ㅤcity streets

city streets


jisung han. ᵒʳᵖʰᵉᵘˢ 4 months ago
@yunjin huh. ᵉᵘʳʸᵈᶦᶜᵉ oh is that so?
i guess i play a few tricky games, then
/there's some shyness that comes with how i respond to you, especially when you mention how long ago it was since you where christine
/your name comes by pretty often in my line of work and i hope you realize the reach you have with some people who want to work with me, i really hope you do
/as you add your number i smile at the sight of the emojis you use, lifting a hand to touch the little tattoo i have behind my ear, finding it endearing
perfect, so--
/but i stop, looking back up to you and though my smile doesnt fade, it definitely shrinks a little, something more relaxed as you introduce me to the man at your side, and then he drops that bomb without warning
/for a moment im wondering, was it really necessary to say something like that, but i just nod and give a pleasant little bow of my head
/its like everything comes to a skidding halt, but do i have any right to be upset by it, that i cant even confirm or deny either but im smiling to you when you address me again
of course, yunjin
i hope our paths cross again
/there's a brief moment when i almost ask you, if not with words then at least my expression, if you're alright, but then i brush it aside, this isnt my pace
/you lean in and kiss my cheeks, it leaves me not only with your lingering scent but that warmth that blooms, it warms my cheeks as i watch you go, feeling a little lost as i just watch
/my hand raises when you look back, something like a wave, but then you're gone and im alone-- well, not really alone, as this party is still going on and such
/but im slipping away, oddly enough it feels like i lost a little piece of me when you left, and its very late by the time im staring at a conversation with you, or at least an empty one because i cant figure out what to say
/eventually, i do end up sending you a message, a simple "thank you for taking your time to come and see me tonight" before im tossing my phone, nervous and giddy and wondering if that was even a good idea or not
yunjin huh. ᵉᵘʳʸᵈᶦᶜᵉ 4 months ago
@jisung han. ᵒʳᵖʰᵉᵘˢ i guess compliments and honesty can be together
very tricky i'd say to do in today's time and all
/reasons with you before i'm finishing my own drink and setting the empty glass on the passing tray, same as you did just now
oh so you saw me as christine. wow that was.. a while ago
you've liked me stuff that long? i'm flattered
/and i genuinely am, as a fellow musician and avid fan of your music, tonight just seems to be going really well for us
/as you add your number i smile encouragingly to you, waiting for you to finish before you show me your own phone as well
/smiling to myself i send a text to you and then take your phone, adding myself under your contacts with a little music note and drama mask beside my face
there you go. now you definitely have me
/hands your phone back before i'm putting my own back in my purse, about to launch into another topic when i feel a hand at my waist and lips on my cheek
oh, jisung this is callum
/i say after he greets me, kissing his cheek in return and having to lean against his side as he pulls me in against him and looks at you with a smile
callum this is jisung
"hi, lovely to meet you. i'm jennifer's boyfriend"
/he drops that bomb and i can only nod my head, a flash of disappointment on my face but i figure you won't see it, no one does
"hey i think i'm all done for the night, early flight tomorrow and all. did you want to stay longer?"
oh um
/looking to you i wonder if i should, caught in two worlds so i just shake my head, telling myself no, don't, don't do this temptation
it was lovely meeting you, jisung. hopefully we get to meet again soon too
enjoy the rest of your night
/leaning down i kiss one of your cheeks and then the other, leaving you with just the scent of my perfume and a faint lingering of my warmth, glancing back once just before i disappear outside and into the night
jisung han. ᵒʳᵖʰᵉᵘˢ 4 months ago
@yunjin huh. ᵉᵘʳʸᵈᶦᶜᵉ /yet again you manage to get my cheeks to flush a deep pinkish red, right when i thought i managed to get my face back to a normal color too
/squaring up my shoulders i clear my throat a little, clearly embarrassed to some extent but not enough to be uncomfortable, more like friends teasing each other
/raising a brow at you, im looking at you from over my glass, chuckling softly before im shaking my head, thinking you're quite adorable with your words
and cant it be both?
