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slow chat
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❥ danielle .ᐟ 1 week ago
@❥ Beomgyu .ᐟ is that so? now you make me quite intrigued as to what work do you even do for a living- if you're okay with saying to a mere stranger, such as myself. teases with a small smile before laughing under my breath. okay- I would give my best reasons as to why you should smile - for a start, you look prettier that way, the way your eyes crinkle and glimmer under the lights. makes the star look like they're unworthy. shrugging my shoulders briefly, my eyes find the sky as I say that while pursing my lips and emitting a soft hum. such a shame huh? I'm a simple yoga instructor and part-time model. might convince them to dress me up like an officer for fun and see how it's like carrying a make-shift weapon though.
❥ beomgyu .ᐟ [A] 1 week ago
@❥ Danielle .ᐟ it takes a lot more to upset me.. you build up tolerance through the years in my line of work.
snorts softly.
oh yeah? keep giving me reasons and i might. you seem pretty convincing to me.
laughs, shaking my head before looking down.
a woman with a weapon is indeed an attractive thing.
❥ danielle .ᐟ 1 week ago
Hahaha please, if you were upset I'd wonder if somethings really wrong and if you're okay I would be quite worried. Chuckles and clicks my tongue with a small smile as my eyes drift off to the side, but actually felt much relieved and better after seeing a smile on your features. You look pretty smiling, should do it more often and if that's police work, I should've gone into law instead of what I am huh? Clicks my tongue as I playfully ponder over it with pursed lips. I might look pretty bad carrying around a gun or baton huh?
❥ beomgyu .ᐟ [A] 1 week ago
is it not?
raises a brow, tilting my head the opposite way.
if we were friends, it would be normal.. suddenly asking a stranger seems like police work.
grins a little, clearly teasing before i'm leaning back on my palms.
don't worry, i'm not upset.
❥ danielle .ᐟ 1 week ago
I— blinks in surprise at the motions and shrugs it off before glancing forward with pursed lips.
Is that what this is? Me simply asking how was your day is um interrogating you? Tips my head to the side and eyes you with a small smile playing on my lips before laughing and linking my hands together. That's interesting. I was simply trying to uh have a conversation maybe?
❥ beomgyu .ᐟ [A] 1 week ago
glancing to the small space, i click my tongue lightly.
nice to meet you, too.
at the gesture, i pull my hands closer over my lap, politely declining, a soft chuckle sounding.
i'm sure it will, it always does.. now, do you always have a habit of interrogating strangers about their day?
❥ danielle .ᐟ 1 week ago
Thank you
Mumbles and moves to settle down next to you, swinging her legs out and leaning her head back.
Nice to meet you then beomgyu-ssi. Flashes a small smile and offers a slender hand your way. I hope your day becomes brighter either way.
❥ beomgyu .ᐟ [A] 1 week ago
[] np♡

ah, go ahead.
shrugs slightly, shaking my head.
there isn't much to talk about, just one of those days. beomgyu.
❥ danielle .ᐟ 1 week ago
() had to make sure >< thanks love.

Mmmm it happens a lot. Mind if I? Waves a hand at where you're sitting to move over to you. Either way — do you wish to talk about it? I'm danielle by the way.
❥ beomgyu .ᐟ [A] 1 week ago
[] it's irl based c: actions allowed.

perpetual exhaustion seems to be going around lately, huh? i wouldn't say.. "unwell", just a little lost.
❥ danielle .ᐟ 1 week ago
I didn't finish say what I was saying rip but. I'm doing okay I think I'm just perpetually tired.. but I'm very happy to see you're alive and well.
❥ danielle .ᐟ 1 week ago
()is this actions or just chat over mobile or device chat?

.... are you emotionally unwell?
❥ beomgyu .ᐟ [A] 1 week ago
i could be better but, alive isn't too bad, i guess.
how are you doing?
❥ danielle .ᐟ 1 week ago
Ah okay. Thank you and hello, how are you,
❥ beomgyu .ᐟ [A] 1 week ago
not at all.. be my guest.
❥ danielle .ᐟ 1 week ago
Hello! Mind if I disturb your peace a bit?
❥ beomgyu .ᐟ [A] 1 week ago
sinks here for now


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puppup 6 days ago
Could you add Sebastian Moy again por favor!
FallenBloodyAngel 1 week ago
Could I get Jongho please
bigboybbg 1 week ago
can i get christopher bang (bang chan) as my 2nd?
-jbnw- 1 week ago
this place is cute
I have never ABO'd before but I am willing to give it a go
got to learn sometime and somewhere haha
puddin 1 week ago
May I reserve kim minjeong from aespa please?
bobabear 1 week ago
Could I have Anatchaya Suputtipong aka Natty from Kiss of Life pls? ;u;
bigboybbg 1 week ago
kim sunggyu, please
TaeKook 1 week ago
May i reserve Park Seonghwa please
puppup 1 week ago
Can I reserve Sebastian moy por favor?
zeriri 1 week ago
could I reserve Leo wang please?
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