❥ Master Jonghyun's room



Stripper Kai [H] 11 years ago
@Master Jonghyun Of course the stripper didn't back off when Jonghyun walked closer; even when the master grabbed his chin (gently) and touched him softly, he just stood still, not averting his gaze from the others features. He was still trying to understand all of this, but the longer he tried the more confusing it became. His confusion got laughed away for a short moment at the masters reply. "Well, I don't know. How does one look?" Shortly shaking his head he followed the master to the couch, taking the hand gesture as an invitation to sit down, and following the others movements to pick a piece of cheese from the plate. He did keep his eyes on the master the whole time though, nodding at his remark (and holding in an 'yes master', because that would be hilariously cliché). He still didn't trust this Jonghyun-guy, suspecting him to change in a blink of the eye. "It's not, it's just... Uncommon. Even /I/ know that," Kai replied, relaxing slightly. The look in Jonghyuns eyes was genuine, and as far as the stripper could see there were no hidden intentions behind his words and actions. Besides, that is was uncommon didn't mean it didn't exist. At his next words though, Kai was left speechless, just staring at the master for a few moments before he burst into laughing. "A choice? Seriously?" A wide grin of his face he leaned somewhat to the master, poking his chest. "You want to take the risk of strippers rejecting you, even though you pay big money for them?"

Slowly the wide grin on his face faded away to a smile, and a genuine one at that. He didn't doubt the master anymore; only a honest man could come up with this proposition. "You're crazy," he simply said, shaking his head a little and leaning back onto the couch. For a moment his mind wandered away, imagining how life would be if money really wasn't an issue, if you got to spend it on things like this, especially when there was a possibility you'd get nothing from it in return. Jonghyuns words pulled him back to the current situation, though. "I'm not hiding," he answered, raising an eyebrow. Who was the other to suppose that? Yes, he had different sides, but didn't everybody? That didn't mean the stage-Kai wasn't himself. He didn't want to dwell on the subject longer than necessary though. "Deal, then," he said, stretching out his hand. "I'll relax and be myself, and I get a choice. You, on the other side, loses money either way. Sounds fair?" He was watching the master a little mockingly, because the deal wasn't fair /at all/, but hey. It wasn't like he came up by it himself; he was just repeating the master's earlier words.
Master Jonghyun [H] 11 years ago
@Stripper Kai Jonghyun smirked lightly at Kai’s comment, of course he liked what he saw and so he rolled his eyes playfully, he noticed though from after his actions the stripper seemed slightly confused in good reason to, he hadn’t explained anything, his intentions why he was so nice, which he was nice all the time, he was new in the whole Dominant master and submissive slave thing, he had been here not too long now but he was still liking the fact that each and every person he met enticed a great reaction and he was really interested in Kai, the slightly darker skin the full thick lips, the smirk he liked it. He walked closer even though he was slightly shorter he wasn’t going to back down, he slowly reached to grab Kai’s chin running his thumb along the smooth skin gently admiring it under his touch.

“Does it really look like I am a Kai?” he asked matter-of-factly seeing as he knew very well what he was doing it was just that he had a slightly more gentle approach. Jonghyun let his hand drop and then motioned his hands towards the couch; he didn’t think it necessary to say anything as he sent out the invitation through a motion of his hands. The master sat down his lips slightly as he grabbed a piece of meat placing cheese on it placing it in his mouth, he wasn’t going to talk until the other had seated and so he waited until the other had set down somewhere comfortable on the couch.

Jonghyun was slightly disappointed that his approach and well personality was seeming to place the stripper on edge and that made him sigh, he did and didn’t like being called Master, maybe because it wasn’t in the setting of in bed, he liked being called the dominant, the master in bed but when it came to general conversation he was mixed, he didn’t know what to say other than the simple things “Please, unless we move on to have ual its Jonghyun,” he said is tone saying that he preferred his real name, he had to ponder for a little bit when he was asked why, he knew the answer of course but the wording was slightly difficult, he wasn’t one to be the best with his words. “The reason for this is because it is a sign of respect, you came here with the intention of giving up your body to me, so is it not bad that I want to pamper you?” he was curious because it seemed as if he was doing something wrong so he was beginning to wonder just what it was. “I have already paid yes but I am still in the end going to give you the choice of whether you want to sleep with me or not,” he gave a small smile shaking his head slightly he wasn’t sure if Kai would accept or not he would be disappointed if he left without anything but that was the risk of asking, the chance of rejection was of course always going to be there.

