⟟ han river

han river
han river
♀ seo jiyoung『ᴊᴀᴅᴇ』 1 month ago
@❀ jeon minjun『ᴀᴄᴇ』ˢᵒˡᵒⁱˢᵗ Omg, shut up! You do?? He doesn't???
*reacts louder and louder to each statement, the news hitting me out of left field as I never expected you to do something like this, let alone hide it from your older brother*
You /have/ to show me!
*my sentence becomes interrupted suddenly as my throat somehow constricts in on itself, so I only nod in agreement with your praises, drinking the rest of my tea away, but it doesn't seem to help at all, which leaves me confused, getting a little taste of the donburi again, trying to figure out what's wrong*
What is going on with this rice... Do you taste something... Oh... Oh, no... Is this... Excuse me-- Is this-- pineapple?
*grips the arm of a waiter passing by and asks him frantically, the frazzled boy confirming that the sauce of the donburi indeed has pineapple pulp in it, so I can let him free*
Oppa... Pharmacy... Please.
*whispers, hands clutching at my throat, not because I need to speak quietly, but simply because my throat is closing in, making my voice hoarse, the pineapple allergy acting upon the first unnoticed bite*
❀ jeon minjun『ᴀᴄᴇ』ˢᵒˡᵒⁱˢᵗ 1 month ago
@♀ seo jiyoung『ᴊᴀᴅᴇ』 I only use them when it lines up with the promotion. A proper good boy huh... is that how I looked like? And I do have a tattoo. Not even Jiho hyung knows it haha.
//gulps as I look at you, unintentionally staring longer that I should but luckily I manage to catch myself and look away as quick as I could. Nodding in agreement while eating the duck meat after dipping it in the sauce you've prepared before//
Mmh maybe that's why they got such a good review too. Way to make more loyal customers. I think I'm gonna be one of them
♀ seo jiyoung『ᴊᴀᴅᴇ』 1 month ago
@❀ jeon minjun『ᴀᴄᴇ』ˢᵒˡᵒⁱˢᵗ Ah, and you don’t even have ear piercings right now, do you… a proper good boy. I think you would look great with a central labret, but your brand is not that, so… How about tattoos?
*holds your wrist to stabilise the spoon and takes the bite, nodding again*
Mm! Yes, very good, just the right amount of spicy. Good, good, ahem…
*clears my throat, even though i did like the spicy level, feeling like something probably got stuck, so i sip my honey tea, hoping to clear it away, before eating some more of my own donburi happily*
They cook very well here.
❀ jeon minjun『ᴀᴄᴇ』ˢᵒˡᵒⁱˢᵗ 1 month ago
@♀ seo jiyoung『ᴊᴀᴅᴇ』 [Evil. You are evil. Tsk tsk]

Mmh it does suit you well. And I don't think I would ever get anything than ear pierce... especially not on my tongue like you. And it's only like 3 to 5 points? Not that spicy
//shakes my head in amusement as you chew the steak, chuckling softly as I was getting ready to push the bowl towards you only to be stunned by your choice. My face gradually turned red again as I cant help but to stare at your lips. Gulping to ease the sudden dryness in my throat, I scoop some of the rice and eel into the spoon and with an almost shaky hand I feed you the donburi//
...not that spicy right...?
♀ seo jiyoung『ᴊᴀᴅᴇ』 1 month ago
@❀ jeon minjun『ᴀᴄᴇ』ˢᵒˡᵒⁱˢᵗ [you put yourself in that one on your own, my guy]

