⇀ yunho's room


Yunho's room 









₰ Yunho 11 years ago
@☪ Yongguk Yunho looked at him with dark cold eyes, now knowing his name, like he really cared. No, he didn't care, at all, even those filthy words he said didn't mean a thing to him. The young incubus looked at the stupid full-of-himself prince, thinking it was really pathetic. "Yeah keep saying those bull to someone who care, would you?" The tall took those hands away from his cheeks. "I told you not to touch me, you pathetic prince. What's the matter…don't the humans want you anymore that you are starting to touch a 'mere' incubus like me? you, just go away." Laughing from the words of the other Yunho just smirked. "Well, it's really hard to believe…you are –his- son, you are intruder and pathetic and …nothing like him…now, leave. Get lost." The tall said and went to his bed laying over there and ignoring the other.
☪ Yongguk 11 years ago
@₰ Yunho Yongguk simply chuckled when the young incubus pinned him to the wall, "alright you got this point. My name is Yongguk and ..." he dusted off his clothes after the other released him, "of course I am way better than you" he approached the other dangerously, finding that little game really entertaining. He knew the younger wanted him to hit or bite the first, but the Prince was not about to that. After all it wasn't in his ethic to attack the first, or he certainly would need a good reason, better than simply a kid who didn't want to listen. Even with the other's warns -that he didn't care about, being only to his ears- he caressed the other's cheek with the back of his fingers, "because I'm a Prince, my lovely. I'm a Royal, I'm the King Jaejoong's prince, his blood is running in my veins. /You/ are so not like me ... a mere human ... turned into an incubus ..." he smirked talking slowly and as softly as he could, enjoying each word leaving his lips.
₰ Yunho 11 years ago
@☪ Yongguk Yunho looked at the other with dark eyes, sure, the prince was strong, whan pinning him hard to the ground. "I told you …don't touch me…" The young incubus said coldly, not even listening to the other's words; he didn't care of what the other said to him, a stupid prince. "I'm not afraid of you…do you want to get punish? Go ahead." Yunho stared at the other coldly, not even caring the other warned him with his fangs. The tall just stared at the wall when the other tried to scared him up, like he even care if the other would bit him, this stupid prince that thought everything needs to be his. "I'm not afraid of you…PRINCIE. Ok? So you can skip about your bull…..Like I said, I didn't know he was yours, also…I don't you even your ing name…" The tall rolled his eyes and sighed. "Also, I don't care about your human so I won't do this again, it was one time. I don't care if you are a prince; you are not better than me…so stop act so full of yourself…" Yunho said as he got up from the floor, pushing the prince and pinning him hard to the wall. "I'm not weak, and I'm incubus just like you….I can fight back ANYTIME…so don't mess around with me." The tall said and pulled away from him.
☪ Yongguk 11 years ago
@₰ Yunho Yongguk watched the young incubus getting worked up on his own. The Prince hadn't really done something bad, he was just here to warn the other, and yeah. He felt how old he indeed was when the younger asked him to stop talking. He wanted actions, so Yongguk would give it to him. Jumping on the other making him fall on the floor, he grabbed each of his wrists that he pinned to the ground. He was sitting over him, each one of his legs on the younger's sides. Yongguk growled approaching his face to the other, "I'm not the biting type you little piece of ! Don't make me angry or you will regret it." He warned him his fangs approaching more and more dangerously to the mere incubus' cheek. With more than a millennium years the second oldest Prince had had the time to become wise and calm, mostly with the King and the Queen raising him personally, because his older brother had grown up with humans, he had spent quite a few centuries alone with his parents. Enough for him to never want to break the rules. "What I want from you..." he said now his fangs had went back to his normal teeth and slowly releasing the other. He stood up dusting his clothes, "...to not touch my slaves, nor my brother's ones."
₰ Yunho 11 years ago
@☪ Yongguk Yunho just looked at the other, not caring much if he believed him or not, after all he could fight if the other wanted to, he wasn't afraid of anyone. The tall sat over his large bed when watching the royal over his room, he still didn't know his name, and not sure he even cared about who exactly the other was. "Yeah, I have doubts…but…smell? Well, no, I didn't notice this. Really, I didn't even think about it." The young incubus rolled his eyes from the look the other gave him, so what if the other was a royal; the disgusted face was annoying that Yunho felt like wanting to bit him up. "I did ENJOY. Ok? Don't talk to me like that because you are a royal." The tall said with dark eyes, it was indeed annoying how the other looked down at him, so what if he was a prince? Yunho looked at him with his dark eyes, wanting him to get out of –his- room, getting up from his bed now he went closer to the prince, still staring at him with annoyed and dark look.
"Like I said….I didn't notice the smell over him, ok? it...what do you want?" The young incubus said with annoyed voice now, oh the other touched his skin; it even made him angrier, taking one step forward. "Don't touch me. I know what the King's smell like. I don't remember smelling it in Jonghoon dream….You want to bit me? Bit me, just it, and stop this annoying conversation, will you?" Staring at the other again with eyes on fire he didn't want to answer the unknown man, taking some steps from him so he wouldn't touch his face anymore. "Why do you care? It's none of your business. Like I said, want to bit me now? Do it, instead of asking me all those annoying questions. Just do it!" Yunho said coldly while looking at the other, like he would tell him his history with the king, the king that changed him to being an incubus, their powerful love, no, he wouldn't tell a thing to this 'prince'.

