1) Make your account private
2) Add .fo the the end of your name [ex. Tiffany.fo]
3) No multiple accounts
4) Add familyouting.fo somewhere in your bio
5) Drama needs to be limited
6) Make sure to be active at least 2-3 times a week. Don't be a ghost...
7) Try to talk to as many people as possible! (: It's much more fun meeting new people!
8) It is a closed RP when events are present & missions are given but you are allowed to interact with other roleplayers as well but no relationship outside the rp.
9) Make sure to check in once you've made your acc
10) OOC posts only 2 times a week
11) Try not to get ooc drama mixed with roleplay drama
12) Please no bullying or any actions that leads anyone to leave. We are going strong on this, and the drama!! Any sirt of drama or bullying will not be tolerated AT ALL!! You'll be kicked out
13) Inactive for more than a month w/o notice (hiatus) will be an automatic kick out!
14) Reserves are for 7 days max
15) Make sure to not be bias & only talk to the really popular idols, its annoying
16) Password for request // favourite kpop song
17) Add your kiks to the contact list
18) Make sure to interact with your families but no drama between families, any drama that's spread should be reported to an admin ASAP
19) Try your best to participate in the events held throughout your stay & don't deact after an hour or so...
20) Have fun <3
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