Yeah, I do~ I hide it well. Thank you~ It's pretty so it's suits me~
*puts both hands palm down under my chin, basically shamelessly complimenting myself that I am pretty*
Have you ever thought about piercings too?
Uh-huh, at least I can eat my steak without crying.
*pops a small piece of the wagyu in my mouth to demonstrate, grinning at you as I chew it down*
Is it very hot (spicy)? Like... on the scale of 1 to 10, how spicy is it? Yeah, gimme.
*once the meat is swallowed, I open my mouth like a baby bird, ready to be fed the spicy rice bowl, lips forming a little puffy O*
❀ jeon minjun『ᴀᴄᴇ』ˢᵒˡᵒⁱˢᵗ 1 month ago
@♀ seo jiyoung『ᴊᴀᴅᴇ』 //looks at that tongue piercing, first time ever seeing that you have it there//
I didn't know you have a tongue pierce... that's pretty though. And too bad, I've made up my mind that you will finish one steak and I will finish the other one~ you cant say no.
//watches as you mix the donburi true to your words earlier, chuckling softly before I also take a spoonful of the eel and the rice, humming at the taste//
Mine is rather spicy so its not that...tingle nor sweet. Wanna try it?
♀ seo jiyoung『ᴊᴀᴅᴇ』 1 month ago
@❀ jeon minjun『ᴀᴄᴇ』ˢᵒˡᵒⁱˢᵗ *stifles my laugh as i hand you a napkin, still with some worry in the eyes after all*
I guess there is some truth to what they say - that when you get one of those...
*sticks out my tongue to show the piercing in the middle, the decorative butterfly flashing for a second*
... you kinda lose feeling in the middle. I only have very strong feeling on the tip and sides, though. You win some, you lose some.
*shrugs, then squints at you again, taking the last of the duck and pork off the grill, and turning it off, before they burn, making space on your dish to fit the slices*
Yeah, yeah, you're also gonna be a good boy and eat most of them too, since /you/ ordered them. No more tricking me - or your tongue will suffer again.
*brings the donburi in front of me to split the eel in little pieces and proceed to mix it up with the rice and veggies, like I mentioned earlier, taking a nice mixed bite with my chopsticks to start eating it as well*
Huh... the sauce is very interesting... sweet but there is some... tinge to it...
❀ jeon minjun『ᴀᴄᴇ』ˢᵒˡᵒⁱˢᵗ 1 month ago
@♀ seo jiyoung『ᴊᴀᴅᴇ』 //grabs the glass of water and drink it, almost half of it in one go. Coughing a little as I put the glass down//
I should've blow air on it first... i like it hot but not a sizzling hot like that. You really have a strong tongue then. But that aside, I'm glad you like the steak. Good thing I ordered two of it~
♀ seo jiyoung『ᴊᴀᴅᴇ』 1 month ago
@❀ jeon minjun『ᴀᴄᴇ』ˢᵒˡᵒⁱˢᵗ Sometimes the smaller cities turn out to be better than a busy capital.
*nods in easy agreement, pouring some soy sauce and oyster sauce in little pans for us to use*
They do call them that, and you know - in a weird way, it makes sense! Mhm, I think time just wipes away the negative feeling, and only leaves you with the nostalgia - and it makes for a good story for the table.
*suddenly shocked from the loud reaction, I soon come to my senses and can't help but chuckle, handing a glass of water to you quickly*
Aigoooooo, what happened?? You don't like the hot? Wow, I guess I really eat my meals very hot then, if it's that bad. Eat some rice to calm down your tongue. Aigooo...
❀ jeon minjun『ᴀᴄᴇ』ˢᵒˡᵒⁱˢᵗ 1 month ago
@♀ seo jiyoung『ᴊᴀᴅᴇ』 Back when I was in senior high. Chosen to be in a student exchange. I lived in Fukuoka area. Even though it's not as big as Tokyo, the city has it's own charm.
//hums as I listen to your story; chuckling here and there, especially about the meat problem, knowing that it usually the case for any "cheap" student meal//
That's just so bad though haha but yeah maybe the mushroom saved the dish. Then again people are calling some mushroom as "the meat of vegetables." But those kind of stories are the one that made us smile when we reminisce it. Thinking back and say "why would I do that?" or "It was so funny now I think about it." those kind of experience put the colors in our life.
//smiles as I watch you eat although nothing could prepare me from the reaction I got coming from you, the unnecessary soft moan was definitely not what I expect to hear. Tries to shift my attention else where by popping the meat into my mouth only to get my tongue burned from the hotness of the meat//
Ah! hot hot hot!
//looks away to fan my mouth, eyes slightly watering due to the pain//
♀ seo jiyoung『ᴊᴀᴅᴇ』 1 month ago
@❀ jeon minjun『ᴀᴄᴇ』ˢᵒˡᵒⁱˢᵗ Oooooh, you did?? I never knew! When did you do that? I've actually not stayed in Japan for long like... at all. And I wish I did, i'd like to visit and to have time to like... live it in, breathe the air, see the culture. Eat the food, of course.
*grins, always food on my mind. I watch you cut up and check the rest of the meats, deeming them ready as well, so I divide them between our plates and put a new batch of slices on the grill while talking*
I like what I've seen from Japanese food, but let me tell you a funny story - back when I was in Shanghai, we used to go to this fast food place that claimed to serve Japanese food. But we were dirt poor - students, you know - so we ordered donburi chukadon, and it's like... it's mainly rice, the veggies are mostly onion and mushrooms, because they are the cheapest, and veeery very thin slices of meat on top, just so they can say it has "some" meat. Aaaah, we ate that like the world would end tomorrow. So good. But now when I think back, I'm like... how did I even like this thing? But I do love mushrooms a lot, so maybe that was my deal-maker.
*finally when I'm done telling the story, you are also done with serving the meat pieces, already cut up for me, so I nod at the advice, sprinkle some salt, and then take a little one with my chopsticks, popping it in my mouth*
Oh... mmm... it's so buttery... Mmmmmmhh... It's so... it falls apart in my mouth, it's so tender, Minjun-ah... aaah...
*almost moans when the juice from the meat also fills my mouth, covering it with a hand*
Eat, eat, eat, before it cools, it's best when it's hot. Mmh, so good.
❀ jeon minjun『ᴀᴄᴇ』ˢᵒˡᵒⁱˢᵗ 1 month ago
@♀ seo jiyoung『ᴊᴀᴅᴇ』 I guess maybe because I stayed in Japan for a year before it it slowly influence on how I eat Japanese food?
//lets the meat cooked for several minutes more before I pick it off the griller, cutting it to see its a medium well, smiling in satisfaction before I place it on your plate, nodding my head//
