☛ Game Room

Game 1.

Roll the dice three times and do what it tells you to.

1st Roll 2nd Roll  3rd Roll 4th Roll
1.   1. Earlobe  1. a 1.a) Yixing  / b) Name
2. 2. 2. a 2.a) Joonmyun / b) Name
3. Nibble 3. Neck 3. b 3.a) Tao  / b) Name
4. Kiss 4. 4. a 4.a) Byunghun  / b) Name
5. Massage 5. Thigh 5. b 5.a) anyone  / b) Name
6. Pinch 6. 6. b 6.a) everyone / b) Name


Game 2.

Take your clothes off and leave only your boxers on.
Roll the dice four times and do what it tells you to.


1st Roll: what to do. 2nd Roll: with how many people. 3rd Roll: with whom. 4th Roll: for how long.
1. Leapfrog      1. 4   1.Name 1. 3 minutes 
2. 69er 2. 1 2.Name 2. 1 minute
3. Missionary 3. 6 3.Name 3. 5 minutes
4. Cowboy 4. 3 4.Name 4. 6 minutes
5. Golden Arch 5. 5 5.Name  5. 2 minutes
6. Seashell 6. 2 6.Name          6. 4 minutes

Game 3.

Thruth or dare

Everyone knows how you have to play it, right?

Game 4.

This game is pretty easy. The person who starts has to roll the dice once.
Then the rest of the players have to roll the dice and if someone has 
rolled the same number as the first player they will have to do something what the others tell them to do. Just that you know. It don't have to be only two players who roll the same number. It can be 3, 4, 5, etc..
There is no limit of players. That means this game can be played by as much people as you want. When the people has done their task the first round is over and the second player (the one who rolled the dice after the first player) is the first player now.

Ex.: Tao, Jungkook, Taeyang, Kyungsoo, Byunghun, Seungri are playing.
     Tao is the first player so he rolls the dice. He rolls a 3.
     Then the rest rolls the dice as well. 

     Jungkook  rolls a 3
rolls a 6 
rolls a 1 
rolls a 3
     Seungri rolls a 2

     So Tao, Jungkook and Byunghun will have to do whatever the other      
     players tell them to do. For example group hug.


Byunghun 10 years ago
Anyone wanna play games with me?
Junhong 11 years ago
Zitao [A] 11 years ago
@Sungmin me!
Sungmin 11 years ago
who wants to play
Myungsoo 11 years ago
@Sungmin Me~
Sungmin 11 years ago
anyone want to play
Byunghun 11 years ago
@Zitao Hehe haii
Zitao [A] 11 years ago
@L.Joe wuhuuu~^-^
Byunghun 11 years ago
-peeks back in-
[ classes are finally over.. XD ]
Joonmyun 11 years ago
* rolls dice * gets a 4
Joonmyun 11 years ago
it doesn't matter what I roll next since only you are are here~
Joonmyun 11 years ago
* rolls dice * gets a 4
Joonmyun 11 years ago
* rolls dice * gets a 5
Joonmyun 11 years ago
@Zitao *squirms away* I should roll the dice~
Zitao [A] 11 years ago
@Joonmyeon mhmnmhhmhnnmh..
-continues nibbling-
Joonmyun 11 years ago
@Zitao *squirms a little, chuckling softly*
mhm~ seems like only the two of us are playing~
Zitao [A] 11 years ago
@Joonmyeon -clings to your neck and nibbles it-
Joonmyun 11 years ago
@Zitao it wasn't hard xD
Zitao [A] 11 years ago
* rolls dice * gets a 2
Zitao [A] 11 years ago
@Joonmyeon but not that hard!
Zitao [A] 11 years ago
* rolls dice * gets a 3
Joonmyun 11 years ago
@Zitao it was my dare!!
you told me to do it to you *pouts*
Zitao [A] 11 years ago
* rolls dice * gets a 3
Zitao [A] 11 years ago
@Joonmyeon yah!
You want me to slam my hand back in?!
Joonmyun 11 years ago
@Zitao aish...shut up~
*pinches your instead*
Zitao [A] 11 years ago
@Joonmyeon i don't care.
I could tell everyone how amazingly tight you are.
Zitao [A] 11 years ago
@Joonmyeon don't know just do it with me.
Joonmyun 11 years ago
where is that boy? xD
Joonmyun 11 years ago
* rolls dice * gets a 4
Joonmyun 11 years ago
* rolls dice * gets a 6


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nymphtears 8 years ago
I'll be leaving the rp as L.Joe. I'm cleaning out my non-active rps as of now :(
Nekoma01 8 years ago
I'll be on hiatus from 10 to 20
-WuYiFan- 9 years ago
I am sorry, Kris will take his leave now.
-WuYiFan- 9 years ago
hello do you guys still accepting? if yes can I have Kris ? ^^
PlayNoEvil 9 years ago
Do you think I might be able to join as Wooshin from Up10tion?
quarterbaeks 9 years ago
Baekhyun is leaving.
TheGreatEmrys 9 years ago
I would love to join but I only want to roleplay as Kai.
cinnacheol 10 years ago
I'm a bit confused by the application part..
Nekoma01 10 years ago
applied as Myungsoo
yes 10 years ago
Jongdae left.
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