❥ Maid Room (1)


Maid Suga & Maid Tiffany's room.

Maid Tiffany 10 years ago
@Maid Suga Tiffany pouted,knowing that the latter was just teasing her."yaahh just tell meeh" the young maid used her aegyo,wanting to 'melt' the latter like she did with some other masters.
Maid Suga 10 years ago
@Maid Tiffany Suga could tell that he had captured her attention, but, of course, he just had to be playful. "Hmm, it's a man." Suga released the information with a smile, not going ahead and saying the name.
Maid Tiffany 10 years ago
@Maid Suga Tiffany looked at Suga and eyesmiled,happily."A guy or a girl?" she curiously asked,her eyes full of curiosity.She was the kind of girl who wanted to know everything,who wanted to help everyone and be friend with anyone.She just loved metting new people.
Maid Suga 10 years ago
@Maid Tiffany (That's alright, I just assumed our convo ended XD)

"Well, why not just ask her?" Suga was always the direct type. If he wanted the truth, he simply asked for it. "I've done that with the person I like and it works." That was right. Suga was just that type. Maybe Tiffany wasn't though. Still, Suga was keeping a small smile on his face lately. He was happy in general.
Maid Tiffany 10 years ago
( ooorz i thought i already replied >< showyy)

Tiffany pulled away and saluted to the latter,happy to see him on her side."Neh! I'll make sure of that!" She giggled and layed on her bed,looking at the ceiling."I wonder what she thinks of me.." she said out loud,her gaze long away from reality.
Maid Suga 10 years ago
@Maid Tiffany He was a bit surprised by the sudden embrace, simply patting her head in return. "Make sure she loves only you then." He spoke encouragingly with a small smile.
Maid Tiffany 10 years ago
@Maid Suga Tiffany looked at Suga and nodded,grining as she saw some hope on her heart."I'm going to make her show her love to me!" Tiffany determinaly exclaimed as she hugged the latter."Thank you hehe" she giggled and ruffled Suga's hair playfully.
Maid Suga 10 years ago
@Maid Tiffany "Oh, is that so? Perhaps she likes you, but is just holding in her feelings." Suga was pretty good with reading people, so if he met the girl, maybe he could tell if she liked the fellow maid or not. "That is good though; liking someone."
Maid Tiffany 10 years ago
@Maid Suga Tiffany smiled and sat on her bed,looking at the latter with an excited face."I do like someone~ but she's cold to me" she then pouted at the thought of her crush being cold on her.
Maid Suga 10 years ago
@Maid Tiffany Suga looked over at her, not thinking much of her questions. They were a bit vague in intent. "No. Not currently." He answered back truthfully. It took more than a simple smile to get Suga's interest. "Why? Do you have one?" He returned the question, starting to wipe the dust of a table.
Maid Tiffany 10 years ago
@Maid Suga Tiffany couldn't help but giggle at the cute maid infront of her.The more she looked at him,the more she gets interested in him for some reasons."You have a boyfriend?Girlfrien?" she asked,tidying her closet.
Maid Suga 10 years ago
@Maid Tiffany Suga thought for an instant, somewhat supposing that was alright. "Well, if the request is asked for, I guess so." Why would anyone like that type of clothing? The wearer must feel so uncovered and cold. Suga would shiver if he ever had to wear something similar upon request. That was not okay with him.
Maid Tiffany 10 years ago
@Maid Suga Tiffany blushed and took the lacy bra and placed them on her closet tidely and mumbled as she looked at the latter who seemed confused."It's for..uhm...when someone wants a special request..." she blushed and looked away. "But i like them too..."
Maid Suga 10 years ago
@Maid Tiffany Suga chuckled somewhat, "Well then, I suppose I'm gay. But still, maybe bi. I'm unsure. But thank you for thinking I'm cute." He smiled lightly, helping her pick up her clothes. "These seem so thin and see through. Why would you want these? They could rip easily..." He announced, holding up a lacy one.
Maid Tiffany 10 years ago
@Maid Suga Tiffany nodded and smiled at Suga.As he was prepariing his other uniform,she poked his cheeks."I find gay guy pretty cute! And my roomate is the cutest gay boy i met so far!" She grinned as she went back to prepare her next uniform but her back fell off the bed and her lingeries were spread on the floor."Aiish" she frowned and bent down to pick them up.
Maid Suga 10 years ago
