- vincent's estate

vincent's estate
vincent's estate
vincent h. ♚ 1 month ago
@ellison b. ♟ *as much as he wanted to be known as a selfless lover, it was common knowledge that pregnancy took better with s from both parties. so even as he felt the omega trying to lure him in, Vince refused to budge. instead he made the choice to lean down and replace the three fingers with his tongue. both hands resting on Eli's lower back, guiding the omega to lightly bounce back against his face. the slick muscle was wild with intent, lapping and twisting against the rim endlessly- trying to occupy his partners mind in favor of reaching one hand between those built thighs to slowly pump the smaller male's . hums of approval rumbled in his chest as the alpha felt the other's body react in pleasure; tensing, pulsing and pressing back harder. only pulling away when he'd had enough, he let out a breathy chuckle as a firm slap was given to the milky white skin of their *
do you want my , little omega? gonna beg me to you until your pretty belly is full of our pups..
*it felt natural saying such things as Vince held the base of his . one hand on the lower back to keep Eli still while rubbing the length against the slick entrance. simply waiting for their mouth to open for a reply before pressing himself inside with a snarl. walls clenched but the alpha held fast, waiting for the others body to give in to the intrusion before sinking in every single inch just to roll his hips in a wide circle*
ellison b. ♟ [A] 1 month ago
@vincent h. ♚ *a soft, breathy 'oh', something between pleasure and surprise, escaped him as the man's finger breached him for the first time. It had been so long since someone else had touched him like that. Years since he'd felt anything but his own fingers. In the back of his mind, he felt a nagging sense of shame about that. An omega that couldn't fulfill his duty. But this man didn't know any better and it was... kind of nice to fall into the fantasy. By the time the alpha was three fingers deep, Eli's lips were slack with pleasure, little moans coaxed out of him with each brush against his prostate. His hand had long since fallen from his own backside, laying uselessly against the sheets until he felt the other's hardness press between his legs. Eyes slowly fluttering open, he reached back to slip his fingers along the alpha's hip, fingertips digging into the plush flesh of one check to encouragingly pull him closer. Part of him wondered why such a man cared to play with him like this. Most wouldn't waste their time. Not that he didn't appreciate being eased into things after being celibate for so long* alpha...
vincent h. ♚ 2 months ago
@ellison b. typical-
*he exhaled, knowing all too well how omegas would melt at a firm hand and a bit of . what did catch him off guard was the assistance, earning a deep chuckle. the thumb was switched for his middle finger- guiding the lone digit up and down against the omega's entrance. stroking nice and slow in a rhythm, happily coating the digit before pushing it in just up to the first knuckle. slow, wide circles were applied- easily stimulating all the sensitive nerves just out of reach on the surface. only to mirror the omega's hand on the other side of his backside, spreading him further as a second digit was added to the same length. instead of a circle they wiggled back and forth before slowly pushing inside, the slick making this process all too easy.
two long, thick digits worked their way fully inside before curling ever so slightly. making it a point to press onto the velvet walls as they were slowly removed, purposely dragging over the prostate. only to push back inside with a little bit more force. his eyes were locked on the smaller male's face, gauging his sounds and reactions. the louder the moans got, the more he would give- be it force or speed. all up until the first three digits were fully rocking away into the omega's tight heat. the alpha was already straining through the peek of his robe- the heavy member brushing between Eli's thighs and against their hardness. it was maddening but relief at the same time- to be in control after a week of black outs.. even though is body was exhausted maybe he could enjoy this night mentally?*
ellison b. ♟ [A] 2 months ago
@vincent h. ♚ *cocky knothead alphas. of course this one would be just like the rest, thinking the only good omega was one that was pupped up at their leisure. Ellison almost scoffed at the man's determination to defy biology, but the sound turned into a startled cry as he was turned around and shoved into the bed. he barely reached out to brace himself before his cheek was smothered into the sheets. , the lingering scent of the other's rut was overwhelming, permeating ever fiber of the bedding. it made Ellison's head swim, his eyes growing glassy and distant as his inner beast preened at the thought of fulfilling his body's purpose, of being a good for this alpha to breed over and over. thankfully, the firm slap to his backside brought him back, making him jerk and bring a hand up to cover over his nose and mouth. it barely helped. certainly not to settle the deep ache in his core, his pretty pink hole glistening with slick and clenching around nothing at the first brush of the man's thumb*
*gives a little nod, accepting his place. he supposed this turned out better than past bouts already if this man was willing to play with him a little rather than engage in a soulless, clinical . pressing back encouragingly, Eli reached back with his free hand to one plump asscheek, exposing himself for the man to take as he pleased*
vincent h. ♚ 2 months ago
@ellison b. *the more talking continued, the shorter his temper became. fists clenched slightly as he heard the little speech. the only thing catching him off guard was the mention of house. there were plenty of prized breeders there, all who actually knew how to do what was asked. in his mind, it was a test.. and it was one he wouldn't fail*
The only thing you're wasting right now is my time. I've asked you the question twice, don't make me repeat myself again. I've never met an omega that wasn't able to carry my pups, and I'm not going to break that streak.
