〈 ♦ Abilities

*Powers and Abilities 

You may have up to three of these. But choose one from each category.



  • Enhanced Vision - See with amazing clarity, distance, color, different spectrum of light or into another dimension. Also can see incoming attacks and quickly find a way to dodge them
  • 360-Degree Vision - See all direction at once
  • Atomic Vision - See people/objects stressed or weak points
  • Heat Vision - Release/generate immense amount of heat from the eyes
  • Aura Vision - Sense people's emotions, health, and power levels
  • Death Vision - Sense a death or the actual act of dying, can also see the future on who or what is going to die


  • Organic Constructs - Change the bodies/body parts or other things into tools, objects, and weapons. Basically creating whatever suits the user's desires
  • Duplication - Duplicate/clone anything
  • Invisibility - Change their body or other things to invisible
  • Wall Crawling - Climb on the walls, buildings, ceilings, etc
  • Camouflage - Blend into surroundings
  • Immobility - Never can be moved by a physical force, only the user's selves can move


  • Strength - Crush, lift, throw, or catch items of great weight
  • Jumping - Jump incredible distances and land safely. People mistaken it as flying
  • Reflexes - Dodge anything with speed; bullets, catching flies in mid air, react instantly to what others take more time to react to, etc
  • Flexibility - Bend the body without effort


  • Memory Manipulation - Control memories; erase, restore, confuse, modify, fabricate, suppress, influence, repair, detect and view them
  • Mental Manipulation - Modify and control the thoughts, mindsets, and upper brain functions of others
  • Mind Control - Control the minds
  • Possession - Take over a body 
  • Mindscape - Trap people in their mind and during their sleep. Can also travel through people's imaginations
  • Dream Manipulation - Access and manipulate the dreams of oneself and others
  • Yin & Yang Manipulation - Manipulate the complementary and opposite forces of Yin & Yang. Basically means controlling anything or all things


  • Air - Create winds of any strengths; Tornadoes, and siphon the air out of other people's lungs. Generates breezes, squalls, gusts, whirlwinds, zephyrs, gales, tempests, and hurricanes
  • Fire - Control, absorb, and move flames, including the shape, heat, and even color
  • Earth - Control, shape, and generate earth, including sand, stone, rock, lava, dirt, glass, metal, and other minerals
  • Water - Control, generate, and absorb liquids, moving and shaping bodies of water to the user's desire
  • Ice - Reduce the warm temperature, having the ability to control, generate, and absorb ice
  • Electricity - Control, generate, and absorb electrical things
  • Plant - Control the plant life


  • Shadow - Physically transform into a shadow
  • Diamond - Physically transform into a diamond; The skin/body being hard and shiny looking
  • Crystal - Physically transform into a crystal or crystalline substance; Similar to the diamond
  • Magma - Physically transform into magma
  • Stellar - Physically transform into the plasma/energy generated by the stars
  • Demonic - Use the abilities of a demon or transform into one
  • Angelic - Use the abilities of an angel or transform into one
  • Monster - Use the abilities of a monster or transform into one
  • Vampire - Use the abilities of a vampire or transform into one
  • Spirit - Use the abilities of a spirit or transform into one
  • Werewolf - Use the abilities of a werewolf or transform into one
  • Phoenix - Use the abilities of a phoenix or transform into one
  • Kitsune - Use the abilities of a kitsune or transform into one
  • Thunderbird - Use the abilities of a thunderbird or transform into one


  • Chaos - Control chaotic forces in the universe; Chance, mutate, destroy, space/time, living beings, organizations, minds, and spirits
  • Creation - Create anything and everything; Souls, life, dimensions, realities, stars, etc
  • Destruction - Destroy anything and everything; Buildings, cities, countries, states, continents, worlds, planets, dimensions, inter-dimensions, parallel worlds, solar systems, suns, stars, whole entire galaxies, etc
  • Healing - Cure anything with a touch
  • Wish Granting - Grant wishes and desires for oneself or others


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baektard 9 years ago
I miss this rolelplay so much. I hope you guys come back someday.
krissmenow 10 years ago
I applied as Im Jinah
FrozenInTime 10 years ago
Jessica left
applefied 10 years ago
applied as V :3
bluecrush 10 years ago
I'm off hiatus, thanks ^^
zekken 11 years ago
C.A.P left
-FANBOY 11 years ago
Taemin left
TI_Chanyeol 11 years ago
Zelo is leaving due to some school stuff and no one seems to be here anymore -.- yunho left his dongsaeng alone :( had fun rping.. hopefully i'll be back in the future!
PurpleLotus03 11 years ago
Yunho's leaving
JayLee 11 years ago
Yongguk is leaving, inactive
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