✿ Garden


Stripper CL 10 years ago
CL sighed hapily as she stepped into the garden with a book tucked under her arm. Her long hair was tied up in a messy bun that went well with the simple jean shorts and tank top she wore. Her footsteps were unhurried as she searched around for an empty, and secluded, bench. Smiling when she found one, she quickly sat down and crossed her legs under her, stretching her legs before doing so. With a happy grin, she opened her book at the dog-eared page, determined to finish her chapter before heading off to the nightclub.
Ryeowook 11 years ago
@Master SungJong He coulnd't help it but to feel uncomfortable. To him Sungjong wasn't more than a stranger, yet a stranger that held power over him. This stranger could easily get him fired and all he would have to do to accomplish that was upset the master or going against given order. That he was held close to the younger didn't help much too. Blushing his eyes moved up again, biting down on his own lower lip while studying Sungjong's face. "Uh... thanks.. I think..?" he carefully replied, not really knowing how to respond in another way. "And.. uhm. it's really okay..? For me to just uhm. just sit here..?"
Ryeowook 11 years ago
@Master SungJong Even though those words and actions weren't really demanding or ordering, for the short male it wasn't an option to refuse. After all, it was a master who asked him to come and sit down, telling him he needed entertainment - or at least, that was how Ryeowook explained those words to himself - and he really was afraid of losing his job if he refused to. So he didn't struggle when Sungjong pulled him with, even sitting down on the grass just like he got told to do. "Ah.. uh." he looked at the other for short moment while stuttering. "How. uh, do you want me to .. entertain you..?" he carefully asked, still shyly blushing while staring at the grass in between them.
Ryeowook 11 years ago
@Master SungJong As soon as the younger man pulled him into a hug Ryeowook gasped for air, standing quite awkwardly and stiff into the sweet gesture. “You.. you’re sorry..?” he softly muttered, obviously confused. “They.. they will think .. that you’re some.. uhm some imposter..” he continued with the same soft voice. It wasn’t until then that he noticed that he had buried his own face in the younger man’s neck. “And chase you away..” he finished his sentence, hoping that he made Sungjong aware of how his parents were and what it meant. After all, they only send him away so he could gain money for them.
Ryeowook 11 years ago
@Master SungJong He again flinched a little as he saw the master shake his head, instantly lowering his gaze, afraid he had done or said something wrong. Ryeowook was about to apologise – even though he didn’t know what he had done wrong – himself when Sungjong spoke again. This time it was Wookie’s turn to shake his head. “Not for my parents..” he softly mumbled, still looking at the other’s chest instead of in the eyes. Slowly he started to hold on the younger’s hands to, glad to have something to hold onto.
Ryeowook 11 years ago
@Master SungJong To Ryeowook work was something that had to be done, nothing special and certainly not something to be thanked for – being born and raised on a small farm he had never been thanked for his hard work. So he really didn’t know how else to react to Sungjong’s words than blushing and stare down to the ground insecure and shy. He couldn’t help but to flinch lightly when the younger male took hold of his hands, slowly letting his eyes move up to look at him again. ”No.. nobody ever thanked me .. for.. for doing my job..” he softly and shyly spoke, biting down on his lips again.

|| <3 ||
Ryeowook 11 years ago
@Master SungJong A little uneasy he shifted his weight on his other leg, eyes down on his hands. With every word Sungjong spoke his blush got worse, not able to get himself over his shyness. “Ah.. uhm.. no need to thank me..” he softly muttered before he got forced to look up. Slowly he let his gaze travel up to watch the younger in the eyes, but only to gasp for breath softly while his cheeks got even redder. Ryeowook really didn’t know what to think of that simple kiss, it was the first one he ever got. When he looked Sungjong in the eyes again it wasn’t hard to miss his shocked state, blinking a few times he kept looking at the younger while his own hand moved up to touch his own cheek.

|| Shy little Wookie <3 ||
Ryeowook 11 years ago
@Master SungJong This time he didn’t adverted his gaze, giving him the opportunity to see Sungjong’s smile. It seemed genuine, causing his blush to get worse. The words the younger spoke only caused him to blush more, not used to get compliments from others. “Ah, uhm.. yes.. But.. that’s our job..” he replied, his voice still as soft as before and the stuttering hadn’t really fade away yet too. Slowly his gaze travelled lower, leaving him to look at his own hands.
Ryeowook 11 years ago
@Master SungJong He couldn’t help it but to flinch slightly and blush shyly when the other male pulled him up. It was the first time that he looked at the other, and after a quick gaze he looked away again, biting down on his lower lip before carefully pulling his hand back to play with his fingers insecurely. Hearing the other speak again Ryeowook looked up, looking at the delicate face in front of him before blushing again. “Uhm. Ah, but I’m nothing more than.. than a mere maid” he stuttered softly, before biting down on his lower lip again.