well, then you get the honor to try it first. Does it live up to your liking or do I need to cook it more
add some salt on it before you eat though, it'll enhance the flavor.
♀ seo jiyoung『ᴊᴀᴅᴇ』 1 month ago
@❀ jeon minjun『ᴀᴄᴇ』ˢᵒˡᵒⁱˢᵗ Hahaha, not boring~ Just a different style. I see, I see. You're so proper. Yeah, I guess no matter how much I traveled, the Korean is still strong inside me. I like to chop up the meat so it mixes in well.
*takes care to set an empty plate in front of each of us while you work the grill*
Mmm... however you make it, you are the wagyu master here.
❀ jeon minjun『ᴀᴄᴇ』ˢᵒˡᵒⁱˢᵗ 1 month ago
@♀ seo jiyoung『ᴊᴀᴅᴇ』 the only fun thing about treadmill is only when you run in uphill climb mode. Otherwise, yes, it's so boring.
//grabs the spare pincers to lightly rotate the steak so it's thoroughly cooked, humming softly as the smell of grilled meat slowly fill the private room/
yeah, i like mine boring. aka in order haha or just have a little bit of everything in one scoop of rice
I didn't know you like to eat it like bibimbap
//cant help but to chuckle along at your demonstration, finding it very adorable then quickly look back to the griller to flip the steak/
how well done you like your steak?
♀ seo jiyoung『ᴊᴀᴅᴇ』 1 month ago
@❀ jeon minjun『ᴀᴄᴇ』ˢᵒˡᵒⁱˢᵗ *hums non-committably regarding the cardio, not a fan, more of a necessary curse to all of us, before taking the wagyu steaks with the pincers and place them carefully on the grill so there is space and the flavors are not mixing*
Oh, no, no treadmill, please, never. It's so boring. So repetitive. Like a hamster in a cage. Hate it.
*smiles a little, turning the thin strips of meat that I put first, since they quickly get golden on one side*
I know, I've been getting hungrier since we got here. You flip the steaks though, I don't know how well done you like them.
How do you eat your donburi? Like... in order? I like to mix mine up like chak-chak-chak-chak-chak
*chuckles as I demonstrate in the air, how I mix up the donburi - meat, sauce, rice, and all*
❀ jeon minjun『ᴀᴄᴇ』ˢᵒˡᵒⁱˢᵗ 1 month ago
@♀ seo jiyoung『ᴊᴀᴅᴇ』 //looks at the waiter and eventually at the food he brought in, mouth already watering at the sight of it. Watches as you put the meat on the griller although your words next stunned me. Did I unconsciously chose running because of that? Staring at the woman in front of me, the unwanted answer unwillingly formed in my head though I quickly dismiss it before it could ruin the mood//
maybe I just like cardio workout so much. Pushing the limits like that is fun.
better than running on the treadmill- oh right, don't forget to grill the wagyu too. its already smell so good
can't wait to finally eat.
♀ seo jiyoung『ᴊᴀᴅᴇ』 1 month ago
@❀ jeon minjun『ᴀᴄᴇ』ˢᵒˡᵒⁱˢᵗ *laughs with you, only interrupted by the waiter bringing us the dishes, so I nod to thank him and do a little happy dance at the sight of food, taking my pincers and clicking them a couple times, before taking a piece of duck and pork each and placing it on the grill*
Mmm, cheongyang... that's hot though, no? like... Very hot? I don't like hot chilli so much, I think... Just spicy.
*firmly shakes my head, stirring my citrone tea, because the honey is pooled at the bottom*
Definitely not. You run because you are trying to escape something, not for... fun. I like pilates, you know, something that actually relaxes your mind, makes you feel outside of your body. This is freedom.
❀ jeon minjun『ᴀᴄᴇ』ˢᵒˡᵒⁱˢᵗ 1 month ago
@♀ seo jiyoung『ᴊᴀᴅᴇ』 of course you wouldn't know since you are a tiny lady~
//the more you teased me, the redder my face become though in the end I can't help but to laugh along with you//
yes I love red so much and I love Cheongyang chili pepper too.
//looks at your hand, clearing my throat to ease the sudden shyness in me//
we don't need to call the police. Running is fun. And I get a sense of freedom whenever I run
you should try it sometimes, Jiyoungie.
♀ seo jiyoung『ᴊᴀᴅᴇ』 1 month ago
@❀ jeon minjun『ᴀᴄᴇ』ˢᵒˡᵒⁱˢᵗ *blinks fast at you, blank faced at your statement about standing tall*
I wouldn’t know.
*the blank stare melts into a grin slowly, watching you get red, entertaining me endlessly*
Whyyyyyyy, you look like a chilli pepper right now, what happeneddddd? You don’t wanna taste me? I knew you like red, but that much?
*pushes more and more, grinning wider and wider, before bursting out in a laughter*
Okay but why running, who is chasing you? Is there something wrong, do you need help?
*reaches out and holds your hand with the most serious facial expression*
Minjun-ah, should we call the police?
❀ jeon minjun『ᴀᴄᴇ』ˢᵒˡᵒⁱˢᵗ 1 month ago
@♀ seo jiyoung『ᴊᴀᴅᴇ』 I still have 3cm more to go~ it would be nice to stand that tall hehe
//the cheeky attitude was gone the moment you said that i want to taste you, realizing how wrong that sounds right now and that effectively make my face turn as red as possible//
Y-you know what I meant is tasting the dessert from the same plate or bowl! Not tasting you- that sounds wrong- I mean-
//clears my throat as I look away to hide my embarrassment and once I feel my cheeks no longer feeling hot, I shift my attention back to you while shaking my head//
Not really. I do eat a lot but I work out like crazy. Though I prefer running instead of lifting weights. I run of minimum 5km everyday and sometimes if I eat a lot, I go for 10 km.
♀ seo jiyoung『ᴊᴀᴅᴇ』 1 month ago
@❀ jeon minjun『ᴀᴄᴇ』ˢᵒˡᵒⁱˢᵗ Still gro—
*gives you a look, knowing your size ALREADY*
No, this is a trick and i will never stop standing behind this.
*squints at you harder, even though a smile is kinda pulling at the edges of my lips at your cheeky attitude*
Just say you want to taste me and go.
*shakes head in faux disappointment, leaning my face in my hands, elbows on the table as we wait*
Still lots of food though. So unfair that you can eat however much you want right before comeback - we have to diet so much before promotions start
❀ jeon minjun『ᴀᴄᴇ』ˢᵒˡᵒⁱˢᵗ 1 month ago
@♀ seo jiyoung『ᴊᴀᴅᴇ』 And I do share mine. I can finish two steaks with no problem. I'm still growing after all~ but I feel generous tonight and let you have the other one. See? Still sharing my meal~
//the cheeky grin is coming back on my face before I let out a little laugh as I point at the menu in your hand//
Lets share one dessert then. I promise I wont pitch in that. Just gonna taste some from you. How's that sounds?
♀ seo jiyoung『ᴊᴀᴅᴇ』 1 month ago
@❀ jeon minjun『ᴀᴄᴇ』ˢᵒˡᵒⁱˢᵗ [hehehe]

