
Movie room.

Refreshments are near the back, the system is all voice activated. Just hit the button and tel her what you want to watch!

Kai 12 years ago
Kai got bored and went back to the teather to catch a movie. "Hmmm. Les misérable please!" Kai said as he starts to get comfy in his seat and the movie begins.
Kai 12 years ago
Kai went to a seat and hit the button while saying "hmm... I would like to watched A Werewlf Boy movie please!" Kai saw the screen started to play some commercial before the actual movie starts so he lean back against the seat and relaxed while waiting for the show to begin.
[post deleted by owner]
P.O [A] 12 years ago
@Narsha ((I'll write in the nurses if that's ok ^^))
Narsha 12 years ago
@P.O Narsha held tightly onto P.O. as he walked them out of the theater, thankful that he decided to drop her slip of the tongue.

((you or me to write in the nurses office?))
P.O [A] 12 years ago
@Narsha P.O decided to ignore the change of subject and instead got a determined look on his face. "We're going to the nurse who will fix you up!" He nodded and shifted so he could open the door to the theater.
Narsha 12 years ago
@P.O "Baby?" Narsha repeated, slightly confused until she thought back. When she realized she had said it out loud to P.O. she blushed deeply and stared at her feet. She hadn't meant to say it, it just slipped out when she wasn't thinking. "So, where are we going?" she asked, hopefully distracting him from what she had said.
P.O [A] 12 years ago
@Narsha P.O scoffed. "If I can give TOP a piggy-back ride around the Host Lounge then I think I can carry you down the hall. And besides. You're not too big." He gave Narsha a reassuring smile and stood, carrying them to the door of the theater, but paused when he realized what she called him. "Baby?" he asked, blushing.
Narsha 12 years ago
@P.O Narsha's eyes went wide as P.O. picked her up. She held onto him tightly and tried to help him as best as she could. "Are't I too heavy, baby?"
P.O [A] 12 years ago
@Narsha P.O gave her a quick once over, assessing what happened and decided that she wouldn't walk on her on. Scratch that. He wouldn't let her walk on her own. He gently slid his arms under her knees and back and lifted her.
Narsha 12 years ago
@P.O Narsha tried her best to help P.O. help her and she chewed the inside of her cheek to not cry out as she stood up. Her ankle was definitely twisted. She hurt all over but she tried to smile for her friend, she really was touched that he came to help and she tried to focus on that.
P.O [A] 12 years ago
@Narsha P.O saw the burn on Narsha's chin and swore. "That doesn't look OK!" He gently tried to help Narsh sit up. "Come on, I'll take you to our nurse."
TOP [A] 12 years ago
((, we don't have a nurses office O.O -runs to make one-))
Narsha 12 years ago
@P.O Narsha laid on the floor for a minute, just trying to regain the breath that had been knocked out of her from the fall. She almost didn't even notice P.O. or his questions as she made a mental check to see if she was, inf fact, alright. Her chin had a very bad rug burn and she could tell from the pain, heat, and bit blood that was left on the carpet. Her chest hurt from falling on it and the way her hip hit one of the stairs she knew it was going to have a nice bruise. Her right foot also hurt and she may have twisted the ankle slightly as she tripped. "Um, yeah. I'm okay." She managed to utter softly, wanting to lay on the floor but not wanting to get blood on it.
P.O [A] 12 years ago
@Narsha P.O's eyes widened and he dropped the tub of popcorn, rushing over to his fallen friend. His heart had stopped when she had fallen. "Narsha?! Are you alright?!"
Narsha 12 years ago
@P.O Narsha tried to dodge the popcorn as she ran only to fall down pretty hard on the carpeted steps face first. "Ouf!"
P.O [A] 12 years ago
@Narsha P.O grinned and chased after Narsha with the popcorn, throwing a random piece here and there as they ran.
Narsha 12 years ago
@P.O Narsha gave P.O. a surprised look and giggled as she threw some popcorn at him and ran away.
P.O [A] 12 years ago
@Narsha P.O laughed and grabbed a big handful of popcorn and dropped it on Narsha's head.
[post deleted by owner]
Narsha 12 years ago
Narsha mehronged and threw a few pieces of popcorn at him, laughing. If he wanted to play then she would play back.
P.O [A] 12 years ago
P.O smiled mischievously and put the popcorn in his own mouth instead, sticking his tongue out at her.
Narsha 12 years ago
@P.O Narsha nodded at the no longer ice icee but had to laugh when P.O. ate the popcorn. "Of course it is. It takes more than an hour for popcorn to go bad." She opened for him and giggled a bit, waiting for him to feed her.

((sleep well <3 ))
P.O [A] 12 years ago
@Narsha P.O took the lid off the icee and peeked inside. He made a face and showed Narsha the damage inside. "It's all gross and melty and stuff..." He took a bite of the popcorn and smiled. "Popcorn is still good, just like you said!" He smiled and held a piece to Narsha's mouth.
((I gotta go to work early tomorrow, so I'm going to have to go to sleep now. I'll be online during work like a horrible employee, though. XD))
Narsha 12 years ago
@P.O Narsha laughed and shook her head. "It's true. Is the icee still even cold? I know the popcorn will still be good."
P.O [A] 12 years ago
@Narsha P.O finished putting on his shirt and sat down next to Narsha. "We never finished the popcorn or the icee!" He exclaimed in surprise, indicating the forgotten snacks.
Narsha 12 years ago
@P.O Narsha noticed P.O.'s blush but decided not to mention it and instead got dressed. Despite the fact that the really didn't watch the movie and that she was going to need a long cold shower, it was an amazing day for her and she wouldn't change it one bit. She finished getting dressed and sat back down, not sure what to say to him at this point.
P.O [A] 12 years ago
@Narsha P.O didn't have an answer to that besides heavy blushing, so he just silently put on his clothes. Truthfully, she was completely right. Narsha had more of him than anyone ever had.
Narsha 12 years ago
@P.O Narsha accepted her clothes gratefully from P.O. but she didn't know how to respond to him. It is true she didn't but she had wanted to make it about him and she didn't feel right asking for anything like that so it hadn't mattered. She paused and looked at him as she held her clothes, trying to figure out what to say. "Well, that's not really true though, I got you." she smiled and looked down.
P.O [A] 12 years ago
@Narsha P.O gasped when he realized they were both still . "Oh, , I'm sorry!" He said, getting up to search for their clothes. Finding them he gathered them up before handing Narsha hers. And then he realized something else. "Hey Narsha... You never got anything..."


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Kira9701 10 years ago
Leaving... Sorry
RoseThornArchive 11 years ago
Kwonnie kitty is leaving
Nice rping here though
RoseThornArchive 11 years ago
my hiatus just might start today
RoseThornArchive 11 years ago
heeeeeeeeeey im probably going on a small hiatus until the 5th of april.
RoseThornArchive 11 years ago phone screen was not supposed to be repaired that quickly....
RoseThornArchive 11 years ago
kaelee 11 years ago
Sorry, Nana is leaving.
RoseThornArchive 12 years ago
I know that im supposed to be on hiatus but idk if i am or not so if i leave and don't come back for awhile then im officially on hiatus
kaelee 12 years ago
Applied as Nana
MorningDeer 12 years ago
KAI is on Haitus will be back this weekend!
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