that way, anything goes
/with a playful wink, im laughing again, my glass passed off to someone walking by collecting the empty glasses, and now my attention is fully on you
i believe... it was phantom of the opera
which, i would love to see again, now that i can genuinely appreciate you and everything you have to offer
/perking up when you mention me being here, im wondering what you're doing before you're brandishing your phone, handing it over to me
/im left staring at it for a moment, then looking up to you, and then i nod and take the device to input my phone number, handing it back to you after
im used to handing people my card or something, but this is even better
/reaching into my back pocket, i pull out my own phone, flashing you a boyish but charming smile as i tilt my head a bit, clearly a little eager
can i get yours, too? just in case
yunjin huh. ᵉᵘʳʸᵈᶦᶜᵉ 4 months ago
@jisung han. ᵒʳᵖʰᵉᵘˢ /when you straighten up as subtly as you can i smile to myself but don't bother trying to hide it, reaching for your tie and giving it a little wriggle as if to straighten it for you
don't worry, sweetheart. you're fun size
/whispers the last part as i pull my hand back from your tie and wraps the same arm around my waist, nursing my drink a little more
/i do like the sound of your laugh, its musical ironically and its so dorky at the same time, genuine, i know its genuine then
oh are you still complimenting me or being honest?
if its the prior you're going to have to tell me what you want
/grins at you before i look happy when you tell me you have indeed been to one of my performances, my hand lifting to slide over my chest, fiddling with my necklace dangling there
well now i need to know which of the many faces you saw me being that night
who was it? circe? lady macbeth? christine daae?
/asks as i wonder if you can remember, maybe it was another i hadn't listed anyway, i have done so many after all
i'm glad you showed up tonight too, jisung
/reaching for the phone in my purse that's hooked over my shoulder with its chain, i grab my phone and hold it out to you, smiling again
add yourself for me?
i'd like to keep in touch
jisung han. ᵒʳᵖʰᵉᵘˢ 4 months ago
@yunjin huh. ᵉᵘʳʸᵈᶦᶜᵉ /when you say that im adorable, i let out a little laugh and tilt my head a little, embarrassed of course but i dont say anything about it
/instead i rub my ear and drop my hand after, looking up at you-- up.. at you, i realize, suddenly feeling a lot smaller so as subtly as i can im standing up as straight as i can
mm, i get you, but you still have a reach
a bigger reach than you may think
/gesturing to you with my drink, i tip the glass and then take a sip, nodding as im thinking about how i've heard of you, a name in passing that always seemed to catch my attention
/you make me laugh, a delightful little sound honestly, finding myself so easily comfortable around you and i wonder what brings it, just brushing it off for now though
your name gets tossed around every once in a while, people look up to you
one of my clients brought you up, said they wanted to hit your style, admired your vocal range and talent-- so i went to one of your shows
...i had to sit kinda far back, all the good spots were taken, but i still loved it!
/nodding, my eyes are bright and im eager, laughing again and gentle before im reaching out to gently touch your arm, grinning widely
you're funny, yunjin
im glad i came out, i got a chance to /actually/ meet you
yunjin huh. ᵉᵘʳʸᵈᶦᶜᵉ 4 months ago
@jisung han. ᵒʳᵖʰᵉᵘˢ /watching you ramble i wait for you to realise i was messing with you, giggling when you finally do and you go red like that
how adorable
/comments as i watch you a while longer, sipping at my own drink after and noticing how eager you are, also how... i'm taller than you
jisung it is. thank you
/tells you before you're smiling at me, something about it striking but i don't know why other than well, you're good looking but it feels more than that
well see in my defence what i do is more stuff in niche
you on the other hand spread over several genres you know?
so how do you know me? you always liked classical and the theatre? i don't think i've ever seen you at a show...
then again, its hard seeing much under all the lights
/as you describe me i wave it off lightly, shifting my stance a bit to be more comfortable before i playfully flip my hair over my shoulder
well you know
i do my best~
/giggles as i let that façade crumble very quickly, it isn't really me after all anyway, but i'm very comfortable with you like this
jisung han. ᵒʳᵖʰᵉᵘˢ 4 months ago
@yunjin huh. ᵉᵘʳʸᵈᶦᶜᵉ listen, to be fair, just because i produce music of a different genre doesnt mean i cant appreciate what you do, or any other genre for that matter
... you're teasing, you're teasing me, oh my god
/my cheeks go red as do the tips of my ears because im realizing this all while rambling, i dont feel the need to defend myself but it all came out so naturally
/but i shake your hand, giving it a squeeze before our glasses clink and im smiling to you, nodding as i take a sip and fumble to swallow fast enough to reply to you
oh my god yeah, call me jisung!