@Maid Tiffany "Is that so? Hm, I suppose I treat the masters with utmost respect and have gotten that in return so far. Maybe it'll change in the future. Interested in people..." Suga wasn't necessarily sure. He should say bi, but he knew he tended to lean towards men. "I'm not completely sure, but I think I'm gay. But perhaps I'm simply bi. It's something I do not know yet."
Maid Tiffany 10 years ago
@Maid Suga Tiffany nodded and smiled."Yes,i enjoy my stay here even though spme masters are pretty mean and dirty." She explained, pouting a bit at the memory of her being called numerous names of humiliation.The maid leaned in closer and asked curiously. "Are you interested in boys or girls?"
Maid Suga 10 years ago
@Maid Tiffany Suga examined her expression, seeing that she was the smiley type. "I just arrived a few days ago. So, we're about at the same level." He fakely laughed, but made it sound quite genuine to Tiffany. "Has your stay been good as of now?" Suga pointlessly asked a few questions to make himself feel interested. He could feel that there was little bond between them for now.
Maid Tiffany 10 years ago
@Maid Suga Tiffany nodded and grinned as Suga gave her a small smile,showing her they had a chance to get along. "So,Suga? Since when are you in this mansion?" She curiously asked the latter,wanting to know more of her roommate.Tiffant was more of a bubbly and happy person who wanted to be friend and know everyone,but when it came to clean the masters' and mistresses' rooms,she was surprisingly serious and formal.
Maid Suga 10 years ago
@Maid Tiffany Suga wasn't one to show his displeasure around people, but he wasn't much for conversation on the job. He was a complete professional during work; or at least he tried to be. "My name is Min Yoongi. However, feel free to call me Suga." He at least feigned a small smile to return her bright one. "I suppose we are roommates? Hope that we work well together." His speech was formal, but when off the clock, he would be casual, for the most part.
Maid Tiffany 11 years ago
@Maid Suga As the young boy entered the room,Tiffany bowed to him and sent him a flashing eyesmile. "Hi~ I'm Tiffany Hwang and it seems like we're going to be roomates" she giggled softly as she made her way toward the latter who didn't seem to really like her.She held her hand out as she smiled gently.She could somehow felt that she wasn't very welcomed in this room.
Maid Suga 11 years ago
@Maid Tiffany Suga had gone out momentarily, returning to the room only to change into his fresh uniform he had left on his bed. He soon laid eyes on his new roommate, or so she seemed. "Hello." He spoke simply to her, focusing more on his clothing than the presence of the fellow maid. He did glance over her quite a bit however. And she most definitely didn't catch his eye.
Maid Tiffany 11 years ago
Tiffany walked in her new room. She couldnt help but smile as she saw the cute little room but frowned a bit as she saw that some clothes were already on one of the bed.She eexpeted to have a roomate but she was curious to know what kind of character the latter would have.
She placed her bag on the free bed and began to unpack while singing a lullaby softly.
Maid Suga 11 years ago
Examining the room, Suga mentally huffed. Yellow... The tacky color. And dust. Oh, the horrible layers of dust that lined every piece of furniture in the room. Suga cracked his knuckles at the sight, naturally beginning to clean the room up. Well now, wasn't he just the perfect little maid? He made sure the room was spotless before sitting on the bed. He was unsure on whether anyone shared this living quarter with him, assuming not for now. He did enjoy having a room to himself. He wouldn't have to pretend to smile in this room then.


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Ryuushi-Skyn 9 years ago
Sorry. Jaejoong is leaving. Master Zelo left :(
soojmooj 9 years ago
Hara left, sorry >< Thanks for the great memories!
Tao_tao_panda 9 years ago
Applied as Kris
konggie 9 years ago
Applied as Soobaby <3
minchan2 9 years ago
Can you Appile me to be park Ji-min from bts
-Faeya 9 years ago
Can you reserve VIXX's Hongbin for me please
cupboardy 10 years ago
Chansung leaves, thanks for having me.
-SecretWings- 10 years ago
Ailee is leaving. Sorry
anonymousdontshootme 10 years ago
Nana and Taecyeon are leaving.
01963b1ab2f32f4c72fc 10 years ago
sorry but heechul left ;;
sorry for being inactive too
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