❥ Master Thunder's room

Mistress Minzy 10 years ago
@Master Thunder "I love my nickname," she murmured against his lips, smiling. She placed a hand on his chest and pulled away a bit. "But I'm afraid I have to stop kissing you now or else I won't be able to stop and I hardly think that's appropriate in a car in a parking lot where anyone can see us." She giggled softly. "Besides, I want to ride rollercoasters now." She unbuckled herself, pulled him in for one final passionate kiss before getting out of the car. "Wow~" she exclaimed happily, seeing the amusement park. "It's not as big as mine, but hopefully it'll be fun~" Her company had constructed their own amusement park, one that she was planning on taking her Ren too someday.
Thunder 10 years ago
@Mistress Minzy Thunder let out a little chuckle. "Why is it bad being called sweetie?" He asked playfully as he raised an eyebrow. "And I thought your name was Minkki~" He said teasingly. "I'm just kidding~ You don't like my nickname for you?" He said as he wrapped his arms around her. He grinned as she sighed and he kissed her back as Minzy leaned up to kiss him.
Mistress Minzy 10 years ago
@Master Thunder Minzy let out a soft groan before opening her eyes slowly. "Did you just call me sweetie?" she teased with a soft laugh. "And you're always calling me Minkki. I'm beginning to think you don't even remember my name." She further before letting out a soft moan as she stretched, un-tensing her muscles. "Aigoo." She smiled up at him, leaning up slightly to place a gentle kiss on his lips and run her fingers through his hair.
Thunder 10 years ago
@Mistress Minzy Thunder smiled as he parked his car. He looked around before landing his eyes on Minzy. He let out a sweet smile as he softly said. "Minkki, Minkki, wake up sweetie~" He gently nudged her trying to wake her up as gently as he could.
"We're here~"
Mistress Minzy 10 years ago
@Master Thunder Minzy blinked open her eyes a few minutes later, unable to sleep longer than that, as was with almost every time she tried to sleep. She nuzzled her head against his shoulder, loving just the warmth he gave her as well as his closeness. When she was beside him, she felt loved and accepted.
Thunder 10 years ago
@Mistress Minzy Thunder nodded as he let Minzy sleep leaning on his shoulder. He felt warm and comfortable. Everytime he got the chance while driving, he would glance at her and smile lovingly, liking how cute she looked while she peacefully slept. He had wanted to be a bit mischievous, he saw how tired she was, so Thunder was content with just feeling her warmth close to him.
Mistress Minzy 10 years ago
@Master Thunder Minzy smiled, quickly kissing his lips before the light turned green. She leaned against his shoulder, yawning softly. "Oppa, I'm gonna take a nap, m'kay? Wake me when we get there." She laid her cheek against his shoulder and closed her eyes, almost instantaneously falling asleep. She hadn't been joking when she thought she was tired. Work and other things kept her awake most nights.
Thunder 10 years ago
@Mistress Minzy Thunder gave her an understanding nod. When they stopped for a stop light, he looked at her and kissed her hand that he was holding. "Well, I'm not forcing you to come with me, so this should be more fun~ Plus, I'll spend a lot for you~" He gave her a warm smile and he started to drive again, as soon as the stop light turned green.
Mistress Minzy 10 years ago
@Master Thunder Minzy smiled before nodding. "Yeah...birthday parties, get-togethers, sometimes even reunions of friends and family. And we always had to bring a gift, even when we had to spend all our money. My parents blew through my sister's college fund to impress those people. My parents eventually made their fortune through an old widow they had befriended, who died and left them her fortune. Due to how they treated us...when our parents disowned us, my sister took all the money they had and split it between the both of us. She used hers to marry a poor carpenter whom she loved and I used my half to start my corporation."
Thunder 10 years ago
@Mistress Minzy Thunder frowned as he heard her story. He intertwined their fingers as he gave her a sweet smile. "Well, let's make this trip to the amusement park fun, okay?" He looked back at the road, driving with one hand. "So your parents made you hang out with them?"
Mistress Minzy 10 years ago
@Master Thunder "Hm...when I was eight," she said, blushing. "It was a really fun time but my parents made me leave early because they didn't like the girl who's birthday party was there. She came from a really poor family and even though my parents weren't really well off they detested people who weren't in their social group or higher. So my sister and I were forced to be friends with people we didn't want to be friends with," she murmured.
Thunder 10 years ago
@Mistress Minzy Thunder chuckled as he put on his seatbelt. He leaned over and kissed her cheek. "Let's go Minkki~" He started the car and started to drive away from the mansion. "So when was you last visit to an amusement park, you look so excited..." He said as he gave her a quick glance.
Mistress Minzy 10 years ago
@Master Thunder "My Sanghyunnie is so kind~" she cooed as she followed him out and got into the car, bouncing from excitement. It took her a few seconds to buckle herself in since she was moving around so much. "Kaja, Sanghyunnie~" she chimed. "Hurry~" She loved amusement parks. She'd only been to a couple as a child so whenever one was brought up she was excited to gol
Thunder 10 years ago
@Mistress Minzy Thunder chuckled as he pecked her pout. "Anything for you~ Besides, an amusement park sounds fun~" He said as he lead her out of the mansion. He let go of her hand, only to open the door of his car for her. "In you go, my lady~" He gave a sweet smile as he held the door open, gesturig for her to get in.