|| Dinner's ready, will reply afterwards :) ||
Ryeowook 11 years ago
@Master SungJong He was sitting on his knees on the ground while his hands were busy with removing the weeds, with roots and all, when he suddenly heard somebody moving. Even though the master had told him to just do whatever he came to do he had been terribly aware of his presence, and to be honest, Ryeowook didn’t felt totally at ease with that. Gluing his eyes on the plants he continued doing what he had been doing all the time, until he noticed that the master was actually standing quite close to him. An embaressed blush crept on his cheeks, making him to stand up fast and make another 90 degrees bow before straightening himself again and shyly looking at the extended hand. Removing his dirty glove first he weakly shook the other’s hand, quickly looking up – only to smile shyly – and look down at the ground again. “Uhm.. ah. I’m Ryeowook..”
Luna 11 years ago
@Stripper Bora Luna hopped up from her seat, genuinely startled and scared. "Holy Crap!!" She screamed, placing a hand on her chest as her breathing was fast. She felt like she peed her pants a little. Looking at the girl who scared her, Luna made a confused face. "You scared me!"
Bora 11 years ago
@Stripper Luna Seeing the young girl sitting there Bora's mischivous side came out and she decided to play a small prank on the girl. Creeping over stealthily she waited until she was directly behind the girl before jumping up and yelling "Boo!" As loud as she could while making a terrifying face.
Luna 11 years ago
@Stripper Bora Making her way through the mansion, Luna saw a glass door leading out to a garden. Immediately, a bright smile graced her lips as she walked over to the door. Peering through, she gave a content sigh as she stepped outside into the fresh air. Using the small walkway, Luna made her way to one of the cushioned chairs, letting its softness relax her. This place would definitely be the place she would go to when she wanted to relax. Closing her eyes, Luna tilted her head back, a smile still on her face.
[post deleted by owner]
Ryeowook 11 years ago
@Master SungJong With a sigh he rubbed his front head with the back of his hand – since the gloves got dirty from the sand – while he leaned back on his heels. It was quite a nice day and the sun was shining down on the garden in all her glory, making working in the garden terribly hot for Ryeowook. It sure wouldn’t take much longer before the sweat would start appearing through his shirt. Pulling the material slightly of his body he tried to let some air get in between his torso and the shirt, but at soon as he let go of it it immediately stuck to his body again. Glancing around he couldn’t help but to wonder if it was all right to pull of his uniform’s shirt. His eyes felt on the male that still laid peacefully on the ground. Biting his lip he fought out the war with himself, wondering if he should ask the person from who he thought was a master or should he just continue with his taks.
Ryeowook 11 years ago
@Master SungJong The short male couldn’t help but to flinch when he heard the other’s voice, easily noticing that the male that lied down on the grass didn’t even open one of his eyes to look at him. Biting down on his own lower lip he carefully lifted his head slightly to look at the stranger – almost everybody was considered a stranger to Ryeowook, it was only his second day as a maid in the mansion. Straightening himself he nodded twice, still starting at the ground in front of his feet as he felt a little blush creeping on his cheeks. “Uhm.. aah.. Neh Master” he managed to speak out as politely as possible, a little stuttering because of his shyness.

Turning himself away from the other man Ryeowook bent down to grab the pair of gloves he had brought, before he took the bucket in another hand. The garden was one of the area’s that asked for daily attention, since it had been made clear that no weed should be spotted in between the gorgeous plants. Bending down the short maid started to clear away the beginning of some weed, carefully making sure to not pull out one of the plants and flowers in the same process.
Ryeowook 11 years ago
@Master SungJong All though it had never been in the job description the short male found himself carrying the gardening supplies outside. He didn’t really know what to think of his current task, yet what he did know was that he shouldn’t make any objections. Only the thought of making a Master – or even worse, the Head Master or Head Stripper – angry by refusing to do the things asked of him made Ryeowook shiver. He had only started on his new job a few days ago, meaning he was still learning the hierarchy and how things went around the mansion, meaning he hadn’t come across ridiculous orders.
Placing his supplies on the ground he straightened himself up to run one of his now free hands through his dark brown – almost black – locks. After that he let his gaze travel around, scanning the small garden, and only noticing the figure on the grass then. Flinching he adverted his gaze, bowing his upper body down in a deep bow, showing the respect he needed to have for Masters.
Mistress Minzy 11 years ago
Minzy relaxed on one of the plush seats situated on the patio. The garden was a source of peacefulness and since her arrival just yesterday she had gone there multiple times to calm her mind and think over her position. So far she was the only Mistress but that was subject to change rather quickly so she didn't dwell much on that topic. Taking a deep breath she closed her eyes and leaned back, dozing slightly in the cool sunshine.


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Ryuushi-Skyn 9 years ago
Sorry. Jaejoong is leaving. Master Zelo left :(
soojmooj 9 years ago
Hara left, sorry >< Thanks for the great memories!
Tao_tao_panda 9 years ago
Applied as Kris
konggie 9 years ago
Applied as Soobaby <3
minchan2 9 years ago
Can you Appile me to be park Ji-min from bts
-Faeya 9 years ago
Can you reserve VIXX's Hongbin for me please
cupboardy 10 years ago
Chansung leaves, thanks for having me.
-SecretWings- 10 years ago
Ailee is leaving. Sorry
anonymousdontshootme 10 years ago
Nana and Taecyeon are leaving.
01963b1ab2f32f4c72fc 10 years ago
sorry but heechul left ;;
sorry for being inactive too
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