Don’t I know it—
*mutters under my breath, thinking back of another Jeon, who is also relentlessly stubborn*
Not 2, opp–…
*slightly distracted while you were ordering and i was flipping the desserts list, i miss the waiter who bows away and leaves with the order, so i turn back to you, looking cross*
Minjun-ah! You said you would just share yours! You’re being unfair! Why did you order two…
*sighs and closes the menu, feeling bad that i let you order the wagyu for me too, knowing you’ll want to pay for it too; also cringing at the pouty whiny tone that my voice turned to without thinking, toning it down as to not sound like a petulant child*
We got so much food too… I wont do dessert then, some other time… when you don’t trick me.
❀ jeon minjun『ᴀᴄᴇ』ˢᵒˡᵒⁱˢᵗ 1 month ago
@♀ seo jiyoung『ᴊᴀᴅᴇ』 [Yup, thats what I thought too]

I'm not like other people sadly, and you said it yourself, if I watch you drink, it would be creepy.
And it's a known trait for a Jeon. We are stubborn.
//grins cheekily at you then shift my attention to the waiter who just came. As you place your order, I tried to be as discreet as possible while staring at you, a soft smile on my face especially when you grin; blinking back as the waiter turns to me//
Oh! Uh I'll get the spicy eel donburi and for the table let me add 2 wagyu steaks... also a glass of matcha for me please. Thank you
♀ seo jiyoung『ᴊᴀᴅᴇ』 1 month ago
@❀ jeon minjun『ᴀᴄᴇ』ˢᵒˡᵒⁱˢᵗ [in my headcanon timeline - this happens before the hotel situation, let me know if you planned any different though]

