slow chat.

about the room
for when things get too hectic
song yuqi 3 months ago
cutest human alive :dreamysighs:
song yuqi 3 months ago
today as well, she looks so pretty
song yuqi 3 months ago
ten more minutes > <
song yuqi 3 months ago
help i am once again crushing hard on ssw
song yuqi 3 months ago
she looks so good in the new teaser pictures ;;
°andy blossom ° [A] 4 months ago
@song yuqi Good uwu
I'm glad
song yuqi 4 months ago
@°andy blossom ° oh i will. just not about this matter
instead i'll come annoy you with other stuff
like...a little sister (๑・ω-)~♥”
°andy blossom ° [A] 4 months ago
@song yuqi Bug me all you want LOL
You're family atp uwu
song yuqi 4 months ago
@°andy blossom ° mmmh, baby steps right?
crinkles my nose, pulling a little grimace.
alright, since you've promised i will stop bugging you about it
°andy blossom ° [A] 4 months ago
@song yuqi I'll work my way up to it
Grins cheekily reaching up to tweak your nose.
All will be well though c:
song yuqi 4 months ago
@°andy blossom ° that's all the more reason why you should go talk to her!
i don't really get it, wendy would be the first person i would come running to, whether it's been hours or weeks since we've last talked. but then again, everyone is different. so...take your time and do it when you feel ready. just...don't make her wait for too long, okay?
reaches up to ruffle your hair affectionately.
°andy blossom ° [A] 4 months ago
@song yuqi It's been awhile ahahaha :sweats:
song yuqi 4 months ago
@°andy blossom ° bonks your head
what's there to be nervous about? she's your girlfriend
°andy blossom ° [A] 4 months ago
@song yuqi Aaaaaaa but I'm nervousss
song yuqi 4 months ago
@°andy blossom ° yeah...i worry a little about her too. even though i know she's perfectly capable of taking care of herself, but still...
sounds like a plan. i'm sure she has been missing you a lot too! go bother her asap!
°andy blossom ° [A] 4 months ago
@song yuqi Anytime yuqi <33
I hope Wendy is doing okay. I do worry about her too.
Yeahhhhh I miss her I should try annoying her more I think LOL
song yuqi 4 months ago
@°andy blossom ° again, thank you so much for being here and cheering me up, andy. i'm so glad to have you girls here with me
i hope so. ah...but if thinking of me makes her as mopey as i was, then maybe it's better if she doesn't think too much of me and focuses on her stuff instead
boooh! hope you two can find some time to spend together soon. need to distract myself by watching other cute couples being cute
°andy blossom ° [A] 4 months ago
@song yuqi It's a deal then.
My door is open for you c:
I'm sure she is thinking of you, you two are inseparable so I believe it.
Ren and I? We're good but I haven't seen her in a hot minute. We've both been busy ;u;
song yuqi 4 months ago
@°andy blossom ° brings my arms up, wrapping them around your frame for a tight squeeze.
yes ma'am. will do. i still stand by it, though. i don't want to burden anyone too much or drag down the mood so...only when really necessary i'll come knocking at your door, okay?
that would be nice. but right now, i just want her to stay safe and be thinking of me from time to time. everything else, there's still plenty of time for in the future.
what about you? how are you and ren doing lately?
°andy blossom ° [A] 4 months ago
@song yuqi Pulls you in for another hug squeezing you tight, a small empathetic smile adorning my tiers.
Well if you want to talk just hit me up and I'm sure everyone here is highly supportive as well.
I hope you guys get everything you've wanted.
Another couple wedding? Hmm
That would be nice wouldn't it
song yuqi 4 months ago
@°andy blossom ° sniffles, trying not to break down in tears, faintly shaking my head.
i wouldn't want to be too much of a burden to anyone. also it's really embarrassing, crying like this in front of everyone. but i will definitely come to you when i'm in need of some hugs and head rubs
one day, definitely, i am going to marry her. but since we don't know how far into the future that day might be....maybe i should hope for another couple's wedding first
°andy blossom ° [A] 4 months ago
@song yuqi Cradles your precious face dabbing your eyes with my sweater sleeve.
Cry all you need, we don't have anything against that in the rules, in fact it's always encouraged to let out emotions.
Okay,, cake,,,and I'll be manifesting that big rock for your HAHA
I would love for you guys to get married
Aaaa that's so cute
song yuqi 4 months ago
@°andy blossom ° i....did quite a bit earlier this morning. i might actually start again right now cause you're being so sweet
she's probably feel really shy and embarrassed if we did that. but...there better be cake
also she better come back healthy and happy and with a big diamond ring for me
°andy blossom ° [A] 4 months ago
@song yuqi Cry as much as you need dear,
Just know we'll be here and I'm holding out hope for you.
When she comes back we'll swarm her with a warm welcome. c:
song yuqi 4 months ago
@°andy blossom ° she said could be weeks, could be months. but however long it takes, i'll wait for her
i'll probably be mopey and cry from time to time, so please bear with me
chuckles, eyes falling shut as i slowly take in a deep breath.
thank you andy. i really appreciate it
°andy blossom ° [A] 4 months ago
@song yuqi It would be nice to have the answer to that :<
But you have family here to talk and lean on
Cards my fingers through your hair affectionately
song yuqi 4 months ago
@°andy blossom ° leans into you with a soft sigh.
i know. i'm not doubting it. the question is just when....
°andy blossom ° [A] 4 months ago
@song yuqi She'll be back
I assure you
Squeezes you to me
song yuqi 4 months ago
@°andy blossom ° hey andy :'')
°andy blossom ° [A] 4 months ago
@song yuqi Waddles in to hug you
Oh yuqi :<


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pickles [A] 3 months ago
the roleplay is officially closed and we are not taking any new applications
b14cc37d0180e8411cf4 3 months ago
casually lurking with popcorn
[comment deleted by owner]
inlesbianswithyou 4 months ago
could i get wang yiren back please?
fluffyllamaa 4 months ago
julie han pretty please
ChocoMuffin 5 months ago
kim yerim pls
[comment deleted by owner]
glizzy_mcguire 5 months ago

okay wait a moment
glizzy_mcguire 5 months ago
Can I get Lalisa Manoban fr this time shsiso
Nature07 5 months ago
May I get Jung Eunbi aka Eunha?
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