001; no killing is permitted in
necro falls.
002; do not steal or destroy
possessions of others.
003; do not drink blood, manipulate,
or bind a human without consent.
004; every citizen has a right to free
005; every citizen has a right to a
fair trial.
006; all creatures of chaos must
be restrained via an amulet that
dims their power or by a contract
with a wizard.
007; if any rules are broken,
citizens must file a formal request
tagging every council member
explaining what crime has taken
008; council members are permitted
to meet up and change these rules
upon a majority vote.
009; consequences for actions may
result in a mark of shame or
temporary banishment depending
on how grave or how frequently
a crime is committed.
necro falls.
002; do not steal or destroy
possessions of others.
003; do not drink blood, manipulate,
or bind a human without consent.
004; every citizen has a right to free
005; every citizen has a right to a
fair trial.
006; all creatures of chaos must
be restrained via an amulet that
dims their power or by a contract
with a wizard.
007; if any rules are broken,
citizens must file a formal request
tagging every council member
explaining what crime has taken
008; council members are permitted
to meet up and change these rules
upon a majority vote.
009; consequences for actions may
result in a mark of shame or
temporary banishment depending
on how grave or how frequently
a crime is committed.
requests may happen here.