*snorts loudly, waving a hand dismissively*
Watching YT videos, while I'm literally sitting here at this table with you? Jeon Minjun, people would pay good money to have me at their table, count your blessings.
*it's a passing thought that I note the size difference between our hands, mine almost getting completely engulfed in yours, but it passes soon, as I squint at you for being so cheeky*
So stubborn. Okay, fine. It's your meal indeed, who am I to stop you?
*just then the waiter shows up again and I list out the duck and pork servings for the table*
... and then also the sweet and sour eel donburi please... yes, with sauce, sauce is always good yeah? And a honey citron tea for me, and just one shot of soju, as my friend here really recommended your soju.
*grins at the waiter, who also smiles in return to the compliment, then leans over to fire up the little BBQ rail in the middle of the table for us, so it will be ready and sizzling when the marinated meat comes; then he turns to you with the usual "And for the young gentleman?"*
❀ jeon minjun『ᴀᴄᴇ』ˢᵒˡᵒⁱˢᵗ 2 months ago
@♀ seo jiyoung『ᴊᴀᴅᴇ』 Who said I'd be watching you? I can always watch YouTube videos from my phone while you drink.
//raises my brow up when I hear you laugh, wondering what the cause of it before all the blood in my veins seem to rush up to my cheeks as you hold them with your fingers, hoping that you won't hear the hammering sound of my heartbeat that is beating too fast at the gesture. nodding my head to answer your question and as a sign that I won't try to pay for both of us despite it was a little bit unsettling for him. Lifting my hand to pull your fingers away from my cheeks, I took my time to release your hand from my hold, relishing the little touch that who knows when I will get again/
Then since I'll be paying for my share, let me get that wagyu steak and we can share. And no buts. It's my meal and if I want to share with you, I will and you can't stop me. Along with that donburi too.
♀ seo jiyoung『ᴊᴀᴅᴇ』 2 months ago
@❀ jeon minjun『ᴀᴄᴇ』ˢᵒˡᵒⁱˢᵗ I knowwwww, but I don't wanna be out here, drinking by myself with you just... watching me. It's creepy and rude. So just the one.
*lifts my gaze from the menu just in time to spot your little pucker, which makes me laugh, before it turns quieter, more like a mock at myself*
Hah, I don't have wagyu money, Minjun-ah. And /before/ you say anything about you paying tonight...
*raises a hand to hold your cheeks between my fingers, making the pucker pop out even more for a moment, lightly swaying your head left to right to keep you quiet*
... no, you will not. You have done enough by driving me and taking me out to dinner. I can't pay for both of us, but I will not accept to be paid for right now.
We can get donburi though? Sweet and sour eel donburi... Mmm, I'm getting hungry now...
❀ jeon minjun『ᴀᴄᴇ』ˢᵒˡᵒⁱˢᵗ 2 months ago
@♀ seo jiyoung『ᴊᴀᴅᴇ』 Of course. It would be like an open invitation to take pictures of us if we get seated outside like everyone else. Are you sure just one? Their sake is good, you know
//smiles teasingly at you, glad that at least the thought of getting delicious food already improve my mood by a large margin. Looking at the menu, I unconsciously pucker my lips up as I think, a habit of mine from long time ago//
Hmm both is good. Maybe get some beef too? The A5 wagyu is a must try.
♀ seo jiyoung『ᴊᴀᴅᴇ』 2 months ago
@❀ jeon minjun『ᴀᴄᴇ』ˢᵒˡᵒⁱˢᵗ *almost forgetting to grab my trusted cap (face mask omitted totally), i come in to the restaurant a bit after you, bowing to the waiter who leads the way, with the cap worn low in hopes I won't be recognised *
*once we are seated, i take it off again*
Good thinking, getting the private room, hood job Minjun-ah.
Oh! Yes, id like s— ah, but I don’t wanna drink alone, and youre driving… i will only have one, just for courage as they say.
What do you feel like for dinner? Duck, pork… both?
❀ jeon minjun『ᴀᴄᴇ』ˢᵒˡᵒⁱˢᵗ 2 months ago
@♀ seo jiyoung『ᴊᴀᴅᴇ』 //only nod in response then make my way to the restaurant, though making sure I don't walk too fast so I won't accidentally leave you behind. After asking for a private room to the waiter, I glanced back to look at you for a bit before following the waiter to the room and wait for you to be seated first then take a seat myself//
Do you want some Sake too?