*at this point, he'd had a rough week and night. the last thing he wanted was to start manhandling someone.. after all, they had the right to decline contracts... right? at least to his knowledge. the alpha already fed up with the lack of answers was quick to grab the other by the hips. spinning the omega around and pressing into his middle back to bend at the waist. the white robe was hiked up, allowed his dark orbs to truly admire the toned legs and well built before him. the view was more than enough to earn a twitch in his . letting the blood rush south, Vincent took a moment to give the omega's a firm slap- kneading the flesh roughly, even brushing against the tight rim with his thumb as slick started to show*
Show me how many fingers you can take, and I'll forget all this back talk...~ Deal?
ellison b. ♟ [A] 2 months ago
@vincent h. ♚ *like a scratch in a record causing the music to skip, Ellison's collected facade faltered at the surge of oppressive pheromones that surged off of the stranger. he'd been given too much freedom at Carnelian house and had forgotten his place, speaking out of turn when he should have been the quiet, submissive thing that most masters expected. letting his head bow in obeisance, he chose is answer carefully*
of course not. my apologies, sir. I merely thought it would be remiss of me to think of anything else but spending the entire night by your side.
*peering up at the imposing alpha, Eli searched his gaze to see if that was what he wanted to hear. what sort of omega did this man expect him to be? It had been so long since he'd had to play this game. part of him wondered if it would end quicker if he was a disappointment, but then what would he have to return to if he brought dishonor to his House? they took him in in spite of his shortcomings and found a use for him that allowed him to maintain some dignity. that was more than most in his station could hope for. Still, this exchange felt... off. Why did this man not know the reason for which he was bought? everything was based on assumptions, as if he didn't make the purchase himself. was this... the /mutt/ he'd overhead the two speaking of? was he even a master at all?*
*struggled to find words that were both tactful but honest, his hands self consciously pulling the silken robe closed around himself once more in spite of the man's crude words making a subtle ache grow between his thighs*
It has been years since I've been purchased. And I've never been bred. Not- ... successfully. So if that is the reason for which you've acquired me, I may not be the best candidate. Carnelian House would happily give you a refund and try to find you a- a better breeder to suit your needs. Your time and your-
*fights back the urge to grimace, averting his gaze*
your seed is precious. I hate to waste it.
vincent h. ♚ 2 months ago
@ellison b. *the lack of answer offered nothing but a pang of annoyance. it showed on his face as he stared down at the omega, as if expecting them to understand the original question. the more his temper started to flare, the stronger his scent became. it was no real surprise that the rut pheromones were still strong enough to fill a room*
Are /you/ so confident that you'll challenge me openly? Don't forget your place.
*brows were raised as a stern look was given to the breeder in his presence. truth be told, he was no better than the man before him.. but that was he secret to keep. all he truly wanted was a peaceful night, and the faster this went? the more rest he'd gain*
I'm sure the contract lasts until the pregnancy is confirmed- until then? You'll be the perfect sleeve for me to fill every night and day. Anytime I wish, really.. so now I ask again. Shall we handle tonight like business, or do you need me to take my time with you? I assume you're a prime buy who knows how to take it, anyways.
ellison b. ♟ [A] 2 months ago
@vincent h. ♚ *for a moment, Ellison thought the way the man tied his robe around himself that carnal pleasures weren't up for discussion. But upon hearing his words, he felt like the rug was pulled out from beneath him. So this alpha had no idea about his prior failures. In the end, though, what did it matter? Ellison was here to honor Carnelian House. Nothing more*
For us, it is often both, my lord.
*when the alpha stepped closer, bringing his imposing height to bear, Eli couldn't suppress the shudder that went through him. This man could take exactly what he wanted, so why did he care about the illusion of choices for someone beneath him? Resigned, Eli took a step closer, his hands shaking only slightly as he reached down to undo the silken ties on his robe to let it fall open*
Are you so confident that you'll breed me on the first try that you'll send me back to my bed alone tonight, alpha?
vincent h. ♚ 2 months ago
@ellison b. *the lack of confirmation from the servant was.. odd. his eyes followed the omega's silhouette and it clicked. prime breeding pair, but the height was off. his blood line sharing the same trait for the last many generations, but he played it off. instead he put focus on the other's words.. Ellison. standing up, he tied the robe around his waist before moving to step off his bed platform and closer*
Business or pleasure, omega. I'm not in the mood for pleasantries, and you're not leaving until you're carrying my pups.
*as he stepped closer, he could feel his upper lip twitch at the sting of his back. all he wanted was sleep, but to turn away one of his requirements would mean certain hell for him and the breeder he'd be "gifted". a hand was soon resting on the side of Eli's neck, a thumb pressed under his jaw to position his head up. the alpha towered over, simply staring down*
Make the choice quick. Else the butlers will be too busy into nightly routines to take you back to your own room tonight.
ellison b. ♟ [A] 2 months ago
@vincent h. ♚ *hesitated in front of the door the servant opened for him, but found a hand push at his lower back to urge him forward. he took an unwilling step and it was enough for the door to shut behind him, the lock clinking into place making his stomach drop. so that was how it was... the air was thick with powerful pheromones, but also the metallic smell of blood. the person who sat on the end of the bed was not what he expected, though. he seemed just as surprised by what was happening*

