Sacred Burial Ground

A place where people used to bury the dead but now is a place where Fae come to hide, hoping the deceased souls would somehow protect them.


✷ Taemin 10 years ago
@☩ Donghyeon "You believe in love then?" Taemin asked, a little bit surprised by that answer. Maybe he was just a pessimist when it came to that particular subject. "I don't really think that I do. This world is too violent, and people are only after power. Beasts, Fae, they're both power hungry and we're caught in this self-destructive loop that will ultimately kill us all some day."
☩ Donghyeon 10 years ago
@✞ Taemin " being a pet for someone? Well... it depends on who the person is... there are people who are into and tend to even go after their family members, brothers and sisters mainly, and keep them as pets... but all I know is that my brother doesn't really like ... so... no, of course I wouldn't want to be someone's pet... though if it's a beast, fae, or beast tamer you love... I wouldn't mind a bit... " Donghyeon said as he sighed and looked back at the beast.
✷ Taemin 10 years ago
@☩ Donghyeon "Oh..." Taemin murmured, nodding slowly as he looked up at the sky, having to shield his eyes from the sun. "Yeah, I understand how that goes. You'd think it would be easier on one end or the other, but i'll die as easily as you will. By another beast or by one of your kind. Though I guess i'm more likely to be enslaved that killed. Forced to be someones pet for the rest of my life. I think I would rather be dead than serve someone I hate. What about you?" He asked curiously, glancing over at Donghyeon now instead.
☩ Donghyeon 11 years ago
@✞ Taemin Donghyeon blinked then looked at the other. " I'm still pretty young... though most faes and beast#tamers don't last long because of the beasts that end up killing us either from drinking all of our blood or... just killing us from .. " Donghyeon said as he looked down and pulled up the grass on the ground, it had been a while since he'd been out in the sun, and thank god he was srill used to the sun rays touching his pale skin.
✷ Taemin 11 years ago
@☩ Donghyeon "Am I?" Taemin asked, finding a place to sit down and sighing happily. "I don't feel like a hyung." He admitted, "I'm still too young for that. I'm practically still a baby among my own kind, what about you?" He asked curiously. He really didn't know all that much about fae.
☩ Donghyeon 11 years ago
@✞ Taemin Donghyeon blinked then looked at the other. " then.. you're my hyung... right? I'm 119 " Donghyeon said when he heard the other's question, awkwardly using his free hand to pull back the neck lengthed bangs that covered his right eye.
✷ Taemin 11 years ago
@✷ Dongho "200 something?" Taemin guessed, shrugging a little bit, "Honestly I don't remember I stopped keeping count." He sighed softly and stopped once they were in a clearing, the sun shining brightly down on them. "What about you?"
✷ Taemin 11 years ago
@☩ Donghyeon Taemin thought for a few seconds before he shook his head and tugged Donghyeon away from the depths of the forest, "Let's find somewhere more open, and less... umm... dark and foresty." He suggested, ignoring the angry growl of the beast as he started walking in the direction of the most sunlight.
☩ Donghyeon 11 years ago
@✞ Taemin " anywhere really... I don't mind wherever we go.. " Donghyeon said when they stopped, his blue eyes flickring over at the beast next to them. Something was off, besides from the fact that Donghyeon felt so relaxed around the other. Donghyeon wasn't sure if he was going to trust the other just yet... he wasn't like his brother who went missing ever since his brother was 14 and he was 115 years old. Dang, time went by fast in the beast and fae world.
✷ Taemin 11 years ago
@☩ Donghyeon "Where are we going though?" Taemin asked, stopping shot again when he realized he didn't know where they were suppose to be going. Taemin's inner beast was urging him to drag the fae deeper into the woods but Taemin didn't exactly think that was a good idea, so he waited for Donghyeon's suggestion.
☩ Donghyeon 11 years ago
@✞ Taemin Donghyeon nodded and silently took Taemin's hand, looking behind him one more before he finally felt safe. " Okay... lets go Taemin.. " Donghyeon said with a light smile as he nodded and started to walk out of the ruins with his new friend.
✷ Taemin 11 years ago
@☩ Donghyeon Taemin held out his hand to Donghyeon and smiled reassuringly, "Don't worry, we're alright for now." He promised, he hadn't sensed any other beasts around yet, just wanted to get out of there before one did show up.
