School Rules
1. Absolutely no OCC drama please... there is a place for that just not here.
2. You can have Yuri or , which ever, just think about the lonesome people in the school.
3. Be active at least 2-3x a week... you'll never know what magical surprises the house heads will come up with.
4. Bonus rule: everyone will be in 3rd pov so story telling is in order
5. Upon applying for your idol, please make sure to follow this:
- comment on who you want to be as
- create a short essay about yourself ( make it 4 sentences )
- upon submitting your application please wait for the acceptance letter
- then head to the sorting room to receive where you shall live
- Make a short story about how you discovered your magical abilities in the About Me section
- In your status make sure to type your House that way we can see where you belong :)
6. Try to use Brackets [ ] or ( ) if you're going to be OC
7. Let the House Heads know if you're going on a hiatus (we're not crystal balls that can guess easily)
8.Please respect the admins, students and teachers
9. Should any of the rules be broken, a deduction of house points will be necessary (there will be rule monitors assigned per house)
10. When class is in session, try to attend, you might earn house points
11. Last rule.... abosolutely please have fun, we would love it if you enjoy with us in school.
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