Families and Houses

These are the families or clans to choose from. The purpose is to give you a feel of your character’s place in the world and how they would relate to those around them. That being said, your character is yours and the detail is simply meant to enrich the world we are going to play in. The intent is not to hinder or overwhelm so don’t be afraid if it seems like a lot. Just because you are of that house doesn’t mean you are limited in how you react to people. If your character wants to be a sadistic jerk while as House Tully then that is fine because it is YOUR character. We are not trying to recreate the stories in any way, we are just playing around in the world so go ahead and be free.


Houses of Westeros:

There are too many to get into detail here but if you would like further information including the banners and words of each house please click this LINK



Royal House: Baratheon of King’s Landing

                Noble Houses:  Baratheon of Dragonstone, Buckwell, Celtigar, Follard, Gaunt, Harte, Mallery, Massey, Slynt, Stokeworth, Thorne, Velaryon, Wendwater

                ‘Exctinct’ Houses: Blackfyre, Darklyn

                Exiled Houses: Targaryen



Great House: Tully

                Noble Houses: Blackwood, Bracken, Frey of the Twins, Grell, Mallister, Mooton, Paege, Piper, Vance of Atranta, Vance of Wayfarer’s Rest, Vypren, Wode

                ‘Extinct’ Houses: Darry, Lothston, Qoherys

                Exiled Houses: Mudd




Great House: Baratheon of Storm's End


Noble Houses: Bolling, Errol, Grandison, Morrigen, Penrose, Tarth, Trant, Connington, Seaworth, Dondarrion, Swann


Extinct’ Houses: Caron, Toyne


Iron Islands:


Great House: Greyjoy


Noble Houses: Blacktyde, Botley, Harlaw, Kenning, Merlyn, Myre, Saltcliffe, Tawney, Codd


Extinct Houses: Greyiron, Hoare






Great House: Martell


Noble Houses: Allyrion, Blackmont, Dayne, Jordayne, Toland, Vaith





Great House: Arryn of the Eyrie


Noble Houses: Belmore, Coldwater, Corbray, elesham, Grafton, Hunter, Moore, Redfort, Royce, Borrell


The North:


Great House: Stark


Noble Houses:  Bolton, Cerwyn, Dustin, Karstark, Mormont, Reed, Ryswell, Burley, Norrey


The Reach:


Great House: Tyrell

                Noble Houses: Ambrose, Ashford, Bulwer, Costayne, Crane, Footly, Fossoway, Grimm, Hightower, Hunt, Merryweather, Oakheart, Redwyne, Rowan, Serry, Tarly, Vyrwel, Webber, Willum

                ‘Extinct’ Houses: Gardener

                Exiled Houses: Florent


The Westerlands:


Great House: Lannister of Casterly Rock


Noble House: Banefort, Bettley, Brax, Broom, Jast, Prester, Serrett, Turnberry, Westerling


Extinct Houses: Clegane, Parren, Tarbeck




Bastards are children which were born illegitimately. So for example would a child of the king with one of the in town or any other woman, which is not his wife be a bastard.

They don't have a high status and usually have a rather hard life. They need to prove themselves even more than legitime children and need to show each single day that they are still worth to be on this eart.

Each of the regions in Westeros has a different surname taken by bastards to identify their status. These are the following names:

The North - Snow
The Iron Islands - Pyke
The Westerlands - Hill
The Riverlands - Rivers
The Vale - Stone
The Crownlands - Waters
The Reach - Flowers
The Stormlands - Storm
Dorne - Sand


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Astrid 11 years ago
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