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Total numbers of married couples: 00
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> Lawyer
> Doctor (any kind)
> Designer (any kind)
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> Bartender
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> e
> Drug dealer
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> Businessman (any kind)
> Author
> Advertiser
> And more more that you can think of...
Our Rules:
01. Please favourite the roleplay. Upvoting is optional.
02. Please roleplay in thirdpov. The only time you are allowed to talk to firstpov (and from your perspective, not your character) are in the ooc and wishlist rooms.
03. God-modding is a no-no.
04. Giving everyone (the roleplayers and admins) respect is very important. Do not create ooc dramas! Please report to any of the admins if any of this do unfortunately occur.
05. Roleplayers who are inactive for more than two weeks will be removed (unless you have asked to go on hiatus or have a legitimate reason).
06. one character per roleplayer.
07. Unfortunately, we only accept roleplayers who roleplays their character as straight. We do not offer and yuri.
08. Pregnancies are allowed, as well as miscarriages, , use of drugs, and many other unfortunate things that can happen. However, do not make your character die. No M-pregs.
09. is allowed, but must be kept on walls.
10. It is high suggested for roleplayers to keep their posts on walls as room-roleplaying is very limited.
11. Roleplayers do not need perfect grammar for English. However, it is expected that you must need to know how to write at least a paragraph when you roleplay.
12. Password is: wherever together with {your bias}
13. Every roleplayers are expected to put up a profile about their character, including age (which can be made up), occupation and a little description about your character's personality, life or etc.
14. Marriages are acceptable, as well as divorces.
15. If you are going to talk in ooc on walls, please use brackets.
16. Create as many drama as you can. Plot must be realistic.
Additional Rules (how to apply):
01. Check Masterlist. If the character you want is not there, you may apply through the comment section with this form:
- name: {your character's name, including the group or band they're part of.}
- occupation: {every character are to be employed. no characters are to be students. All characters are to be made in their adulthood.}
- age: {you can purely fake the age, does not have to be the idol's real age. character must be 20+ however.}
- writing sample: {write any scene that comes to your mind. must be a romance, mixed with drama. minimum of 8 sentences.}
- password: {did you read the rules?}
02. {Optional} Once accepted, officially apply for your character in the Masterlist section by saying, "I'm born to live, but I was also born to die."
03. Create your character's profile according to the application you sent.
04. Roleplay.
05. Thank you for choosing Trepidation as your favourite roleplay.
Application Form
- name: {your character's name, including the group or band they're part of.}
- occupation: {every character are to be employed. no characters are to be students. All characters are to be made in their adulthood.}
- age: {you can purely fake the age, does not have to be the idol's real age. character must be 20+ however.}
- writing sample: {write any scene that comes to your mind. must be a romance, mixed with drama. minimum of 8 sentences.}
- password: {did you read the rules?}
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