and admit their faults.
✿ k. dongyoung 2 years ago
@✿ m. lalisa [ W ] i'll bring something over too, just in case you haven't eaten. anything you hungry for that i can perhaps pick up? i'll make a quick stop for you.

boundaries though... when it comes to those, i think i just like being respectful of my own space but also the space of others. there are times when i'm not so cuddly or don't want to be touched that much, so i think that would be one of my boundaries. i'm also kind of touchy about family stuff, which is why i haven't said all too much about my family life, but i do begin to open up little by little. that's honestly me with a lot i think, so i apologize if i become a hassle because of it. u_u sometimes, i think it stems from my need for personal control, order, and harmony though.

other than that, i can't really think of much else? i'm more the type to voice my concerns and discomfort when it happens. i'm also the type to try working through things together and reach some sort of compromise, so i don't worry about that stuff much i guess. what are your boundaries and pet peeves though?
✿ m. lalisa 2 years ago
@✿ k. dongyoung ofc you can come over, it’s not lavishly big but it’s very cozy. my roommate is currently out too with schedules so come to me soon <3

[ lalisa shared her location with you ]

I’d never do something I didn’t want to or wasn’t ready for. I think… we both know how we feel and how we both make each other feel. official, not official… you still make my heart pound and my stomach turn with butterflies. Before anything else though i want to know your boundaries. What makes you uncomfortable and what’s your pet peeves. Because I don’t think we’ve ever discussed
✿ k. dongyoung 2 years ago
@✿ m. lalisa [ W ] can i come over then? i'd hate for you to have to come all the way to my place again and i wanna see what kind of place my baby lives in. :>

same though! i was just hoping and wanting to be one of your friends, but then you managed to push all the right buttons and get me interested in what a little more might look like. the feeling is also mutual, honey, so i guess we're in this together too.

yeah, but i want to be able to, for lack of better phrasing, declare it to the world i guess. i don't wanna rush you into something still and i don't wanna be like... That Guy who pressures his love interest into something she's not ready for you know? plus, we can probably wait... right?
✿ m. lalisa 2 years ago
@✿ k. dongyoung you’re so cute pls , I want to kiss and cuddle you rfn ): so we can be all giggly and disgusting together

You and I both never expected it smssla. I expected us to talk for a lil to clear the air and to become comfortable once more with one another B U T naturally you charmed me once again. My heart is really weak when it comes to you, I’m learning sjsks . You make it so easy to fall.

I’m already yours, yeah? u 3 u I don’t see anyone but you.
✿ k. dongyoung 2 years ago
@✿ m. lalisa [ W ] nsjdnjfngjnj i wasn't expecting you to say it back and i don't know why not but not i feel like giggling and kicking my feet too.

i'm not always the best at showing or explaining how i feel, but i hope you feel just how much i really ing like you. i wasn't expecting us to ever end up here, but i'm so glad that you gave me a chance, a second one, and that i was able to experience... i guess, being very much in like with a very beautiful person who is beautiful inside and out. you're very special to me and i can't wait to earn the right to call you mine even more now, LOL.

we already talked about it, i know, but i'm gonna work my way up to it. some day, hopefully kinda soon but there's no rush, i'm calling you my baby and my girlfriend officially.
✿ m. lalisa 2 years ago
@✿ k. dongyoung nah because you got me giggling and kicking my feet sgsjsoss made my whole night just now :pleading:

I feel like there’s nothing you could or would ever do that would make me uncomfortable, I mean it when I say I’m so comfortable around you. you’re the sweetest for being considerate though, as always.

