Chapter 00: Prologue

The Creation of Meixia:

Ming Meixia became the most known cultivator on Earth. She won many battles and protected millions. Everyone began to worship her, looking forward to her every move. Her fame and success allowed her to ascend and become an immortal god. 

As soon as Meixia became a god, she decided to create her own world. One that would allow the dragons, who were becoming extinct on Earth, to be protected and cared for. A world that would have peace among all creatures, whether that be humans, dragons, demons or elves alike. 

She brought along her most trusted allies and created the world of Meixia. This world mirrored Earth and people were happy. She had 7 lands, and each lands had their own set of cultivators to help fight off any spirits or demons who had gone astray. This world was harmonious.

That is until one devil, who had slipped in without anyone knowing, came along to destroy what Meixia had worked so hard to protect. 


Attack On The Elven Kingdom:

“Sire! We are under attack,” a voice said as a young man came rushing into the throne room, kneeling down on one knee in front of the King’s throne. He bowed his head, causing the King’s eyes to widen. 

“Under attack?! By who?” the King asked, standing up in shock and glancing at his wife, who wore the same expression of shock as his own. 

“The demon clan,” the young man said, causing the King to frown slightly at his words.

“How? Lan Dingbang has been my sworn brother for hundreds of years. He would never betray me,” the King said with a frown, just as the doors swung open and three men came rushing in.

“Dingbang is dead,” one man said, wiping his sword, which was dripping with blood, and sheathing it. “We just got back from his Kingdom. We were lucky to get away. If Lu Huan wasn’t with us, Guiying and I wouldn’t have made it out alive.”

“Dingbang is dead?!” the King asked, placing his hand to his chest. “How?”

“A devil we have never seen before,” the man told him. “He’s vicious. Very evil. I would have died if he would have attacked me.”

“And this devil is here?” the King asked, tears forming in his eyes. 


The King looked at his wife, taking her hand and pressing a soft kiss to it. “Go find Ziting. Get her to safety,” he told her, before leaving the throne room. He found his son cowered in a corner just outside, looking very frightened. The King bit his lip and made his way over to him, taking his hand in his own. “Zitao. Very bad men are here. I need to you run as fast as you can. Don’t let them find you.”

“Daddy,” the young boy said, shivering in fear. His father, Zhang Guoqiang, pulled him into a hug and pressed a soft kiss to his forehead. He then let go and took a hold of a necklace around his neck, before taking it off and putting it around Zitao’s. 

“Your mother and sister will catch up with you. I need you to go. Now,” Guoqiang told him. “I’ll find you. I promise. But right now get yourself to safety.”

He gave his son a small smile before backing away a few steps. “I love you,” he said, before turning away to join his kingdom in battle.


All the young prince could see was fire all around him. There were people screaming and children crying. Zitao had his ears covered, unable to handle all the noise. He ducked into the woods, leaving the safe barrier of his home. He was shaking from head to toe, afraid for his life. He tried to mask himself with the shadows, making sure he wasn't seen by any of the bad men. He just ran and ran until he couldn't run anymore. His heart was beating fast in his chest, and he had tears rushing down his cheeks. The fear building inside of him was way too much to handle.

He eventually fell to his knees, trying hard to catch his breath. Never in his life had he run so fast or for so long. He wiped the tears from his face and looked around the forest. He had no idea where he was. And the worst part of it was, he had no idea where his sister or his mother were.

"Ziting! " he cried into the darkness. His tears wouldn't stop and his cheeks were soon wet all over again. “Zhang Ziting!"

There was no response, as to be expected. Rain started to fall and a cold breeze set in, causing the boy to shiver and wrap his arms around himself. He glanced around, only seeing an endless amount of trees. There was no shelter for him to take refuge in for the night. At least none in the vicinity.

He bowed his head as he cried into his hands. His whole body was shaking at this point, and he had nothing to warm himself up with. Yet the rain only got heavier and heavier. The boy was getting more and more drenched the longer he stayed on his knees.

The only thing that made the boy move was the sudden sound of a branch snapping. His head shot up and he looked around, wiping his tears hastily. It sounded like a few people were making their way through the forest. The boy jumped up in shock, moving to hide behind a tree.

"We found him!" a voice shouted into the darkness, causing the boy to make a sound of fright and turn to run. "He's making a run for it! Grab him!"

"N-no!" the boy squeaked out as he felt a hand grasp onto his arm.

"We've been looking everywhere for you, Zhang Zitao," the voice of a man said, pulling the boy into his arms. "You're quite sneaky. Smart for a six year old. You were told to hide, weren't you?"

"Leave me alone!" Zitao cried out, struggling to get away.

"Now come on, boy," the man said, carrying him towards the two he had come with. Zitao screamed and thrashed about in his hold. "Weren't you needing help finding your sister?"

"I can find her myself!" he said stubbornly, hitting the man with his fists as he struggled to get out of his arms.

"You and I both know that isn't true," the man said, having someone else take a hold of the six year old. "Come on, let's go."

"Where are you taking me?!" Zitao cried out. "Give me my sister! I want my mom!"

"We don't have your sister or your mother, boy," the man said, gruffly. "We're going to help you find them. Just stick with us and we'll get them!"

"You're bad men! You'll hurt them!" Zitao cried, spitting at them. "Let me go!"

The men sighed as they made their way out of the forest, carrying Zitao with them. Zitao only got louder and louder with his screams, praying someone would hear him. He had no idea who these guys were and why they were taking him. For all he knew, they were part of the demons that were attacking his home. Little did he know, these men actually were there to help him.


"I see you have finally come back to me," a dark voice said, turning to find a young woman walking up to him, holding the hand of a small girl. "You found the princess."

"I want to train the boys before you take them," the woman said, letting go of the girl's hand. She looked down at the princess, letting out a deep sigh. "So I brought you an offering. Let me get the boys strong enough, and then you can take me. Give me 10 years."

"You can have 5 years," the man said, glancing at the princess as well. The woman shook her head, standing firm in her spot.

"8 years," she said. "No more, no less. They're not strong enough."

"You–" the man said, narrowing his eyes. He let out a deep sigh before nodding his head. "Fine. 8 years."

"She'll be ready to take the throne," the woman said, nodding towards the princess. "Right?"

"You chose her as a daughter in law?" the man asked, causing the woman to nod. "Smart. She'll be ready. She's already strong at her young age."

"She'll be the perfect match for him," the woman said. She then glanced down at the girl and kneeled down in front of her, taking her hands. "You'll stay here with Mr. Aoki. He'll take care of you. You're safe here."

"Where's my brother?" the girl asked. The woman gave her a small smile and shrugged her shoulders.

"You'll find him," she told her. "Mr. Aoki will help you."

"Why can't you help me?" the girl asked, causing the woman to shake her head.

"I have to get back home to my boys," she told her. "Don't be scared, okay? Nothing's going to happen to you."

"What about my brother?" she asked, causing the woman to let out a soft sigh.

"He'll be okay," she told her. She then stood up and turned away.

"8 years from today," Aoki told her. "That's all you have left. They better be ready."

"They will."




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JiwoosGxnshot 8 months ago
I'm here!
moonsiez 8 months ago
Interesting!!! I love cultivation story the most!
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