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427d1e28f06efc2ecac3 2 years ago
hi can i get bae jinyoung?
Fluffers 2 years ago
I have a problem T~T
Can I reserve person?
Yongguk or Felix. Not sure which...
GrippieSoxx 2 years ago
Can I unlock my 2nd character with an upvote? I upvoted when I joined~
OffensiveVibes 2 years ago
Changmin pls
Imichanga 2 years ago
Son seungwan (wendy) plz!
GrippieSoxx 2 years ago
I wanna join but dunno who to join as TT I haven't roleplayed in a while...
_bvstvrd_ 2 years ago
Reserve Ahn hyo seop for me, please
BeautifulCrazy 2 years ago
May I reserve Hwang Yeji of Itsy please?
_FrappuccinoDelight 2 years ago
Can I reserve a character?
5dd32de06d97b3ae2904 2 years ago
when i need another character like i need a bullet in the head
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