+ rogues

watch your back!
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hwang hyunjin [A] 1 week ago
@bang chan hyunjin was known for his beauty. the pure pearl of the west. he was his father's son, a true prince of furred beasts.
years ago, a great tragedy struck the bang clan. from being friendly to sworn enemies, they had fought for years, until the hwang pack had won and slaughtered every living being in the woods. the clan leader made sure to wipe them off the land, proving his authority over the remaining smaller packs.
yet when his son was born, they expected a promising alpha, however, hyunjin was born a bratty omega. the clan leader made sure everything was safe from him, banishing the rouge wolves out into the forbidden forest, making sure they would never interfere with his clan.
hyunjin grew to become a rather beautiful vixen. from long eyelashes, creating shadows in the sunlight, to dark brown hair, reaching to his shoulders. he was slender, petite, with feminine curves and muscles, not too masculine. his beauty outdid every female in his pack and he had suitors from east to west. he ravished in attention and luxury, as older he became, the world truly revolved around him.
he loved his life. his parents were wonderful, they made sure their pearl got the best of the best.

until one day, he had wandered off alone. hyunjin heard stories from healer wolves about the certain meadow in the further corner of his land. they told stories about the daisies that glowed in the moonlight and valley lillies with healing properties and the curious babe just had to see for himself.
he didn't even get to the meadow as suddenly the world turned black and he woke up hours later on the rocky coast of a mountain river. the sharp edges scrapped his milky skin, leaving red trails, but a deep, sudden voice was what actually made his eyes flutter open. hyunjin tried to fixate his eyes on the dark shadow amidst grey and green, it being blurry from the light, trying to adjust to it. he didn't know how he had gotten here. he didn't know how he had fainted or how the small period of unconsciousness thew him off the trail he was following, rolling down the rocky hill and landing on the coast of the river. all he knew is that the wolf, the alpha was dangerous. his pheromones filled the air, made him feel intoxicated as he was pure and untouched.
hyunjin managed to lift himself up and pulled away from the wolf, his eyes fixating on the large muzzle and a row of pearly white canines. ' who are you- ' he managed to whisper out, feeling his throat burning as if it was twisted in thorns.
bang chan [A] 1 week ago
@hwang hyunjin *flashbacks of my loved one pound through my mind, each hitting harder than the last. They beat away any doubts in mind that I've made a mistake. Their smiling faces turn to twisted expressions of pain. The longer I stare at your flawless face, the more their pained ones burn into memory. It was all for you. Their death was meant to be your uprising. Your pack killed all of mine just to ensure you would have a place at the top of the food chain. Yet here you are, unconscious, on the floor. Certainly no place for a prince. Standing up from my spot, I circle your body, contemplating my next move. Should I send your pretty hands back to your father? Mount your head on a stake in front of your land? Tempting. Grabbing you by the hair, I pull you back towards the inner most wall of my cabin and secure the chains around your wrists, keeping you in place. It would do for now while I go hunt for some food. Though eating you was also an option I considered for a moment. Steps outside, venturing off into the woods for dinner*


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