“Though there is no need to be nervous or scared, I will not do anything you don’t want, you can show your true self if you wish instead of hiding behind the confident mask as well, be yourself and more importantly just relax,” he wasn’t trying to seduce Kai, he was keeping it real, he wasn’t going to be fake or bull his way through to get some pleasure, only because when its real more things are felt, and its more enjoyed “And even if you say no, the money is still yours, I do not want or expect it back,” he added as he knew some of the strippers and maids were here because of lack of money, he didn’t know Kai’s situation or how he was like but he knew that the other was hiding behind a face that really wasn’t his, just more of a confident shell to hide his real self. He understood that well but that just meant it was going to be harder to get to know the real Kai.
Stripper Kai [H] 11 years ago
@Master Jonghyun Where Jongin probably would've shifted uncomfortably on his spot, Kai simply smirked when he saw the master's stare, even posing somewhat. "Like what you see, Jonghyun?" the stripper laughed, not in the slightest hesitating to stare back at the male in front of him. Unfortunately, that laugh quickly died on his lips, as he kind of stared to the master in disbelief. Jonghyun was bowing to him, saying it was 'lovely to meet him'. For a few moments Kai was lost of words, /not/ having expected any of this - hell, it was now he noticed the tray of food in the corner of the room. Apparently the master had actually prepared some things, like the mixture of cheese and meat on the plate. "Er- yeah," he managed to spurt out, not fully understanding what the hell was going on. Was the master really this kind? As Jonghyun explained further, he just looked at the slightly shorter master, eyes narrowed suspiciously. There /had/ to be something behind this. How could it not? Then again, what on earth could be possibly behind kind behaviour? He didn't own anything, was obliged to do whatever the master wanted... So what was he trying to achieve?

"... That other thing," the stripper just chuckled, amused by the subtle choice of words. Still laughing a bit he continued. "You aren't still a , are you?" It probably wasn't his place to ask - but there was /no way/ he could keep this for himself. "As you wish, though," he said as an afterthought, not liking being that blunt all the way. He nodded as Jonghyun explained about the clothes, but in his head immediately declined the offer. He was quite comfortable in his own, and probably more than in some stranger's - especially if they didn't fit right.

Kai just watched the master fill the glasses (wasn't he supposed to do that too, or at least some maid?) and gratefully took his own when Jonghyun offered it. To be honest he was kind of curious what kind of champagne Jonghyun had chosen- not that he knew much about drinks, but he had been told to have an excellent taste, without him knowing the price or value of the champagne itself. Lightly he sniffed the drink before slowly tasting a sip. A smile quickly appeared on his features. "It's great," he complimented, now taking a larger sip of the drink. It /was/ good, he didn't need to lie about that.

Still having the drink in his hand, he watched the master for a few seconds before he decided to speak up. If anything, the master had been extremely kind and polite, so there was no reason to not speak up his mind right now. "Master - can I ask you something? Why? All of this," he said, making a wide arm gesture, meaning the food, drinks and (probably most of all) the master's own behaviour. Kai just didn't understand, and to be honest, that actually scared him somewhat. Unexpected behaviour was the worst, no matter which consequences expected behaviour sometimes could have.
Master Jonghyun [H] 11 years ago
@Stripper Kai Jonghyun was pacing around for a little bit, he was bored of the waiting game and it so far had only been fifteen minutes, he understood that they had to prepare mentally or get dressed up nicely but he wasn’t really into the whole waiting game. Jonghyun had decided that he was going to stop pacing and prepare some food; he wasn’t the type of man to go straight into the unless of course he really needed it. Jonghyun was different from most masters, or so he thought he was, he was still new in the scene but he still thought that he should share hospitality and make the other comfortable seeing as they were giving up their body. Jonghyun was the type even if he could demand it from them would still ask if they wanted to sleep with him.

He sighed slightly cutting up cheeses and a few types of meat, he was making a platter so there was a choice of food and to try and make the setting a little more comfortable. Twenty five minutes had passed and now he was thinking the other wasn’t even coming at all, he didn’t know how long it took to get a person ready because this was the first time he had called from his room, he wasn’t told how long he had to wait, it could end up being hours really but he hoped it wasn’t going to be too much longer, he wanted to see Kai, he had never seen a picture or his talents but he had a gut feeling that he would enjoy the latter’s company. He had heard from others as well that Kai was a great dancer, but to anyone he could have been great as most of the time when strippers were on the floor the men were high on lust and alcohol.