j.one sounds so formal
/laughing a little, my now free hand rubs the nape of my neck before im following your lead, stepping away from the others and smiling softly
no, its totally okay-- honestly i wouldnt be here, except i was told i need to show my face some more or something like that
but what do you /mean/, you're huh yunjin! amazing work, well known, absolutely /gorgeous/...
come on, you dont have to be humble like that
yunjin huh. ᵉᵘʳʸᵈᶦᶜᵉ 4 months ago
@jisung han. ᵒʳᵖʰᵉᵘˢ yes, isn't it shocking?
someone steeped in classical music wants to meet j.one the producer!
/teases as i speak in a serious tone, exaggerating a little bit too before i'm giggling at being so happy just to meet you honestly
please, just yunjin
i'm not old enough to be miss anything
/says as i slide my hand into your own, giving it a shake as well before i gently knock my drink against your own as a kind of cheers
may i call you jisung?
i had no idea you even knew i existed, let alone a fan of my work!
but i must admit i'm surprised seeing you here
/tells you as i place my hand on your arm and lead you away with me, not too far just breaking off from the other group we were with so we can speak one to one
i hope you don't mind, its just a little quieter here
jisung han. ᵒʳᵖʰᵉᵘˢ 4 months ago
@yunjin huh. ᵉᵘʳʸᵈᶦᶜᵉ /initially i didnt really want to attend the party, drained from a hard week of work, but management said it would be good for press, and something itched in the back of my mind to encourage me to go as well
/there are poses for the paparazzi, but im sipping a drink from the outskirts before i catch sight of you, you're talking to someone else but you have my attention
/eventually im brought to another round of talking with people, the glass rests on my lip but i havent taken a sip in a while, just listening to conversations before i feel your presence-- i cant explain it, but i do
oh, wait for real?
/you/ wanted to meet /me/?
/there's shock in my voice, of course i've known of you, wanted to meet you, thought highly of you and your work, but for that to be reciprocated? thats news to me, thrilling really
its an honor to meet /you/, miss yunjin
/dipping my head, im holding my drink aside before offering you my hand to shake if you'd like, my eyes shining both with excitement and wonder as i look to you
yunjin huh. ᵉᵘʳʸᵈᶦᶜᵉ 4 months ago
@jisung han. ᵒʳᵖʰᵉᵘˢ /there's a large gathering of those of us that live in the limelight for a living, myself invited and i've just arrived, greeting the paparazzi as they flash us with their lights
/i pose here and there before i'm heading inside the venue, somewhere in the city centre and bustling with plenty of people
/there's a drink put in my hand and i'm mingling immediately, a bit of a social butterfly as i meet new people and make conversation so comfortably
/i'm drawn to another circle where you are, greeting everyone and then finally getting to you, pausing before i'm smiling brightly
j.one, right?
music producer? oh my goodness. i've wanted to meet you for ages
hi, i'm yunjin. its nice to meet you finally


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melanie 3 months ago
Ben Barnes/ actor
Aug 20, 1981 & 42
Rumpelstiltskin ♡
bigboybbg 3 months ago
this is adorable!
unevenstars 3 months ago
skz & Bangchan
october 3, 1997 & 26
big bad wolf from the three little pigs
themis [A] 4 months ago
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BooJae- 4 months ago
hello ~
can I have huh yunjin as eurydice please?
thank you :3
collision 4 months ago
hi! i have a (potentially dumb) question !!
subeomi 4 months ago
will apply for sohee tomorrow!
[comment deleted by owner]
DNABleached 4 months ago
I'm gonna apply tomorrow stuck on mobile rn hiding from the heat in Aus LOL
psycheux 4 months ago
applying for kang seulgi !!! ♡
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