Lottery Room

This room was made so that you lazy people can earn some points easily.
The rules are simple. 
Roll the dice twice.
These two numbers will be multiplicated.
If you roll the same number twice you'll get 100 points additionally to your two multiplicated numbers.
If you roll two even numbers you'll get 50 points additionally to your two multiplicated numbers.
If you roll two odd numbers you'll get 25 points additionally to your two multiplicated numbers.
If you roll one even number and one odd number you'll loose 150 points, but you will get  the points of the two multiplicated numbers. 
Two single rolls count as a "Broll"(BigROLL). You're only allowed to roll one Broll a day. (so two rolls a day.) 


Day 1:
Tao rolls 2, 2 --> multiplicating --> 2*2=4 --> same number --> +100 --> two even                                 numbers --> +50
           Tao gets 4+100+50=154 points

Day 2: Tao rolls 1,1 --> multiplicating --> 1*1=1 --> same number --> +100 --> two odd    
            numbers -->+25
            Tao gets 1+100+25=126points  

Day 3: Tao rolls 1,2 --> multiplicating --> 1*2=2 --> one odd, one even --> -150--> 
            Tao gets 2-150=-148points   --> Tao looses 148 points.



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59cfc92fb0673a3905b8 8 years ago
could you a&r Taemin for me please :)?
KimmyKim62 8 years ago
I wanted to ask if I could be tiffany but then realised it's an .
Hyukmin1305 9 years ago
Can you add and reserve EXO's Lay for me? ^^
halovian 9 years ago
Can you add and reserve EXO-K's Sehun for me? :3
flowersoo 9 years ago
applied as kai!!
glosspd 10 years ago
I'm sorry but I'm leaving. Hoya had left too without telling me
glosspd 10 years ago
Changmin is back from semi hiatus!
TaeKaiXing 10 years ago
I'm sorry but Kai has to leave
xXTurtleLoverXx 10 years ago
Key will be in a semi hiatus for an unknown while.
Going though some tough time.
glosspd 10 years ago
Changmin will be on semi hiatus for a week!
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