It had been roughly another ten minutes before he finally heard a knock on his door, he was excited hoping it was the person he wanted to have visit him tonight, he waited and heard someone enter only to finally see Kai. The master was in awe just at the sight of the slightly taller stripper, he had paused for a long while lightly staring at the person he had asked to accompany him for this evening silently screaming hallelujah in his mind. He was certainly finding that Kai was beautiful and well y. “I’m Jonghyun as you know but it is lovely to meet you,” he said bowing in return, he didn’t care if he didn’t have to he was still polite when meeting someone for the first time, He had a tray of food and some expensive looking champagne on the coffee table smiling kindly snapping out of his reverie of admiration.

“Please come in and make yourself feel comfortable, if you don’t mind I would like to talk first and if it gets to that the other thing later,” he said not openly saying as he hadn’t asked for permission yet, if the other said no he would understand as he wasn’t everyone’s taste as much as he thought he was incredibly attractive “If you also wish to change into something more comfortable there is some clothes in the wardrobe just there,” he said pointing in the direction of his walk-in-robe. He knew he had money and that he was rich and that the room was well grand but he wanted Kai to feel more comfortable than not. He had began to feel like he was talking to much so he thought that he could pour the champagne, to prove that there was no funny business going on he hadn’t popped the bottle open until Kai had arrived, doing that he smiled having the two glasses ready so he could pour them he made sure the glasses were roughly the same before eventually walking over and handing a glass to the stripper, he sort of wanted to pamper Kai but that was going to have to happen slowly well only because he didn’t want to overwhelm him, his mission was to make sure he was happy and comfortable before even daring to ask about sleeping with him, why? Because most cases a person when they are nervous says no or isn’t as eager to accept, the more comfortable one person would be around another true feelings are more open to come out and so the truth after spending time together would come out easier. If Kai really wanted to sleep with Jonghyun then it would be easily seen later after the awkward hellos are over and done with.
Stripper Kai [H] 11 years ago
@Master Jonghyun Damn. Kai didn't even /know/ he had a phone in his room. Still, it couldn't be denied that it was a phone that was ringing loudly, interrupting the peaceful silence that was filling the stripper's new bedroom before. Trying to calm down his heartbeat due to the shock of the sudden sound he walked over to the source, picking up the phone. "Hello?" 'You've been requested in room 302.' "Alrea-" Kai still tried to ask, wanting to know maybe some more details, but the bleeping sound clearly showed the male had hung up. Kai shrugged, already making his way to the door, when he stilled. 302. That meant it was a room on the third floor- a master's. He looked down on his body, biting his lip as he thought. What was he supposed to wear? Maybe something else than sweatpants and a wifebeater. Groaning the new stripper turned around and hurried to the closet, yanking it open and rummaging through his stuff.

Fifteen minutes later, he still wore those sweatpants and wifebeater.

The male cursed, in the end just picking some random black skinny jeans and a t-shirt. Quickly putting them on - he had wasted enough time now - he walked over to the bathroom. The master wouldn't appreciate it if it looked like he just woke up. Af it anything, this was his first time complying to a request, and he didn't want to up just because of this. There were billions of other reasons why he might up, but he refused his looks to be the reason of it.

Finally, after half an hour or so, his hair and slight make-up were done, and he slammed the door behind him to make his way upstairs. The male tried to ignore the uncomfortable tingle in the bottom of his stomach. He had danced all his life and was a stripper for years; he was used to the lustful gazes of both men and woman, but in the end, it was always up to /him/ who he wanted to share the bed with. And to be honest, that happened less frequently than the other strippers. It was only a job, and the stripping itself had paid just enough. So why let anybody else touch his body if it wasn't necessary? It was the reason why he had hesitated about the decision to come to this mansion for days. He wanted to /choose/ the person and the situation. Make clear what he wanted and what absolutely not. Now he was forced to obey his masters, litterally, and he knew nothing about them except that apparently they were rich. Rich enough to afford this. The lack of money had in the end forced Kai to indeed join the mansion. At least he had a room now, and food. He could continue dancing. And that was more important than letting some dirty strangers touch his body, right?

After what seemed way to soon he reached the door that belonged to room 302. On the right was a name tag, that said 'Jonghyun'. Kai took a few moments to control himself, change back into the Kai everybody saw on stage. The new stripper wasn't schizofrenic, of course not, but he had two sides of himself; the confident, teasing bastard called Kai, the persona he used on stage and for this kind of meetings. When he was alone, or with someone he really trusted, his Jongin side came up, the part of him that caused his excessive care for his clothes and hair earlier, the part that was actually /nervous/ for all of this. Finally his well-known smirk was plastered on his face and he knocked once, before he opened the door and entered a step.