I really adore you , so mfkn much. you make me immensely happy and I can’t even put it in words tbfh but I’ll settle for: I like you too, very very veeerryyy (3 very’s) much.
✿ k. dongyoung 2 years ago
@✿ m. lalisa [ W ] i'm okay, i just wanna say i like you... for real... a lot too.

that's all. the thought just popped in my head loudly and i was gonna say it openly, but i said i'd do it here in case you feel uncomfortable.
✿ m. lalisa 2 years ago
@✿ k. dongyoung Ofc, you can tell me anything bb. are you okay?
✿ k. dongyoung 2 years ago
@✿ m. lalisa [ W ] gonna respond in a minute, but can i tell you something and you not freak out for a sec?
✿ m. lalisa 2 years ago
@✿ k. dongyoung it’s just funny is all sjsks damn is it time to fluster you? make your ears go red uwu

You wanna be really eco friendly, that’s so seggsy of you :lipbite:. we should have plants all around our house and hanging up. We should have a greenhouse too, plant things. it’ll be so cute and the lil kiddies can have fond memories of picking things from their own gardens. where would you like to raise your kids? In korea or abroad?
✿ k. dongyoung 2 years ago
@✿ m. lalisa i didn't notice i did that dnsjanjf i'm only ever frantic when you fluster me though, and so far i feel mostly calm around you.

yeah, i wanna live in a house with a lot of... natural stuff to it, i'm realizing. it's like, i want natural light and plants to be prevalent in my house, but i don't need these things. plus, i imagine we look away from our potential kids one day and they'll be eating the plants or their soil, LOL.
✿ m. lalisa 2 years ago
@✿ k. dongyoung everytime you ask two questions in a row , i imagine you frantically asking while looking frazzled af shsk

because we’re talking about kids so the ideas of homes and domestic tingz came to mind. so I was gonna ask that uwu BUT THEN I remembered shsks
✿ k. dongyoung 2 years ago
@✿ m. lalisa yeah, that was me, but why? why are you suddenly remembering that?
✿ m. lalisa 2 years ago
@✿ k. dongyoung You’re the one who told me that you didn’t have a dream home right? That you wanted to live in a green house when you were younger but thats it?
✿ k. dongyoung 2 years ago
@✿ m. lalisa so what you're saying is i get another reason for you to kiss me? hell yeah, bet! and i speak some english, but i would want them to feel like they can speak with ease around me. it would help if i knew some thai.
i wasn't sure, but that's good then. we can talk sports easy then! and maybe he'll be able to warm up to me with a beer or two as well.

you're probably the only woman i know who would say something like that, lol. 3 kids is a healthy amount, so it's fine. if you don't get a boy and a girl within those three, then it wasn't meant to be. sometimes, getting all boys or all girls isn't a bad thing. and yes! you'd be best mom! your kids are gonna be so lucky to have you caring for them. :>
✿ m. lalisa 2 years ago
@✿ k. dongyoung me and you both forgetting the language barrier. This is proof I’ve been in Korea for too long. I can help you study u 3 u our lil study dates or whatever. And for each phrase you get right , I’ll give you kisses. Uhmm, how’s your English skills though? They speak English too.
I meant football as in soccer shsjsk we don’t have American football in Thailand , i mean ig we do but it’s not popular at all lolololololol

I will have an army, I don’t mind uwu. well my :kitty: might. okay fine, cap it at 3 kids. I just want to be a boy and girl mom. I don’t plan on smothering them, just gotta make sure they’re okay. you really think I’d be a great mom? thank you, baby. you’d be the ultimate dad, i just know it.
✿ k. dongyoung 2 years ago
@✿ m. lalisa maybe this means i should start learning thai, huh? that way i can be able to understand when your family is talking to me and you won't have to translate every little thing. i didn't consider that the language barrier was there.
fndsdjndjf i'd only make a joke or two, listen! we're still in this together, i just think you're really cute when you blush and get all shy.
football, huh? gonna have to brush up on football stuff. i was always more of a soccer and combat sports kind of guy if i did any sports. maybe talking to him will get me more into it too.
only the best for you, miss manoban! nothing short of it! <3