☩ Donghyeon 11 years ago
@✞ Taemin Donghyeon blinked before he realized the scent of blood that lingered around them, " yea... lets not stay here hopefully.. " Donghyeon said before he nodded. Nervously and awkwardly rubbing on his neck as he looked around the place, taking in any sign of movement behind the walls.
✷ Taemin 11 years ago
@✷ Dongho Taemin smiled again before he looked around, "We probably shouldn't stay here, huh?" He murmured, the scent of blood still hung in the air and he didn't want it to attract the wrong kind of attention. He was worried someone might come after his new friend, he knew there were too many feral beasts out there for them to be safe here.
✷ Taemin 11 years ago
@✷ Dongho Taemin smiled brightly and pulled Donghyeon in for a hug, "I've never had a friend before." He admitted quietly, "Thank you so much." He said, smiling as he pulled back. He was excited to have a friend, even though he really didn't know what friends were suppose to do. He just hoped it was something fun.
✷ Taemin 11 years ago
@☩ Donghyeon Taemin a little more and nodded, "Then, i'll try to keep you safe, and not eat you." He promised, holding out his pinky to the other male. "Friends then." He said, happy to have someone who actually wanted to spend time with him. It was a little weird, and he wasn't convinced it was the best partnership ever created, but it might help them both, and Taemin would do anything to keep the beast at bay.
☩ Donghyeon 11 years ago
@✞ Taemin Donhyeon softly smiled, " I... hope we can be friends.. " Donghyeon said smiling at the other as he shrugged lightly, looking at the other male with his navy blue eyes. " I-i'm not like the other beast tamers... but.. I'll try my best to keep you in control of your beast Taemin.. " Donghyeon said smiling.
✷ Taemin 11 years ago
@☩ Donghyeon "Friends?" Taemin repeated the word, looking curious, "Is that allowed?" He asked, though he definitely liked the idea. He didn't have friends, it would be nice to have someone to talk to. "I'm not very strong you know, so if someone else comes, I may not be able to protect you, but i'll try my best. That's what a friend would do, right?"
☩ Donghyeon 11 years ago
@✞ Taemin "You're the first beast I've met in a while... so of course I'd want to help you.. " Donghyeon said before he lightly ran his thumb over the bite mark on his wrist. " so... I... guess we're like... friends? " Donghyeon said as he looked up at the older. Somehow Donghyeon felt happy that he helped the beast. As if he wanted to help another bwast again.
✷ Taemin 11 years ago
@☩ Donghyeon "Why me then?" Taemin asked, tipping his head to the side and smiling a little. "I mean, isn't helping us kind of dangerous for you?" He knew that under most circumstances fae and beasts didn't exactly get along. He'd run in with a few other fae that had nearly killed him, and at least one that he'd nearly killed himself. He wasn't sure why this fae had tried to help him. He could have easily killed him, or been killed, Taemin had narrowly managed to avoid losing control of himself and he knew it wouldn't be long before the monster inside him craved blood again.
☩ Donghyeon 11 years ago
@✞ Taemin "Ohhh.. Thank you for putting those symbols there... " Donghyeon said with a light smile. Smiling as he watched the symbols that meant nothing disappear. " not... really actually " Donghyeon said softly smiling, shaking his head. " I-i... just wanted to help a beast for once... really you're the first beast I've helped.. " Donghyeon said loojing at the beast as he fiddled with his fingers.
✷ Taemin 11 years ago
@✷ Dongho "Yeah, sorry, I was just worried. I didn't want someone else to stumble across you while you were sleeping like that. So I put those there." Taemin explained ,walking over and kicking at the grass until the symbols were gone. "Sorry, I hope that didn't freak you out or anything." He apologized, smiling sheepishly. "You were just so nice to me, I didn't want to be the reason you got eaten, you know?"
✷ Taemin 11 years ago
@☩ Donghyeon Taemin smiled bitterly, "With any luck the next one it goes after is stronger than him." He said quietly, dropping the fae's wrist. "My name is Taemin by the way, I don't know if this is the type of situation you're suppose to introduce yourself in, but I feel I should be polite seeing as you saved me." He said, bowing politely and smiling a little at the other man. "And about those symbols, don't worry, it was just for your protection, they didn't mean anything."