[well yunho get angry fast...sorry xD~]
☪ Yongguk 11 years ago
@₰ Yunho Yongguk rubbed his chin listening the other, was it a trick? He was so young, the prince had hard time to think the other could be possibly tricking him, or at least trying. "Yes ... Jonghoon ..." Yongguk's expression went dark hearing the other pronouncing his favorite human's name that easily. He scoffed at the young incubus lame excuse, "so you did have doubts and yet you kept going? couldn't you smell my scent on him? Yours was so strong on hi..." he said with a disgusted face. "I hope you did have fun with him because I won't allow you ever again to touch my human. To say the truth I won't allow anyone to touch my special slave. Even less a mere incubus like you." He groaned, remembering all the things he had had to do to his human to remove the other's scent on him. Yongguk wasn't the jealous or selfish type. He shared everything with his people, brothers and parents. Except for his slaves which was only with his family, and even less for that human that he didn't even wanted to share with his own blood, that single human. His father thought he was in love but never the Prince would fall that low. Never ...

"Can't you recognize your King's scent? I'm his son so half my scent is the same as his." He stood up and approaching the young incubus he reached one hand to rest his palm against his cheek. "Can you smell it? Recognizing the King's scent is the first thing an incubus has to learn." He asked watching him in the eyes. Yongguk knew. It was like this. Sons knew when something wasn't going fine with their parents, and he could tell that that incubus had something for his Father, something that he didn't really liked. It wasn't the same craving all the incubus had for their King, no, it was something else. Something prohibited. Something wrong. So wrong. "Who's your maker? Who turned you into an incubus? Why hadn't he taught you the incubus'rules before sending you work?" he asked tilting his head while he caressed the other's cheek with the tip of his fingers before removing it from the young incubus' face.
₰ Yunho 11 years ago
@☪ Yongguk Yunho was still looking at the other that didn't really answered his 'welcome', watching every move of the royal that was in his room, it only made him wonder more about him and Jonghoon, the other didn't look too much happy to see him. "Well...I…….really don't know…I'm sorry…It is still hard for me to recognize between you…the princes." Yunho stared at the other with big eyes, still standing in the same place he just blinked. "Do you mean…Jonghoon? I…could tell someone was haunting him, but I didn't know…who it was, or if it was true…Or just the other had other nightmares…You see, I can't tell between those things yet…" The tall mumbled, it was the true, the other didn't really know about the incubus that touched Jonghoon before him. Yunho really didn't learned yet all the ruled of the incubus, anyway to follow rules wasn't his thing that much, not since he lost the person he loved with all his heart. Now this person was his king, and there was a law not to be in relationship, but the only thing the tall wanted is to be close to Jaejoong, oh he really did hate rules, wanting to break each and one of them, wait, this incubus was Jaejoong's son, right? He was a prince after all, oh he really should stop thinking about the king for a while.
☪ Yongguk 11 years ago
@₰ Yunho Yongguk was quite the patient type. Hell, he was over a millennium years, he sure had to. He had been raised well by his two parents, the King and the Queen, /he/ was the well mannered kid. So he waited patiently, not getting worked up because of the wait, it wouldn't be any good for him, nor for the incubus he was visiting, neither for the village around if he did really get worked up. He blinked out of his thoughts hearing the other entering, and he was surprised at how young the other smelled. Was it allowed to let such young incubus going haunt human dreams? Well, himself hadn't had any need to feed on human before his 500 years as his parents always provided him what to eat. He had had the time to learn every rule by heart so he had no difficulty applying it. The young incubus greeting him snapped him out of his thoughts once again, and he bowed slightly his head before standing up. He was a slightly taller than him, but there were nothing that impressed Yongguk, living with the King for 1200 years, he had saw that much things... "You're so young..." he said watching the other, but then realized he had thought that out loud, "oh... I'm sorry. I believe you know who I am." He said walking around the incubus before going back to sit in the chair in front him. "But maybe not. Or you wouldn't have touched a human that belonged to royal, would you?" He asked raising an eyebrow. He wasn't scolding the younger, nor did he felt angry after him. Yongguk just wondered how the incubus in front him had could survive without being aware of the incubus' laws and rules.

