✎ dorms

What happens in the dorms should stay in the dorms. Just be careful; your RA might have eyes in the back of their head.
✧ l. taemin 2 months ago
@✧ p. jinyoung he and his staff have been agonizing over this shoot for the better part of six hours, cycling between countless lighting compositions, backdrops, outfits, and poses, before calling it an early evening. the inevitable regret looming on the horizon is an issue for tomorrow, taemin decides, swiftly bidding everyone in the studio a good night before fleeing to his car, muscles aching and head spinning. no sooner does he manage to close the door than his phone vibrates in his back pocket.

he has half a mind to ignore it, but the subtle curiosity nags at him. it’s not often that he receives a message so late at night, and it’s that thought that compels taemin to retrieve his phone from his pocket. as the screen illuminates his face in the dimly lit car, his eyes widen in surprise and a hint of amusement plays on his lips.

“well, i’ll be damned.” the words leave him in a disbelieving chuckle. the last he’d heard of jinyoung, the guy ended up getting himself kicked off the sports team. it’s a wonder the university didn’t expel him right then. if he’s still in the school and texting taemin at this hour, that can only mean one thing.

his thumb hits the reply button faster than he can think.

[ text to: sneaky link :flaming heart: ]
— ohoho missing me that much, are you?
— just got out of a late shoot. give me half an hour to get back to campus?
— i’m bringing food too. be there shortly

one stop to the nearest takeout restaurant—some quaint little place just two blocks from campus—and an obligatory visit to the nearest drugstore later and taemin finds himself on the ground floor of the residence hall jinyoung stays in. he fishes his phone from his back pocket to shoot out another text.

[ text to: sneaky link :flaming heart: ]
— i’m downstairs
— hope you don’t mind takeout. felt i could use a cheat day
✧ p. jinyoung 2 months ago
@✧ l. taemin jinyoung had given up on his physics assignment for the weekend a few hours ago. ever since his accident, he would occasionally experience sharp, intense headaches which only frustrated him further. he recalls his neurologist instructing him to find the easiest thing to get his mind off of his stressors to be able to more efficiently finish his homework. and as the headache was beginning to set in, he was suddenly consumed with an intense sense of anger to the point he punched the wall next to his bed, putting a hole through the drywall. when he pulls away his hand, he emits a series of curses beneath his breath before turning to his phone. in times like these, he just wanted to use someone’s perfectly unmarked body. he wanted to hit them, spank them, curse them, until their tight heat would finally take in his manhood. to hear someone as handsome as taemin beneath him, watching as jinyoung turns him into a mess against his dorm room sheets would solve his problems for the night. maybe if taemin with his pretty face could scream loud enough, their pleasure could drown out the sounds of his former teammates screaming and crying for help from the burning vehicle only jinyoung managed to escape from.

[ text to: size queen :tongue: ]
> hey, want to come over tonight?
> lmk and i’ll swipe u in.
> also i’m out of condoms so if u want me to use one make sure to grab them on ur way into my dorm.


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melozennie 1 month ago
[ ◉¯] CLICK ? CLIQUE ! ✧˖° — this roleplay is now closed.
keyboardsmash 2 months ago
jihoon will be leaving, thanks for everything!
faerielights 2 months ago
Fiona barron pretty pls
captaintycoon 2 months ago
can I reserve sato ryuga (japanese actor, known in kamen rider geats)?
captaintycoon 2 months ago
Can I reserve a japanese actor here?
madmarks 2 months ago
it's featured (*⌒3⌒*) congratulations bby!
DNABleached 2 months ago
could i reserve kim taehyung? (i dont think i see him on the list-)
heathens 2 months ago
lemongrass 2 months ago
omg congrats on the feature!! it's time to party!
psycheux 2 months ago
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