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kynelope 2 weeks ago
Can I a&r Shim Youngjoon and Baek Juho please?
mightymorphan 2 weeks ago
hello, may i reserve lee jiwoo (triples) please?
Keikeu 2 weeks ago
Just out of curiosity,

Do you allow office workers and interns too?
lavieenrose [A] 2 weeks ago
making the rp public to have more people joining our tiny little entertainment company ♡

currently looking for:

venus (1 member needed) - lver's flagship girl group with the concept of fearlessness, preppy and confidence!

alpha (3 members needed) - lver's boy group with an everchanging concept - think of them as nct but fixed!

new idol groups (as trainees first!):
male band (5 members)
male idol group (5 members)
female idol group + band (aoa + aoa black's concept, 4 members for the band unit, whole group undecided, but 8/10/12 members total)

managers (as many as possible!)
vocal trainers (2 needed)
rap trainers (2 needed)
choreographers (1 needed)
producers (1 needed)
stylist (2 needed)
make up artist (2 needed)

thank you for taking the time to check us out, and looking forward to have you here with us!
Kagune 3 weeks ago
hi there! so you guys need trainees right?
evakpop 1 month ago
hi hi! a few questions:
1) is it possible to have two characters please? if so, could i please get kim sejeong (actress) (27 years old) and a fan (m or f)?
2) for the fan, is there a specific different form and is there a specific fc that people would like to see for a fan?
thank you. <3
inertialsunflower 1 month ago
hi can i please have kwon eunbin? she used to be part of clc but is an actress now! i need to keep thinking of an oc name ;;;; thank you
lilybun 2 months ago
hello! can i grab natty suputhipong please? i'll come up with an oc name soon ><
psycheux 2 months ago
hello and good day! reserving for hwang yeji with the oc name mae areum? thank you!
icedpeachtea 2 months ago
hi! can i reserve kim doyeon, if she is still available?
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