sir... *bows a little, a hand coming up to hold his robe closed at the chest to preserve some modesty* I am Ellison. A breeder from Carnelian House. I- ... perhaps you did not mean to send for me? *his brows quirk upward and he tries his best to reserve his hopes*
vincent h. ♚ 2 months ago
@ellison b. ((I feckin love ya, could probably do 3rd though if it makes the detailing easier :P))

*the last week was hell, most of which he wasn't able to remember. all he could pick out were pieces and the large amount of fresh scratches. his back and shoulders were already shredded with scars, and the addition only added to his misery. the return to his cage of a room always felt the coldest after a rented out rut, causing him to sit on the stairs at the foot of his bed. by the time he'd been able to process, there was a rattle. the door to his room was creaking open which caught him off guard. sitting up, the alpha wrapped the robe tighter around his waist to cover up the bandages on his torso*
What is this?
ellison b. ♟ [A] 2 months ago
@vincent h. ♚ ((gonna write the backstory in para and then switch to detailed))

the first few days at the Holmes estate had been deceptively calm. For Ellison who was used to looking after all the breeders at Carnelian House and making sure things ran smoothly, it was almost relaxing. All that was expected of him as a bit of household chores and no one really spoke to him much. Of course, it was too good to be true. On the third day was when he overhead a conversation between two masters while they enjoyed tea... Malicious, disdainful whispers about someone they kept referring to as a "mut". That they intended to give him their breeder pet once his rut was done so that he didn't "break his new toy." It made Ellison's stomach turn unpleasantly, but it wasn't like he could run. Carnelian House was the best thing that could happen to someone like him and if he wanted to go back, he had to behave.


*wakes up the next morning to a beta housemaid insisting he quickly get changed. The robe she left him was a white, silken thing that barely felt like anything at all on his skin... So this was it. Ellison felt his stomach drop as he led him through the house, not knowing what awaited him*


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Kaworu 1 month ago
Is this place still active?
FlyingPheniox 1 month ago
May I reserve Song Yuqi as a mistress?
FlyingPheniox 1 month ago
Hello i just wanted to ask. Is there any particular fc you like for an alpha female? Just curious before I ask for a cc reservation. Thinking of Jiu or Siyeon of dreamcatcher or Jennie or Lisa from blackpink
everrosie_ 2 months ago
hi, I would like to reserve Kim Jennie and Dove Cameron again please?
FallenBloodyAngel 2 months ago
Can I get Hwasa as an Alpha please.
justwritethis 2 months ago
Hey can i get choi san from ateez?
evakpop 2 months ago
hi hi! may i please get kim sejeong (actress) as a breeder? could she perhaps be a beta breeder? i saw that you are looking for alphas. she could perhaps be an alpha, but with female ia.
RoseThornArchive 2 months ago
Can I have Lee Felix as an omega pet and

Kim Namjoon as an alpha breeder
bigboybbg [A] 2 months ago
_fanytastic_ 2 months ago
hwang hyunjin please.
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