Mistress Minzy 10 years ago
@Master Thunder Minzy laced her fingers with his, pondering. "Hm...wanna go to an amusement park?" she asked, excited at the thought of riding a roller coaster. "There's a grand opening for a new one a couple of miles from here in the next town. Can we go?" she asked, poking out her bottom lip in a small pout. "Pwease?" she asked cutely, running her fingers through his hair gently.
Thunder 10 years ago
@Mistress Minzy Thunder took her hand in his and gave her a sweet smile. "Somewhere, where we can have fun~" He said. He actually had no care where they were going, he only cared that he was with her. It's been a long time since anybody made him feel the way she did. It was just amazing that he got the chance to feel it again. He felt lucky to have her."Is there anywhere you wanna go?" He asked.
Mistress Minzy 10 years ago
@Master Thunder She giggled, wrapping her arms around his neck. "And my Sanghyunnie is so handsome~" she cooed, kissing his cheek in return. "Soooooo," she chimed excitedly. "Where are we going?" She couldn't help but be excited, seeing as she was going on a date and she rarely went on dates anymore. Plus she was going on a date with the guy she adored more than anything and who made her happy and who took care of her so well.
Thunder 10 years ago
@Mistress Minzy Thunder let out a sigh of content as he watched minzy go up te stairs. He chuckled as he shook his head at her cuteness. "Too cute..." He cleans up the plates before he goes upstairs and changes clothes.


He came back down to see his y girlfriend in an outfit that showed her body well. He took her hand and spun her around once to check out her full outfit. "Very fitting for my Minkki~" He smiled warmly at her as he kissed her cheek.
Mistress Minzy 10 years ago
@Master Thunder Minzy giggled, knowing what he said to be true, as she was already having the thought. She hugged him back, accepting his kiss eagerly before pulling away. "Neh~" She went back upstairs to her room, looking through her closet. Perhaps she should go classy yet casual. She grabbed a button-up black blouse that hugged her s and a pair of black slacks that supported her hips well enough. She decided to leave her hair down before going back downstairs.
Thunder 10 years ago
@Mistress Minzy
Thunder gently pulled away as he lightly chuckled. "Go dress up. "If we cuddle any longer, we might end up doing simething instead..." He hugged her and pecked her lips. "Go change~"
Mistress Minzy 10 years ago
@Master Thunder "D-Date?" Minzy's blush darkened considerably. "I'd...like to go on a date with you. It would actually make me very...very happy." She brushed her hair from her face and timidly kissed him back, wanting to cuddle close to him.
Thunder 10 years ago
@Mistress Minzy Thunder smiled sweetly at her he took her hand. He actually wanted to ask her, but she beat him to it. "I was going to ask you out a date today...." He leaned forward and pecked her lips. "Is there anything you have in mind?"
Mistress Minzy 10 years ago
@Master Thunder She blushed. "Neh~" she chimed, quickly finishing off the pancakes. "Yum~!" She looked up at him. "Oppa, do you wanna do something together today?" she asked, swinging her feet childishly. And perhaps they'd do something that didn't involve having no clothes and laying down...or standing up...or whatever else. She giggled at her thought.
Thunder 10 years ago
@Mistress Minzy "I'll only try to be cute for you~" He grinned cheekily at her. He chuckled as he heard her say what she'll do to him if he assumes again. "Arrasso~ So I assume the pancakes I made is good?"
Mistress Minzy 10 years ago
@Master Thunder "Aigoo, trying to be cute," Minzy huffed. "Gomawo, oppa." She leaned over to place a gentle kiss on his lips. "Also, if you ever assume that I like someone more than I like you then I'll make you sleep on the couch every time you come over, m'kay?" she murmured against his lips before she turned to her pancakes and began to eat, humming with delight and pleasure as she did so.
Thunder 10 years ago
@Mistress Minzy Thunder chuckled as he was hit on his back. He kept frying as he said, "Well, have you heard of that saying 'people become idiots, when they're in love'?...i think it's something like that..." He smiled sheepishly at her as he put the pancakes on the plates and put a plate in front of her. "Here you go, sweetheart~" He smiled cheekily towards her.
Mistress Minzy 10 years ago
@Master Thunder Minzy continued to hit him gently on his back now. "Pabo..." she huffed. "Asking me such an idiotic question. Saranghae, arasso. Neol saranghae." She sat down on one of the stools, watching him cook. "Such a stupid question."
Thunder 10 years ago
@Mistress Minzy Thunder pulled her closer giving her a peck on the lips before grinning at her. "Then it's okay to have him as a pet~" He let her go and turned back around to the stove putting some of the pancake mix on the heated pan.
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Ryuushi-Skyn 9 years ago
Sorry. Jaejoong is leaving. Master Zelo left :(
soojmooj 9 years ago
Hara left, sorry >< Thanks for the great memories!
Tao_tao_panda 9 years ago
Applied as Kris
konggie 9 years ago
Applied as Soobaby <3
minchan2 9 years ago
Can you Appile me to be park Ji-min from bts
-Faeya 9 years ago
Can you reserve VIXX's Hongbin for me please
cupboardy 10 years ago
Chansung leaves, thanks for having me.
-SecretWings- 10 years ago
Ailee is leaving. Sorry
anonymousdontshootme 10 years ago
Nana and Taecyeon are leaving.
01963b1ab2f32f4c72fc 10 years ago
sorry but heechul left ;;
sorry for being inactive too
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