❥ Mistress EunJung's room


Mistress EunJung 11 years ago
@Stripper IU EunJung smiled "Thank you" She leaned back on the couch just playing with her hands. She was told that often but it was normally from older boys who just wanted to get into her . She had stopped carrying after awhile and wen't along with what happened. She was a bit awkward. She had never ordered a stripper before. She had specifically wanted Jieun since the girl felt drawn to her. She thought that she was gorgeous and new that time spent with her would give the girl a break before having to entertain the countless number of men that would want her. EunJung could tell that she would be good in bed. But, EunJung wasn't sure she just wanted to jump into that. She wasn't positive that the girl would want to return if they did that. Though she would have no complaints if they did. The girl had beautiful curves that made EunJung just want to caress her body. EunJung sat up and softly d the younger's hand before pulling it to her lips. "I wanna please you, how can I do that?" She smiled brightly brushing her finger's against the girl's palm. She didn't mind whatever they did. She had just felt rather lonely the past few days and wanted company. She leaned forward a bit more and her robe slipped open revealing her cleavage. Though EunJung didn't notice as she kept her eyes on the younger girl.
Stripper IU [H] 11 years ago
@Mistress EunJung Her lips curved upwards, yet again, as she heard the compliment from the client. She had been told that her looks were merely average- especially when you considered the appearances of all the other gorgeous and y strippers in the place. The only reason she was requested so often was due to her innocent looks and to a certain degree, her nature as well. Never before had someone called her 'very beautiful.' Rubbing her nape sheepishly, she spoke. "Thank you very much. But you're far more beautiful," she nodded sincerely. To describe the client as beautiful was an understatement. The mistress was drop-dead gorgeous; from her dark, hypnotic eyes, to her plump kissable lips- she was quite alluring, indeed. Raising her eyebrow at the question, the stripper tilted her head slightly out of habit and bit her lower lip in thought before coming to the conclusion that she didn't know. Some nights she had spent with her clients were like a nice date; the client and her would spend time together, maybe go shopping and grab dinner or watch a movie. Most nights were spent in bed, ing and being ed by clients. It was completely up to the older woman- the stripper didn't really care either way. "We can do whatever you would like, Eunjung-ah." It was the client's night, after all. Jieun was there merely to serve her purpose and please the latter. Not that she minded much anymore.
Mistress EunJung 11 years ago
@Stripper IU "I'm great, how are you?" She smiled taking another sip of her soda. She liked that the young stripped had relaxed around her. She wasn't as timid as she first was. She was never someone to be seriously afraid of. Except when she was seriously angry. EunJung smiled looking at the girl, she looked comfortable and beautiful at the same time. Her clothes were a bit loose but EunJung liked clothes to be loose on herself. They made her feel less restricted. "Your very beautiful" She grinned at the girl. EunJung fixed her robe. She had on a bra and underwear beneath it. "What would you like to do?" She pulled the fluff black blanket over her lap while laying down. She smoothed out the blanket. She felt calm and at peace. She was never one to be nervous about her body. At some point she had also gotten comfortable with casual . She wasn't sure that the younger would wan't . Life wasn't all about was it? Besides money was no problem even though she didn't flaunt it. People were often shocked to find that she had requested them just to talk. She liked to pamper those around her and she just wasn't a person to be unkind.
Stripper IU [H] 11 years ago
@Mistress EunJung "Water, please. And thank you," the young stripper took the sweat pants and T-shirt, giving the mistress a small, genuine smile before nodding slightly and making her way to the bathroom. Although she was a stripper and had been in front of many people before, she still preferred her privacy- it was ridiculous considering her profession. Regardless, she carefully took off her dress, folding it neatly and setting it aside as she slipped comfortably into the shirt, which was rather loose on her petite frame, then jumped into the sweatpants, tightening them around her hips, so that they wouldn't fall off. Grinning, she looked at herself in the mirror, thinking that she looked rather cute and huggable. She fixed her hair once more and then opened the bathroom door, walking out, taking a seat next to the counter, where the beautiful mistress was sitting, and took the glass of water, sipping it slowly. Allowing her gaze to wander, the young girl observed the mistress, noticing how gorgeous she was. Young as well. Most of her clients were older, far older than she was. The mistress was wearing a silk robe and Jieun presumed that she was wearing nothing underneath. Changing topics to make small talk, she looked into the latter's eyes before speaking. "How are you, Eunjung?" She didn't use formalities- most clients didn't like them and it made everything more causal without the awkward formalities.
Mistress EunJung 11 years ago
@Stripper IU EunJung smiled walking over to the dresser and handing her a pair of sweat pants and t-shirt "Feel free to use the bathroom if you would like" She smiled "Would you like something else, water, juice, soda?" She skipped over to the fridge opening the door. She scanned the fridge humming lightly to herself.