It didn't take long for the stripper not find the source of the phone call earlier. The male was only dressed in a few pieces of clothing with a robe over it, and Kai wondered if he wasn't horribly overdressed. He couldn't help a quiet, relieved sigh escape his lips, as the master wasn't old, nor ugly; if anything, he was extremely well-built from what he could see, and from this first glance he didn't seem malicious either. Averting his gaze from the master the brown-haired male bowed. "Kai, at your service," he introduced himself, a smirk playing with his lips as he tilted his head a little. "I'm sorry for being late. I had some... Things I had to care of first." The new stripper grimaced a little. It wasn't until now that he realized waiting was worse for a master than not dressed appropiatly. Oh well - it wasn't like he was able to do something about it.
[post deleted by owner]
Master Jonghyun [H] 11 years ago
@Stripper Kai Today was one of those days where it was long, slow and tiring, Jonghyun was on top of everything bored, he didn’t know what to do but all he knew was that his mind was too active for him to even consider sleeping. He had been laying on his back staring at the ceiling for at least an hour now, maybe longer he had lost track of the time by now. His friends were busy as always going from club to club, he wasn’t really the type to be involved in this scene but seeing this club and hearing many good reviews he had decided to test it out and ever since his first evening he was hooked. The service and the surroundings were perfect.

The master though slowly got up out of bed to strip and walk to the bathroom, he needed a shower, or well he wanted one, the bathroom was large and very grand, the tiling black and all the fixtures a nice silver, it matched the rest of his room, dark and y. Walking towards the shower he the water adjusting it until it was just right for him, he loved the feeling of when he walked into the shower for the first time, it was satisfying and never failed to feel good when the hot water played against his skin. Jonghyun groaned in relief as it cascaded over is body. He had stood there for a good few minutes before slowly he scrubbed himself clean of all the day’s work and muck. He finally finished his shower after fifteen minutes, it had been a while but he no longer really cared how long he took, it made him feel good and relaxed. Turning the water off he slowly stepped out running a hand through his brown locks letting the water droplets teasingly fall over his chest. The brunette slowly grabbed a large fluffy towel and wrapped it around his waist before grabbing one more and walking out with it from the bathroom into his room, he was drying himself comfortably and relaxed before he once again sat on his bed laying out slightly more relaxed just in his towel.

Jonghyun was a single man and a man with lots of money so of course if he wanted the best services he generally received what he wanted, he was feeling lonely and so he sat up and flicked through a note book filled with contacts of the strippers that he could potentially hire for the evening, He scanned over the names until he looked to one that was mentioned as Kai, the name intrigued him and he had heard the name a few times on the floor, he was said to be a little knew in the master/slave sides of things which of course Jonghyun was also new. The master scratched at his chin thinking softly if it was the right idea to go in the direction of hiring the new person or going with someone he already knew, he looked over Key’s number but slowly his eyes were drawn back to Kai, he picked up his mobile playing with it. He wasn’t sure whether to go with his gut or just go with what he knew; he was sure hiring Kai for the night would be a satisfying experience he just needed to convince himself it was a good idea.

Jonghyun had decided that he was going to see if he could actively try someone new, it wasn’t all that easy for him to actually be satisfied and so he had high hopes, the master put his phone down for the time being and quickly dried himself off completely folding and hanging up the towels, after he had done that he moved to his walk in robe slipping on a pair of dangerously low slacks with a wife beater, he wasn’t going to go out of his way to impress someone with clothes, it was his own room and so he wanted to be comfortable, he decided that he was going to call the newbie, he was still too intrigued to let the offer fall out, he wanted to try something a little different. Jonghyun slowly walked over to grab his phone and dialled the number hearing the phone connect and ring, his nervous slightly shot up but it wasn’t something that was going to deflate his libido, he wasn’t a coward or shy when facing people, he was only nervous was because he was going to be asking for more than just a show tonight and his ego didn’t take well to being rejected. He only hoped that Kai would be willing for the experience just like him.


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Ryuushi-Skyn 9 years ago
Sorry. Jaejoong is leaving. Master Zelo left :(
soojmooj 9 years ago
Hara left, sorry >< Thanks for the great memories!
Tao_tao_panda 9 years ago
Applied as Kris
konggie 9 years ago
Applied as Soobaby <3
minchan2 9 years ago
Can you Appile me to be park Ji-min from bts
-Faeya 9 years ago
Can you reserve VIXX's Hongbin for me please
cupboardy 10 years ago
Chansung leaves, thanks for having me.
-SecretWings- 10 years ago
Ailee is leaving. Sorry
anonymousdontshootme 10 years ago
Nana and Taecyeon are leaving.
01963b1ab2f32f4c72fc 10 years ago
sorry but heechul left ;;
sorry for being inactive too
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