[it doesn't =u=♥]
₰ Yunho 11 years ago
@☪ Yongguk Yunho was walking well thinking about his soon to be slave while smiling a little, the human was truly beautiful. Heading to his room, the tall wanted to get some rest after a long day, but something felt weird when he walked near his room. It seemed to him like someone entered his private room, the young incubus didn't like it when someone disturbed him, but how could it be? Well, he didn't enter the room yet; somehow worry, could it be…the incubus that Jonghoon was talking about? Oh, maybe he was there to kick his ? So the human really had some other incubus? Yunho wanted to know who was he, so he decided to go in over his room; it wasn't in his nature to be afraid of someone. The young incubus looked at the other, which was a royal for sure, oh well maybe he was in trouble now… he just stared at the other for a minute. "Umm…Hi?" The tall said and still stared at the other.

[know it ..sorry :(]
☪ Yongguk 11 years ago
@₰ Yunho The last time Yongguk had visited his human he had smelled a weird scent on him that he spend hours to remove from the other, replacing it by his own. It had been years since he had worked that human, and in one night another incubus had put his own scent on him. If it had been a royal, Yongguk would just had talked with his brother, and if it had been his father or mother he wouldn't even had say anything. But here it was completely different. Once back from the human's nightmare he walked to the incubus' village, he followed he scent he had smelled on his human until he reached the said one's room. He knocked at the door, even if he was a royal he did know how to respect an incubus that deserved more respect than humans, even if he felt more attracted to humans. No answers. Yongguk decided he would just wait for the incubus that he could smell as being young, but no way for him to wait outside, he forced the door open and entering inside he found a chair and sat on it, waiting patiently.


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colazero 10 years ago
hey there, I applied as Jiyong.
I don't know if this is closed, but because I saw there were so many people that left, and you haven't cleaned anything yet, maybe you'll need an active admin? ^^ My time zone is GMT +1, maybe we'll fit to each other? :D if you don't want to though, then you don't have to accept me, but maybe you'll have to be a bit more active then and you'll get a whole lot more people who join :)
RoseThornArchive 10 years ago
sungjong is leaving
Ajtequilla 10 years ago
I applied as luhan
DancingOnMars 11 years ago
I applied as Ren.
wishuponadream 11 years ago
alen and ljoe left sorry daehyunnie :c
MajoraTwilight 11 years ago
Dohyeong's leaving :(
Ykiona 11 years ago
Can you put Karam on hiatus untill mid December please?
KwonJiyongsgirl 11 years ago
Jiyong left sorry
wishuponadream 11 years ago
Can I apply as Alen? For a prince spot if it's still available eue hehe
DevourMe 11 years ago
I have applied as Yu HaMin
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