1. Must be at least 18 years old to enter. (Must be 15 for RPs that are not rated M)
2. Must stay in character
3. Cannot be unactive for 5 days
4. Must be stay updated with Bangtan
6. Majority vote on subject change (counting admins)
7. content will be reviewed on a subjective basis. (No full on beating or harming another member)
8. Fights to a low. (May not kill another memeber or put in critical state)
9. Don't be rude to other roleplayer.
10. No !
11. No setting members on fire!
12. Role switching is allowed (Must be approved by both Admins)
13. Additional characters must be approved (Both Admins)
14. Other idols can be friends of your role (Only brief apperances/mentions. This is Bangtan focused!)
15. You will be removed if you are absent for 4 consecutive days. (If you are going on vacation please notify both admins that you will be leaving for whatever reason)
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