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Previously asked questions:

1. Are there animals on the island? - Yes! And berries, wild vegetables, mushrooms, edible stuff you can find in nature. The climate is not tropical though, so no bananas or coconuts for you unfortunately.

2. Do we still need to eat? - Yes! Eat, drink, sleep, etc. You can die as well. Your character won't be reviving again though.

3. Can my character interact with the God who made this place? - No. The God only speaks to Yuga and does not appear to or interact with anyone else.

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Surisuri 1 year ago
This is a fascinating concept! Is it allowed to use an original name for our character? They have an fc, but I don't use the fc's name for the character, if that makes sense?
kareni 1 year ago
Can i please get Adelaide Kane from 1001 nights
chumiminn 1 year ago
Def leaving a comment to reserve a space here shskdk because omG do I have a list of characters I'm def looking at rnrnrn
Bowrair 1 year ago
Man is this exactly the kind of rp theme I’ve always wanted! Unfortunately this is an all orientations rp so I’m limited in my own character selection. That and whichever I choose to not give up on.
-jewel 1 year ago
im leaving you the favorite and upvote until I figure out what I wanna do! :)
b9da2c2919b8b461fda8 1 year ago
Me wanting to revive wei and mare D:
-valentino 1 year ago
i_wonder 1 year ago
I have a question (or two)
TaeKook 1 year ago
Park Seonghwa please (bloodline)
583b05ce9f840c2a8419 1 year ago
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