
main chat
main chat room, mature topics are allowed to be discussed here. no of any kind. safe phraise is: red rum red room.
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♠ sirilak kwong. 1 month ago
Oh no.. eat some soup orm and rest if you got the time
♠ orm kornnaphat. 1 month ago
i n h a l e s
my tummy hurts
but I'm being really brave about it
♠ sirilak kwong. 1 month ago
♠ kim chaewon. [A] 2 months ago
I don’t want morning to come
♠ ying anada. 2 months ago
it's not,, sedly
♤ wang yixiang. ⁿᶦᶜʰᵒˡᵃˢ 2 months ago
is it morning -
♠ ying anada. 2 months ago
good morning peeps
♠ sirilak kwong. 2 months ago
You can do it orm
*pata your head*
♠ orm kornnaphat. 2 months ago
I've got places to be
♠ orm kornnaphat. 2 months ago
So eepy grrr
♠ sirilak kwong. 2 months ago
Good morning
♤ sim jaeyun. ʲᵃᵏᵉ 2 months ago
♠ kwon eunbi. 2 months ago
good morning ❤️
♠ kim chaewon. [A] 2 months ago
my peeps
♠ sirilak kwong. 2 months ago
Whatd up
♠ orm kornnaphat. 2 months ago
bone jour
♠ sirilak kwong. 2 months ago
♠ kim chaewon. [A] 2 months ago
You both have earned it, hope you both get lots of good sleep
♠ kim chaewon. [A] 2 months ago
You earned the rest then eunbi!
♠ ying anada. 2 months ago
the way im tucked in so snugly
♠ kwon eunbi. 2 months ago
but tgif
♠ kwon eunbi. 2 months ago
i'm about to
it's been a long and dull day at the same time :c
♠ kim chaewon. [A] 2 months ago
Are you all tucked in?
♠ kim chaewon. [A] 2 months ago
I will!
♠ kwon eunbi. 2 months ago
good to hear
do drink some water uvu
♠ kim chaewon. [A] 2 months ago
It was pretty decent
♠ kwon eunbi. 2 months ago
was it a good nap??
♠ kim chaewon. [A] 2 months ago
I took a small nap
♠ kwon eunbi. 2 months ago
rise and shine darling


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morsmordre 2 months ago
may i reserve huh yunjin pls?
proudshikshin1 2 months ago
May i get Sirilak Kwong?
Purple_gummieball 2 months ago
:eyes harder:
_rainy [A] 2 months ago

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babyfangz 2 months ago
Oh i'll hit your line, alright. With this aesthetic it's as if you're trying to summon me back. < 3
_rainy [A] 2 months ago

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MiFidoDiTe 2 months ago
Hot n fun? Thats me okno
Either way i gotta join.
Uuuuuuhm park chanyeol pls?
minity 2 months ago
kim minseo pls
pickles 2 months ago
gimme orm kornnaphat pls :/
_rainy [A] 2 months ago


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