that makes sense, but not you wanting to potentially end up with a whole clan LMAO. one boy and one girl sounds nice though. personally, i would have loved to have a little sister or even a big sister, so i'd be with you on that one. and it's fair to worry about raising them well, but i think you'll be a great mom. you have a great head on your shoulders and you care a lot. just as long as you don't smother the kids, i think they'll be fine.
✿ m. lalisa 2 years ago
@✿ k. dongyoung my mom’s gonna be over the moon when I bring you to Thailand . My cousins especially because they’re nosey just like me. I’m also excited for you to meet everyone so I can show you off. Like ‘yes this my handsome, intelligent, hardworking, and super sweet korean boyfriend u w u’
YEAH YOU WOULD TEAM UP AGAINST ME HUH? SM FOR IN THIS TOGETHER SHSKS , they would claim you as their favorite right away.
Ohohoh, the way to his heart is……. football. he had wanted to be a footballer when he was younger but went into medicine to please my grandfather and eventually took over his hospital. SO, If you wanna get on his good side, talk abt that tbh.
we love a supportive couple :heart eyes: so good to me

When I feel like I’ve accomplished enough in my career I’d love to have kids. I want at least one boy and one girl, and we’ll keep trying until i have both okno. I daydream sometimes about what it’d be like to spoil my kids and I’d be the other they deserve, would i raise them well enough? parenthood is scary, I’d probably be a helicopter mom tbfh
✿ k. dongyoung 2 years ago
@✿ m. lalisa you are special. the last woman i introduced to my parents was one they basically set me up with and that was forever ago now. i have a feeling my mom and my dad will have fun with you because you have this endearingly weird way of drawing people in that i think they'll like about you.
i think we'll get along in that respect then. we'll all probably end up making YOU blush and picking on you. personally excited for that. :] really though, i'm ready for your sisters to pick on me.
i'm ready to be interrogated too. not even worried about that really because i feel like your dad is a lot like my mom. just gotta find that one sweet spot and tickle it.
as long as you're there to hold my hand through it all, i think i'll be okay. need my baby to support me, and i'll be there supporting my baby she has to meet my family.

also, kind of random to ask, but do you picture yourself having kids? just curious because my mom would want to ask about expecting grandchildren. personally, i want at least two or three myself, too.
✿ m. lalisa 2 years ago
@✿ k. dongyoung Oh?? So I’m special huh? That’s what I heard okno. Well hearing that makes me feel a whole lot better , honestly. I want to leave an impression so good that if we don’t work out they go “what happened to that thai girl? I liked her best.”
they love to joke a lot especially if it makes a person blush, they’ll keep picking. So, I hope you don’t mind being made fun of- jk , well.. but if it makes you feel any better , we’re in it tgt. I may be the baby the baby but I was also the one picked on sjjs
Well, he does go through this ‘interrogation’. He’ll ask a lot of questions and he’s kinda firm so he will try to intimidate you.
BUT dont be. he’ll respect you if you hold your own. He’s just protective and he’ll probably say some like “i know how guys like you are” in reality, he doesn’t know jack abt any guys sjsk he’s dramatic


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arcana 7 months ago
✿ j. jaehyun [A] 1 minute ago
kun go get ur ex out my comments section

arcana 7 months ago
✿ j. jaehyun [A] 11 minutes ago
it quickens the healing journey

your cupid skills still .
ea3a2bd32421bb61c5e3 8 months ago
lemme in imma wonwoo
ea3a2bd32421bb61c5e3 8 months ago
soooooo are yall gonna like reopen?
comets 1 year ago
can i schlurp on your petals
wonholic 1 year ago
when jaeh/gyu wants to reply back again lmk and reaccept me SJAKDBASJKDBSAJKL
unrevealed 1 year ago
not you guys being on fav again xD
ea3a2bd32421bb61c5e3 1 year ago
jaeh ur such a
glizzy_mcguire 1 year ago
glizzy_mcguire 1 year ago

well this was funnn while it lasted
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