☩ Donghyeon 11 years ago
@✞ Taemin Donghyeon blinked then looked up at the sound of the familiar voice. " y-yes... a lot better... " Donghyeon whispered just barely, standing there frozen a bit afraid that the beast would just sudden bite him again. " it's... f-feeling better then before... " Donghyeon said as he watched the male examine the bite on his wrist. " No... it's fine... at least you're better now... correct? " Donghyeon replied, his eyes fluttering from his wrist then towards the beast. silently glad that the other wasn't as hungry before. " I hope... you manage to control that beast inside you... I'm not always going to be there to help you... " Donghyeon whispered softly.
✷ Taemin 11 years ago
@☩ Donghyeon "You finally woke up?" Taemin called down to the fae, he was surprised at how long the other had been sleeping. "Do you feel any better?" He asked, dropping out of the tree and landing on his feet, slowly straightening up and walking towards the fae. "How is your wrist?" He asked, reaching out to take man's wrist and examine the bite. "Thank you for that, and i'm sorry if I hurt you." He said sincerely, there would likely be a scar, but he hoped it would fade quickly. He didn't think the other fae would look favorably on one of their own being so nice to a beast.
☩ Donghyeon 11 years ago
@✞ Taemin When Donghyeon soon saw the faint light of the day, Donghyeon didn't want to wake up, he wanted to hide and sleep in the shadows where no one would want to find him or look for him. He at least wanted to be forgotten. Though Donghyeon woke up anyways, slowly sitting up, Donghyeon looked around, afraid that the beast was still there. And sadly... he wasn't there. Though the corner of his eyes were blurry, Donghyeon was still able to see. when his eyes caught the faint red marks on the grass, Donghyeon crawled out of his position and looked at the symbols more closely with his slow working brain after a few minutes of not moving. Realizing what they stood for, Donghyeon struggled to his feet, managing to do so as he looked around for the beast again.
✷ Taemin 11 years ago
@☩ Donghyeon Taemin found himself watching over the fae as he slept anyway. Perched in a tree high above the ruins so he could watch for anyone else disturbing the place, and keep an eye on the sleeping fae. He could tell the fae was having a nightmare of some kind, and Taemin felt a stab of guilt because he was sure it was somehow his fault. Having hurt the man and bled him until he passed out. He just hoped the fae would wake up soon and be okay.
☩ Donghyeon 11 years ago
@✞ Taemin Donghyeon couldn't help but whine in pain as he curled into a ball, looking as fragile as ever on the grass that had the symbols. His nails digging into his skin as his long lost fear of beasts soon returned to him. "N-no.." Donghyeon whispered quietly, squeezing his eyes tightly when his dreams were soon covered when blood, growls, and screams. Donghyeon just wanted to help... not receive pain from anymore of the beasts and other beast-tamers.
✷ Taemin 11 years ago
@☩ Donghyeon Taemin struggled with himself for several minutes before he finally calmed down enough to move, slowly he stood up again and walked over to the passed out fae. He lifted the man up in his arms and carried him further into the ruins, trying to find a place where he could hide and be safe. Gently Taemin laid him down when he found a suitable place, biting his finger tip until he drew blood he started to draw symbols around the sleeping fae, a warning to any other beasts who may stumble across the space that the fae was already claimed. Though it wasn't true it would offer the fae protection and that's all Taemin worried about. Once he was finished he stood up and started to walk away.
☩ Donghyeon 11 years ago
@✞ Taemin Donghyeon breathed out a sigh of relief when the beast managed to pull away from him. Donghyeon couldn't help but cry out in pain when his bleeding arm came in contact to the ground,making his bleeding arm hit the broken bricks on the ground. Cursing under his breath, Donghyeon lightly bit his lip as he reached over and pulled off the strip of cloth around the beast's eyes. Quickly wrapping it around his bleeding arm as he quickly scooted away from the hungry beast, clutching onto his forehead as he bit his lip, trying to focus again. Which made him only dizzier before he finally passed out from the lost of blood.


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--wow-- 6 years ago
Can you add and reserve Kim Minsung?
TaeKook 6 years ago
taeyong,mark or Yukhei
S_CreamForMe 8 years ago
sorry, this place isn't active, Jonghyun left again
S_CreamForMe 8 years ago
I applied for Jonghyun
shineesarahh 9 years ago
I'm sorry Kris has left
katsuki 9 years ago
I really miss this rp ;;
I would love to join again when it becomes active again
; u ;
DNABleached 9 years ago
Key needs to be on a semi-hiatus, for 3-4 months. thankyou
S_CreamForMe 9 years ago
Kim Jonghyun has left.
K3KOKI 9 years ago
Is it possible to get a second Character?
katsuki 9 years ago
Heechul left
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