She wasn't one for just-. She liked to get to know people and while she was a master she wasn't cruel. She was a master because she was confident and refused to me submissive. But she was still gentle and friendly. She had picked up the girl's distaste for alcohol. She pulled out her self a soda and poured the wine down the sink setting the bottle in the fridge. She popped the top to her soda and sat up on the counter. No matter how hard she tried she just wasn't forceful. She wasn't even dominant. She grinned taking a sip of the soda. She had picked up that the girl was confused about her request. She shivered thinking of all the girl must go through in a day. But that was none of her business. She smiled brightly at the girl again.
she admired her features taking in every striking feature. Her beautiful brown eyes. Her thick black hair that hung down her back. Her milky skin that EunJung knew was soft. Her plump red lips that begged to be kissed. Each face Jieun made struck a cord with EunJung. She felt so peaceful with the younger girl in her company.
Stripper IU [H] 11 years ago
@Mistress EunJung Noticing that the client was checking her out, Jieun's lips curved upwards slightly to form a small smirk. Giving a slight bow, she walked into the suite, admiring the decor. It was simple, yet somewhat pretty. Cute. "No thanks," she kindly declined the wine. She was still underage- only twenty. Not to mention, she had developed a strong dislike for alcohol after all her years working at the club scene. She smiled slightly at the compliment and said a soft 'thanks.' But the next question confused her; what did the client mean by change her clothes? She was a stripper. Did the latter want her to strip? Or did she seriously want Jieun to change her clothing? "If that's what you want," she shrugged, flashing a charming smile to hide to her confusion. Why was Eunjung being so nice to her? The mistress had requested her for pleasure, not to pamper.
Mistress EunJung 11 years ago
@Stripper IU EunJung set her wine glass down and got up walking to the door "Hello Jieun" She grinned. The girl was drop dead gorgeous. From her beautiful curves to the way the black complimented her skin. She opened the door letting the girl in before grinning and closing the door behind her. She smiled and sat on the couch offering a glass of wine to the girl. She looked younger but still old enough to drink. Jieun was the first female she had been with in a long time. She didn't like the titles of stripper and master. She liked calling her lovers, baby and princess. She had a gentle nature. She frowned noticing the girl didn't seem to be comfortable. "You're quite beautiful" She smiled at the girl. "Would you like to change your clothes though?" She smiled lightly taking another sip of her wine. She may not always be a dominant but she sure as hell wasn't submissive.
Stripper IU [H] 11 years ago
@Mistress EunJung Frowning slightly, Jieun walked at a fast pace, her 3-inch stilettos clinking loudly against the tile floor. She was five minutes late. Absolutely unacceptable. Sighing as she reached the door of the client, the stripper took out her pocket mirror and checked her appearance. She was wearing a short, black halter dress that looked casual from the front, but had a deep plunge in the back of the dress. The perfect balance of innocence and y. Her makeup was light as usual; normally clients would request her due to her naturally innocent face, so she rarely attempted to change her facial appearance. This would be her first female client since she had moved to this city. From the information she had received, the young woman could detect that the client was older than her by a few years- which was no problem. And that her name was Ham Eunjung. Taking a deep breath, she placed the mirror back in her clutch purse and knocked on the door. "Stripper Lee Jieun at your service."
Mistress EunJung 11 years ago
@Stripper IU EunJung walked around in only her scarlet colored, silk robe. She had lit candles and set out a bottle of wine. She was a bit nervous because it was her first time hiring a stripper. But, it was okay, if the stripper happened to not want she could always just talk. It was just nice to have some company. Even if she was paying for it. She the fireplace and turned up her stereo. She sat down on the couch and crossed her legs leaning against the soft blanket. She had never been one to force herself on other's. She had a black bag hidden next to the couch with a few toys that she had wanted to try. She swirled her wine around the glass and laid back closing her eyes.
Mistress EunJung 11 years ago
{V-card is mine}


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Ryuushi-Skyn 9 years ago
Sorry. Jaejoong is leaving. Master Zelo left :(
soojmooj 9 years ago
Hara left, sorry >< Thanks for the great memories!
Tao_tao_panda 9 years ago
Applied as Kris
konggie 9 years ago
Applied as Soobaby <3
minchan2 9 years ago
Can you Appile me to be park Ji-min from bts
-Faeya 9 years ago
Can you reserve VIXX's Hongbin for me please
cupboardy 10 years ago
Chansung leaves, thanks for having me.
-SecretWings- 10 years ago
Ailee is leaving. Sorry
anonymousdontshootme 10 years ago
Nana and Taecyeon are leaving.
01963b1ab2f32f4c72fc 10 years ago
sorry but heechul left ;;
sorry for being inactive too
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